Coins/tokens that are a long way from ATH

I'll start LSK, DASH, XEM and NANO

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>Coins/tokens that will never re-attain ATH
I'll start LSK, DASH, XEM and NANO

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All women are whores.


RIP Bitcoin Private, didn't realise it was down 99.72%

There's a good reason all those shitcoins dumped. I wouldn't pay for any of them.

>Coins/tokens that are a long way from ATH
all of them, wtf is this thread

Oyster Pearl

Does that even exist anymore?

didn't they literally exit scam?

based and, dare i say, redpilled

NEM stands out however considering the record breaking hack that resulted in more money lost than MT. Gox. NEM is also making major moves. Just bought 100k

shoo shoo pajeets

Don't buy Lisk because the chinesse won't buy it. That's because the chinese pronounce "lisk" as "risk".

yeah oyster pearl air dropped oyster shell, both are worthless now. Opacity forked oyster without the steal your shit feature and is going live this month, is up about 2x, Meanwhile Bruno from oyster has airdropped his new coin that he certainly won't steal like the last one.

Doing nicely today at least.


Jow Forums has never recognized XEM. Way too many stinky linkies and fucking pajeets

Npxs, kin, dbc


OPQ could redeem the shit show that was PRL

DBC moving on up, don't know if I'll go there though.

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Found the brainlet.

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Down 90% from ATH, dumbarse.

90% is nothing compare to other alts

That wasn't nem's fault though.