Hey anons, i’m A 35 yr old and i’ve realized I just reached a net worth of 500k. Got some profit from stocks, bought BTC @600us and link @0,17
Point is i’m clueless on what to do with the money. Not nearly enough so that I don’t need to slave anymore. What would I invest for passive income anyway ? (Inb4 staking link)
Point is: I don’t feel any different, I’m not a consumerist, there’s nothing material I desire, no lambo or shit. I just want some passive income to get this pressure of my back...
And there’s also the fact I can’t tell anybody I know about my money.
Hope wealth is making you all happier than it made me
You don't have to flaunt the money, just be glad you can quit wagecucking, pursue your passions and know that even if you fuck up you won't have to go back to being a slave.
Isaiah Long
just get a nice house user, designed to your biggest desires. Me? Personally I want a sauna in mine.
That’s the issue, I don’t feel like it’d be a smart move to do so with this sum
Hunter Johnson
Just hold fore more two years. Do you really think this is the bullrun? We are barely deciding wether this starts a new run or not.
Zachary Ross
I rent a nice place for super cheap. I’m cool with it for now too
But good luck with the sauna. May you drag many roasties to it :)
Andrew Lopez
Yeah. I keep thinking I should take some profits. I regret not doing só from the last one.
Blake Rogers
Like other people said, don't cash out the whole stack, that would be mad. Cash out whatever you need to live for the next 2-3 years, maybe some kind of emergency fund as well. It seems like the golden bullrun might be just around the corner, you could walk away with ~$5 million if the cycle repeats.
Jason Hall
Anything but fiat.
15% silver and gold (insurance) 15% BTC (can only go up long term) 30% Smart dividend champions (passive income) 30% on a nice house
Nolan White
become NEET and learn coding while living very frugal. You can then start building passive income through web or mobile projects. Money can help you to outsource some tasks
Carson Morgan
Leo Cox
Let’s hope so! Sirgay promised us all 1000Eoy! Lol
I keep feeling stocks are in a weird place Rn, end of a cycle and this UsXChina tradewar stressing the economy. Idk I’m waiting till the bear to get some good deal on shit. Gold silver is always a nobrainer tho!
Nathan Moore
You're still not in a position to retire unless you want to live innawoods.
Julian Mitchell
no rocks? whats the point?
Nolan Moore
Buy and rent houses, triplex and quadplex to 5-10plex. Easy income every month.
Ryder Clark
I'm the same, had almost 1.3m in the last bull run, I bought a laptop, camera, went overseas but that's it, I don't want people knowing I have money, and I'm young so this money has to last me at least 50 years because I never want to work.
Don't be frivolous buying stupid shit like a lambo or other black holes for money as you'll run out and be back to square one. I am very content living a working class life without actually having to work and likely never having to work ever again, let th idiots have their lambo and rolex.
Kayden Ward
In the past, what I would've done if I had $500k was to throw it into ETFs and live on the 4% safe withdrawal rate. $20k is enough to live like a king in some third world asian countries.
BUT with the next crypto bullrun coming soon, I'd say it's worth holding on to it, just stay in BTC to be safe, just for the possibility of turning the $500k into $15-20m.
Then when it gets to that value, I'd cash out half and throw that half into ETFs where I'd take a safer 2.5-3% withdrawal rate.
And hodl the other half in BTC just in case it becomes the world reserve currency and goes to $1m or something, and the dollar hyperinflates and becomes worthless, killing all traditional investments.
Camden Ward
Yea what the fuck kind of sauna is that Here every house has one basically
Angel Turner
>larp as something like OP >suddenly the mention of (((LINK))) >scammers/shills join
every time
Jeremiah Fisher
Let me guess your story. Shit was fucked in your life long enough that it completely evaporated your soul. Either you wagecucked for years, or you lived as a neet, or you lost your family, or you got struck with mental illness. Eventually you got a career set up but the damage was done, you missed those critical years of establishing social structure that came so easily to those who had nothing go wrong, and because you lived such a frugal and minimal lifestyle, you lost the capacity to want. I too know this feel.
Juan Williams
Based and doubles
Tyler Johnson
> 500k
> thinks he can do anything with it
Jayden Taylor
Not really. Was in a somewhat known indie band from mid 20’s till early 30’s. Toured the world a couple times, then gave it all up to work with politics. I have a nice paycheck everymonth, jobs fun yet stressful.
No larp dude. I’m very early in Chainlink, was into the 1st Chainlink “elites” telegram group with the guys from Linkpool and even Evan Chang. I’m even an admin there -the group is dead as fuck nowadays too-