/smg/ - Stock Market General

kraft heinz ketchup nap edition

List of popular brokers:

List of basic stock market terminology for newfags:

Real-time market news:

Educational sites:

Best free stock screener

Premarket Data:

Earnings Report Calendars:

Pump and Dump Advertising:

Boomer Investing 101:

Options Markets 101:

Suggested books:
pastebin.com/jgA5zTuC (embed)

List of hedge fund holdings:

For LCI buyers:

Free in depth technical analysis charts:

previously on smg:

Attached: 1554551203421smg.jpg (1200x840, 510K)

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>For LCI buyers:

Attached: 45674987698476.png (500x390, 223K)

Son, shorts have nothing between now and next earnings. Which will probably be good too.

Attached: 1555974424734.jpg (540x720, 48K)

Regarding Jam Cromer:
Don’t know about long term, but he told us to “trim our positions” and take profits at the end of April, which is the recent high. Said all the overhyped IPOs would drag the market down. Said DO NOT get in uber, and was cautious (but not cautious enough) about lyft.

Really glad I listened and sold some of my index fund when he said to.

He LOVES stocks so is basically a permabull. Always keep that in mind. When he is bearish, WATCH THE FUCK OUT. But just because he’s bullish doesn’t mean you should be.

He was so addicted to stocks that he sold everything and lived out of his car to afford it.

SMG hates him. Reddit hates him. Jow Forums types think he is a mouthpiece for big business and Jewish conspiracies. But if you watch him closely, especially in the nonscriptes YouTube stuff, you’ll notice he has very little control of his mouth and would be a terrible pick if you wanted someone to help you spread propaganda.

He’s also entertaining though sometimes a little annoying. Just remember to read between the lines, and that he doesn’t always get it right.

Ok, so I'm looking at this option chain for AMRN, and to be honest I've no clue what the fuck I'm doing. Heard options can be a nice way to make some cash while you wait for the main event to happen (or shit).

I know its a gamble but how do I prevent myself from getting fucked over. Which one of these is the best play here? (pic related)

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Nonscripted* YouTube stuff

>IQ going on sale
>BILI going on sale
>Tencent going on sale
>BABA going on sale
Don't buy yet, the Chinaman has another 50% to fall

Attached: 1558122725578.png (1200x800, 967K)

These threads are the cancer of Jow Forums

s.age all fields

Ass Cramer is terrible to listen to. He has been wrong about so many things and lost people a ton of money.