You think you've seen boomer adoption???


more boomers are on their way after pic related

welcome them to /biz, be respectful...

Attached: crypto on boomer TV.png (994x706, 144K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>implying it's going to be anything but a FUD piece

Barry Silbert is the biggest scam artist in crypto

I'm sure he'll do his best on the show

Respect goes too ways. These boomers have to respect ass sharpies before we respect them.

Eh 60 minutes is generally fair. There will be a mix of fud and "could this be the new gold?" type of language.

good luck. i paid off my parents mortgage with 2017 gains and they still don't get it. pretty sure they've convinced themselves i became a successful drug dealer or something; i guess that requires less mental effort than understanding trustless exchange and programmable money

I think this interview will focus on dropping gold for bitcoin so they'll probably be hip and "out there" than most when they visit

why would they paint it in a good light tho ?
they are probably going to explain how it's used to buy drugs, pedo material, and how it's threatening the global boomer market

This is bullish.
We need some FUD to slow this rally down a bit and keep the normies away a bit longer.

Attached: 1555693856622.jpg (600x600, 30K)

the man they're interviewing is behind #DropGold I think

True. It'll bring on board some new strong hands and drive some others away, perfect sort of thing to have before a bull run.

All we need is for "btc hits 10k" headlines again and then the real fomo begins again. This might push us to the 10k mark

You’re a loser
Loser only Gen X would obsess over gold v Bitcoin
>i CaN OnLy OwN oNe ThInG

I work with mostly boomers. Biggest thing holding them back is they have no idea how to buy. They NEED something like a bitcoin/crypto ETF offered by their local broker or they won't ever invest. Hell, boomers don't even use something like Robinhood for their stocks. They are happy to throw away 10-20% of their NW to their local broker if it means they don't have to learn anything new.

I thought the 60 minutes episode was on the NYAG takedown of bitfinex and the binance exit scam. Nothing is happening yet! What the fuck! biz fucked me

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what made you think that?

Chainlink hit 10k
Didn't help


Now that the bear market has ended for good, invitations are open again.
Meet the survivors:
discord (dot) gg (slash) tebwEwv

yeah i also hoped for this. im at my limits. i cant sit out indefinitely. binance has somewhat opened deposits, when it gets the all clear i'm back in.

If yall think actual boomers are going to buy bitcoin then you are severely deluded. They barely can email and sms. Bitcoin won't become standard until we are the boomers.

None of legacy media is fair. They blatantly lied about russian collusion for two years straight without evidence and yet boomers still tune in and act like they have a shred of legitimacy. They will use FUD that triggers boomers like "no centralized authority." Boomers love centralized authority because it is all they have ever known. They are braindead lemmings. At best we will see them mention exchanges/institutions like coinbase, gemini, fidelity, etc. It might even be a ruse to dump on new boomers in a few weeks. They don't want goyim buying in until after $60k.

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Lol boomers will literally die before they learn what a private key is.

I FOMO’d and spent my last bit.

Friday is pay day for most people user. It’s happening.

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All that matters are boomer INSTITUTIONAL investors, and they aren’t going to be swayed by a fucjing 60 min interview

Kys idiots

Attached: 000DBAA9-F428-4BD6-B585-4AFA49F2D18A.jpg (500x350, 21K)

Institutions NEED retail to sell to you fucking tard.

We need boomers to invest their pensions in Bitcoin before muh wallstreet will get in in any meaningful way. WE NEED BOOMERS.

Fucking brainlet

We really don’t need boomers. If you want short term gains, yes. If you want massive widespread adoption, give it 10-30 years and they’ll be dead anyway. The future won’t wait for people who can’t operate their iPhone.

Did you build the skyskrapers nah dude those were built back in the day, someone needs to build the foundation for the eventual future younger users amirite?

Right. We’re the foundational layer right now. I’m not worried anymore if boomers can catch up and being competent or not. We’re building a future industrial revolution here.

Who do you think is funding this and for what reason? Do you really think this isn't part of their master plan? Are you that short sighted? Fidelity and other funds need boomers to be familiar with the concept in order to sell it to them. For once think about the bigger picture.

it's not a hit piece. They are interviewing the guy who spent 800m worth of BTC on pizza like 10 years ago. The rest of the episode will be bullish

Heres a clip from the 60 Minutes piece