gifto is a go anons hop on board.
easy pump , the only ieo to have not pumped, currently the lowest marketcap of all the ieos
easy 2x
Gifto is a go anons hop on board
See you at 1000 sats user
Tis a good one. First Binance IEO just waiting to break out following CELR, FET, ETC
>buy my bags
Gifto is not a binance IEO, zoom out to 12 hours lol
Except it litterally is
Gifto switched to binance chain. FOMO gonna be real on this
This it's pumping right now
pumping as we speak
HOLY SHIT it wasn't supposed to moon this hard I wasn't done buying
Remember this project is shit so once you make great gains take your profits
when should i get off this rocket?
I've gotten burned by this coin more than any other, would be nice to get a little revenge
im riding till 5 then oot, ez gains less stress
5 dollars or 5 cents? It got all the way up to .48 a while ago.
5k sats
Palm Beach Confidential coin + IEO, fucking buy
money bags boyssss
why are you shilling a binance cash grab ICO from 2 years ago
check other launchpad projects
CZ is pumping all of them
are we at the top yet?
20x confirmed
We did it boys, we're on our way to lamboland.
I m cost average buying see where it goes.volume is slowly going up.
Buy BRD instead.
the wales are beginning to move from matic to GTO
nobody is buying a high marketcap shitcoin
gifto is still under 20m and has the better volume now
I still remember that day salt got murdered. Was a great day user
when do we get in bros 450 sats ?=
Please tell me this is real and not a larp
>stop loss: none
hahaha gets me everytime desu. real or fake?
yeah doubt it hits 450 in the next few hours, the bottom is probably 475. if we break res at 570 we fly
Now. This coin woke up like an hour ago, price isn't a significant risk on a potential moon coin for the first few hours.
real but retards shouldn't trust palm beach lmao im more reliable than they are. but yes a clock can be right twice a day , this is an easy investment until 15cents