Chainlink is going atleast 2-5x before mainnet. Charts look extremely bullish expecially on the weekly. Now is the perfect time to swing½! (retards)
Pre-mainnet link PUMP incoming
checked and confirmed.
Checked. It is clear we will see $5 before end of month and once users of the network start being name dropped it will be up to the crypo Gods
double checked. $5 incoming
Absolutely delusional
fuck off you subhuman nigger
Fucking gas yourself, kike
>waits all week until payday so I can finally buy some link
>finally payday
>deposits $ into cuckbase
>cuckbase says i have to wait 14 days until i can use my damn money
>going to miss mainnet moon mission
>have to continue working the rest of the day with this on my conscious
>asked to work saturday..
Double digit IQs dumb enough to think this investment will make them wealthy because that they've been worthless, lazy sacks of shit their entire lives and this is their only way out. Sad!
This broad generalization is almost guaranteed to be 100% accurate which proves you are probably a notable academic. Please do share more information regarding your studies of characteristic types of the average investors found on a Mongolian basket weaving forum.
>we are all waiting on your response
Don't you have a local exchange or a crypto ATM nearby?
thanks dunning kruger, it's okay you're retarded but think you're intelligent
Just redraw the lines tomorrow lol
>talks like Donald Trump
>calls others low IQ
I really doubt it. But no idea
Look it up man, it's way better to use local crypto exchanges that send crypto directly into your wallet than use coinbase and shit like that.
source: dude trust me
Looks like there are some ATMs at a few local headshops. So do you just enter a wallet address and then pay like normal and it sends it off?
have a QR code of your wallet address ready to be scanned by the machine, pretty sure they don't usually support manual entries of addresses.
Just found out I could do it from the website of said atm. Just sent an order through. Hopefully won't get scammed lol.
Appreciate you guys.
but the lines are off user
Most ATMs can also print a new paper wallet
Can’t figure out instant deposits? Loser
>because that they've been
But we've been telling you to buy for well over a year you epic retard
You will be polishing our shoes in the near future, no linker peasant.
It was an instant deposit for the eth I purchased but you have to wait 14 days before you can withdraw or send the eth, faggot.
Binance lets you purchase with CC, just do that.
I'm desperate, i have £5k to my name.
Shoud I all in on this anons?
Is there a reason you are saying $5? Or is that just a wild guess?
Holding 15K and hoping you're right, but cmon, at least give some rationale.
It's a projection you turbo faggot.
source: dude trust me
If you want. But, you better sell before the end of May because this shit will dump hard in June when everyone realises it's a scam.
spoonfeed me anons, when is mainnet scheduled?
100%, unequivocally yes. But you will need strong hands and patience. This will be an ETH-like rise leading up to the next bull run, not a 1 week pre-mainnet pump. If you really want to be rich, hold this shit. ETH ran up in 2015-2017 like it did because of the emergence of ICOs that required ETH's use. Chainlink is the heir apparent to oracle input, and as smart contracts and LINK gain use, it will find ETH-like implementation.
how is this bullish? if it stays in channel price will cut in half
Imagine being this ignorant
fuk u stinkies im gonna crash this right NOW
Yes but leave some dosh to buy sosij wrolls m8
May 31, 2019.
alright am in for 5500 linkies, the shill finally got me
see you all on the other side
Accidentally sold 6k link at 9000 sats pre pump. Should I just cut my loss and buy back now or wait a little longer?
Still have 60k link but that sell still hurts like hell.
Serves you right for being a filthy swinglinker
I only have 2.5k stinkers. Will....will I make it?
I actually wanted to sell a tiny portion for good since I was all in link but wanted to ride other shitcoin waves. However now that it’s pumping I regret my decision.
Buy back now or wait for link correction? Don’t be deluded saying it’ll go to $5 straight - it’s still bound to BTC
>telling us we are deluded link is going to $5
>sells his stack for bsv
you sure its
Never said I sold for BSV. I’d never touch this shit. I’m just wondering when link will correct (because it eventually will)
It's correcting upwards
regardless youre completely ignorant if you think link cant reach $5, yeah corrections need to be made until one day it doesnt newfag this must be your first time
i buy instantly from cuckbase with my master card
Never said it can’t reach $5 otherwise I wouldn’t still have 60k link. I’m just saying that there’s no way it’ll pump straight to $5 before correcting itself. Nice reading comprehension you brainlet
be prepared for it to dump 50%, but then again, it might not.
We aren’t reaching a $1 until next week
>kill me
Care to explain why it would pump at mainnet more than it already has? Are you all retarded?
The market reacts to available info...THERE IS NO MORE NEW INFO when mainnet is released
This. I can't wait to not see who's actually using the network when it lunches.
you are correct, it might dump or it might pump, you are so clever
This. Seeing actual network usage will do nothing for speculation purposes or price action.
Incorrect. The new info is that the expectation for the launch was met. If it releases on the expected date without big technical errors, the price will still pump.
Correspondingly, if the mainnet is delayed or crashes, price will crash, hard.
I just want $10. If I sell 800 stinkies at $10, I can rent somewhere for 2-3 years and that’s more than enough for Link to hit high numbers where I’ll cash out the remaining sum while banging sluts from tinder
>spending your crypto money on rent
never gonna make it brother, never gonna make it
>If I sell 800 stinkies at $10, I can rent somewhere for 2-3 years
Third worlders get the fuck off my board
If you use debit Coinbase has instant transfers.
These. The real pump will happen upon serious adoption, 1-2years down the line
That’s only 90 days rent where I’m from
Fuck 1st world countries
What a lot of people don't realize is that big companies supplying their own data don't give a shit about decentralization. I know because I work at a blockchain consulting firm. We are in cahoots with fortune 500, IBM, Lenovo just to name a few. Nearly EVERY SINGLE PROJECT is building their own oracle/node gateway to their blockchain solutions. Why would they pay money to "prove" that the data they are supplying is their own when they are already doing it? So fucking stupid. Literally, OP has been misdirected somewhere or is trying to pump his shitcoin bags to dump on you well deserved degenerate gamblers. Oh and here's another gem for you speculators -> Chainlink is LITERALLY just a JSON parser. Its not hard to build. That's why companies make their own
You are so stupid...with the same argument you can say every company will use a own blockchain with own smart contractrs so ethereum has no value and want be used. Chainlink will be used by thousands of companies maybe not of all but enough to bring the price to 100$+ levels/link
This. At least 50$ by end of the week. Maybe even 300$. We are going to make it