I bought bitcoin at 8300. Will I be ok anons?

I bought bitcoin at 8300. Will I be ok anons?

Attached: 37B9D84200000578-3764971-image-a-4_1472592622901.jpg (634x452, 84K)

if by ok you mean dead, then yes, you'll be ok

NYA :3

yeah, a few month from now you will be

imagine all the bodily fluids he's incapable to keep to himself. Very rude and disrespectful

Potato doing the potatoes.
Imagine how much McDonald’s save in salt that way

In a few months, it has to double confirm 7450 first

No, you need to sell everything now. Dump to 3k is incoming real soon to shake out the noob hands.


>buying the top
See you at 4k

you are your pic

Ironically yes

Attached: images-33.jpg (436x703, 51K)

buy high sell low

itll bull above 20k december 2019 screencap this

Yes just be patient

No because you needed to ask

>a mcdonald's potato frier literal retard
yup seems accurate

you will be ok if you hodl, but too bad, you're going to get scared playing with money you can't afford to lose so you'll cut your loss when it goes below $3k

I think that as long as it's sanitary, handicapped people finding simple work is a healthy and respectful thing to do. Im happy I live in a country where downs syndrome people can still live dignified lives serving french fries

i meant respectable

just dont panic sell like a retard

Sadly in today’s society actual retards do a better job than the stupid lazy fucks who barley even wanna show up to work lol. Look up businesses run with mentally ill (I mean, you’re all mentally ill, but officially). More profit, better customer service, better workers. I think the boomers might be right about this generation...