21 BCH

I bought 21 BCH instead of BTC.
Am I gonna make it?

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hahaha. nope.

It was 21 btc, not 21 bcash.

i think so, literally nothing happening with BTC except price speculation

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May 21

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I know, nothing really happening in the BTC camp. That's why I never want to be holding Buttcore. The price of buttcore moves up and down not because of new interest or good development. its just the same old boomercoiners playing on the margin exchanges.

Sauce on whore

what exactly happens may 21?

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obviously not

the flippening,
it should happened on May 15 but got postponed by Calvin Ayre

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holy shit who cares about these people anymore. who cares about their crypto either? they don't play nice with anyone but their own.

no one cares about SV.

Can't even buy it anymore with euros now kraken delisted.

I'll just keep buying BCH.

send it around to other markets for pennies and trade with it.

fuck outta here



it was 13th then 15th then 17th rhen 21th then ... until all sv cucks become old hobos

i just hope it will be over one way or another.

honestly though i think nothing will change regardless of the outcome. some people will still think craig is satoshi, some won't

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No. BCH is one of the coins that shouldn't even be top 25.

desu BTC shouldn't be there .

BSV is an Indian man's EOS

Your coin will fork itself until it dies. I called it when they first split the chain. Forkers gonna fork.

>fuck your mother if you want fuck
I spit out my drink user.

Yep. Just wait for BTC fees to rise a bit more. BCH is going to get another shot on the #1 spot this year.

another beauty ruined by the tattoo jew. every fuckin time.

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Implying BSV and BTC aren't ran by the same guys behind the curtain.

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too true

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May 34

this is the ugliest infographic I've ever seen.
It looks like early 90's Nickelodeon cum farted out an infographic after a rectal pounding by MSpaint.

21 BSV

Is the true upside potential folio.

Bitcoin cash? More like Bitcoin CRASH

to zero with you, have fun!

first post core post.

Just hold, fren. Don’t pay attention to all the foolish in-fighting. The rest of May through June 4th should being some interesting developments for value.

The entire bitcoin community btc/bsv/bch has become too toxic and unfocused on the greater idea of crypto currency.
Why go back and forth with one another when there are dual citizens in high positions of banking and government trying to shut us down.?

Na my man. BCH is staying focused. Just upgraded to Schnorr signatures and avalanche coming soon. Financial freedom for the world coming soon.

Local bitcoin on 6/4 will bring some nice growth and utilization too.

I get that nobody wants to feel like they’ve invested in an inferior project that will tank or fall behind, but only a small amount of the world has any crypto holdings and there is plenty of room in the sandbox for all of us.

Reminder: the super early adopter who signed CSW's used the BCH chain to timestamp his message.

Attached: CSWlyingincourt.png (628x112, 23K)

Imagine the smell of that feminine penis after it's been tucked under the nutsack all day.

that was roger, i'm still amazed how much btc bch and sv that fucker has. hundreds of thousands man...

Not necessarily Roger, that's just a rumor

it would worth a try to go after him with a blowtorch, some royalty around the world don't have as much money let alone in a few years.

>I bought 21 wooden nickels. Am I gonna make it?

>that was roger
No it wasn't Ver you dumb fuck, it was a much earlier adopter. Ver joined around 2011. The guy who signed it was one of the very first users.

sadly all of crypto is suffering from that problem. no adoption can happen with everything keeps forking every other month. same cancer that infects linux also infect crypto. everything is shit because no one can work together on anything. all you get is a fork of a fork of a fork. and each fork has features the others don't have.


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you would know satan

convert it back to btc fool

stop buying cheap knock offs