Bitconnect 2.0

according to
Bitconnect 2.0 will comeback

Attached: Bitconnect_coin.png (366x208, 65K)

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you cant make this up

looks like we really in a bullrun when tehy come back lol

Attached: Selection_495.png (1170x647, 42K)


Hey hey hey

my wife still doesnt believe me

Wasa wasa wasa

do you think it will ''work'' again?
should I go in day 1?

all in

bitconnect asmr

There are better ways to increase that stack, I would rather gamble in Bitmex that buy a ponzi early


>I would rather gamble in Bitmex that buy a ponzi early
How many times you got liquidated already?


Attached: 1556845726223.png (1790x1482, 570K)

i can see the full moon

Its probably the PoWH3D team that bought it or some shit.

whatever it is it will be huge
the whole space will look at it

It's a publicity stunt for the ref link


you think binance needs that

I'm going in with 200 dollars day 1

yeah probably, absolutely brilliant if that's the case

Not Binance, the user that owns the site

>get millions of hits
>retards sign up to binance
>gets 10% of their deposits or w.e. it is

Kek, just for fun
If they relaunched it would probably be just as successful as before anyway
People r stoopid