It's not that I don't want to by taxes I just don't want to have to deal with all that bullshit paper work for 150$ to...

It's not that I don't want to by taxes I just don't want to have to deal with all that bullshit paper work for 150$ to 200$ investments since I'm a fast food wagecuck with a very small attention span.
I just wish there was someone or something that would automatically file my small ass investments to the irs during tax season without me having to think out it.

Attached: feelsbadman.png (936x590, 186K)

spoon for brains that's why people get accountant.

But user, I can barely afford rent I can't pay someone or something, and also I don't know anyone in my area who is s specialized expert on crypto finances

Dude no one gives a shit about your $200 in crypto. Just cash out into amazon giftcards or something.

Yeah say that but, I know the IRS will hammer on everyone even us smaller investors.

No they won't. Even if u 10x to 2k they won't care. Your bank won't flag anything under 10k.

you don't make enough money to into investing in stocks, and you damn sure don't make enough to blow it gambling crypto.

you could benefit from a GED course though.

Imagine actually being an American. Shit must suck! Here in the UK you don't even need to pay tax on anything under £11k ($14k)

I pulled out 6k in 2017 and didn't claim it, nobody gave a shit. Stop being a faggot already.

if its over 5k or 10k you gotta pay tax.

I graduated almost 10 years ago tho

It just don't want to bother filing a 1099-K at all for such a loss, that shit is rocket science to me.

nigga you larpin'. you ain't gradurate ten years ago and working fast food? sheeiiittt

If you don't have long term gains you can just list one line, "crypto," give the total sale price, total cost basis, and date acquired as "various."

Yeah, but isn't it funny, the first thing Americans well say is bad about Euro countries is we pay too much taxes.
Americans are just too fucking lazy to ask for a raise or to find a job that pays good enough that they don't sweat when the country takes their due. It's not like it's some big secret how much they'll have to pay based on income and they can't price in the rate when bargaining for their salary.

Sorry I meant 8 years ago, I graduated by doing nothing, I was in the same private school for 14 years.

I've traded back and forth between trx ada xrp eth vrg so much in one month I lost track, so that's impossible because I'm such a brainlet wagey

I ask for a raise like once only because I don't do much and denied higher positions from my old bosses because there's only so much I can deal with at one time.

$125 for CoinTracking account, $125 for accountant. $250 total for peace of mind, problem solved.

no way that's too expensive

In Italy I don't have to declare any crypto gains under 50k euro

It's always funny to see burgers pay more taxes and still have shitty healthcare

I don't even bother with healthcare or any insurance, I'm already getting jew'd on my weekly paycheck

you total arse the 1099 form is like 5 numbers at the end of your trades that are the total amount of money moved around and how much was yours.

you just find the big numbers and write them down. Holy shit.

that's too many trades

Yeah, if you do a lot of day trading the trades pile up and if you neglect documenting it, it can be a real pain compiling all the trades. Especially if you try to do arbitrage at multiple exchanges or whatever.
I had to extend my taxes in 2018 so I had enough time to compile my thousands of trades for 2017, and am doing the same thing this year for 2018.

I'm extremely worried and don't know what to do because I forgot to file for last years trades, I have all the trades in coin tracker and downloaded a file containing them but idk what to do know with it, I never even got a 1099 form

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Imagine being a eurofag and paying vat on top of everything. It's 20% in the uk.