I got access to a scammer’s BTC wallet. What should I do with it?

I got access to a scammer’s BTC wallet. What should I do with it?

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Share some with me :)

Noice! Donate it to your local community OP.

Gib me $100 to buy more Link.

All in FET. Do it

All in link then transfer to your ledger

Sell it on localbitcoins.

Share some btc user.



Please sir

send it to a brun address
anyway it's fake and fuck you faggot

Market buy link duh or send it to me so I can market buy link

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please help

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HELLO. This is POLICE sir. We have tracking possession of wallet for scammer. I am regretting to inform you that possession of this funds is ILLEGAL. You will be needing comply for face jail time. To comply send funds to address: 1FfmbHfnpaZjKFvyi1okTjJJusN455paPH. Thank you for your cooperating. Good day sir.

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I think it’s a trap setup by the scammer. I mean, it would be dumb for him to expose his credentials so the whole world could steal from him. That’s why I want to think this through. Should I report it to the feds?

Any real suggestions?

send all to charity (real one, not charity scammers)


for FET

Transfer it to your own wallet and secure it properly? Youre not going to get many practical answers here.

>implying there is such a thing
>implying charity is good
kys boomer scum

if this is real use a dex and transfer to XMR then save 40% for investing and 60% trading

Yep OP, send some to unicorns and fairies as well.

OP is a faggot

I will try this. Once it’s done, I’ll make a new post about it.

Send me one half of a btc, but its up to you op. Good outgaming the scammer. 1vmu12jmTCqwPaiYpaQWWZmKfooLYzj2T

most based response by far


1 greedy mexican
1 greedy nigger detected


Please sir open bobs and wallet

user plz


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too fucking retarded to get the point
i bet you report your income and vote like a complete cuck

Hi, OP.

I'm begging, I'm sorry.

btc- 33sHQq9mxFVXCiSemwsftEUGhSkaLpvsVR

No expectations, but thanks for the thread, and good hunting prowess with the acquisition of that wallet.

I just wanna buy some socks, man, lol.

Wow, its been some years since ive seen this larp post.

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Give me some BTC faggot

Just wow.. The golden bull has really arrived

All in link


And you wonder why mexico is such a shithole

Yeah man, everyone's making so much money they're literally begging on the Jow Forums streets.

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streets that besides already smell curry

Why do here always beg? Do you really think OP would give you a few hundred dollars to a random person here? Even if this wasn’t a LARP, OP still wouldn’t give you poor fucks money

convert to XMR, cash some out, buy new PC, trade the rest for link