To be clear, registration does not imply ownership nor is this an official patent. The copyright process allows anyone to register anything in an effort to prepare, say, for lawsuits associated to ownership.

Attached: 1541422616078.jpg (682x900, 242K)

Other urls found in this thread:

cocatalog.loc.gov/cgi-bin/Pwebrecon.cgi?Search_Arg=Bitcoin: A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System&Search_Code=TALL&PID=VZJGRBBfAF4dQPvRr3nf91IbR&SEQ=20190521080558&CNT=25&HIST=1

go ahead and register for a copyright on ethereum

why don't you let them learn the hard way?

CSW is not Satoshi Nakamoto

Will the real Satoshi Nakamoto please stand up?

Craig is the goofiest fucking nigger in crypto and it's funny as fuck to see him keep digging his own grave.

As soon as bsv does +100% in 2 hours, he can be who the fuck he wants

Good idea user

So much denial.

granted US copyright registrations for Bitcoin white paper and code

Attached: d65.gif (680x499, 1.64M)

Now explain that to the genius Asian speculators.

say what you want about this clownfiesta, but i just want to say that I love the people that say they do not know who satoshi is, and then they also say that they for sure know it is not a specific person. it is like they just throw all of their intelligence in the trash, it is truly hilarious

cocatalog.loc.gov/cgi-bin/Pwebrecon.cgi?Search_Arg=Bitcoin: A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System&Search_Code=TALL&PID=VZJGRBBfAF4dQPvRr3nf91IbR&SEQ=20190521080558&CNT=25&HIST=1

Chain Link is over

>copyrights whitepaper with false papers
>SV moons 100+%, he makes millions of usd
>pays 2.5k fine



BSV has the US copyright, 700 exclusive patents, is technologically superior to BTC, and can accomplish everything99% of other cryptos can do combined

BTC has a socially engineered consensus of HRC voters and the people who run the Federal Reserve

Yea, definitely going federal reserve on that one. Pretty easy call.

it's already dumping hard

Craig is a pathological liar. He lies about almost everything.
That is why it is highly unlikely he, in fact, is Satoshi. Of course, it may be possible, we do not know, but if it was true, it would be very annoying.

(((YOU))) would

the fact that it pumped 100% over this just shows how dumb this whole space still is. if this isnt a sign that the bear market is far from over, i dont know what is is.

Based and redpilled

yes exactly thats why it just plain stupid to say you KNOW he is not, when in no way you can be certain. it is no suprise to me these people saying so could get sued or whatever, and imo these manchildren deserve it.

and fyi im not on any side. annoying maybe but funny also

they have been mining alone at a loss. literally all the new coins created are owned by nchain and coingeek. of course they will dump all of it

>Invents first decentralized cryptocurrency
>Uses paperwork to "prove" he's Satoshi instead of signing a fucking message

>Buy now, read the article later

It's as easy as signing a fucking message with Satoshi's private key and post it on his twitter. He can't do that. He's not Satoshi. How retarded are you all? You dont even know what cryptography is all about.

well obviously this is what one ultimately needs to do to prove they are satoshi.
if he can or can not you can not possibly know. not signing yet does not equal impossibility. so far he hasnt proved anything but you claiming he can not possibly be satoshi is just plain stupid.

understand what unknown means

This is fucking pathetic.

> Satoshi creates a system for immutable, censorship proof, permanent record ledger. Can't or won't use this absolutely irrefutable mechanism to prove his identity.

Wtf is this world even

I can claim I'm Satoshi and it means shit. The only way to prove someone is Satoshi is using his private key, it's the fucking core of cryptocurrencies, and CSW can't even use the same mechanism to prove he's Satoshi. It shows how much of a fraud and how retarded his followers are.

Apparently Dr. Craig Wright successfully registered a copyright on Bitcoin whitepaper and code in the US.

Some people claim that this is irrelevant and an easy achievement that anyone could have done.

Yet nobody did so in over 10 years.


This. This has been the weirdest year in crypto in a while. I can't believe people pay attention to this larper.

Exactly. If it's so easy, then file your own claim, retards.
CSW-haters eternally BTFO
>All this denial

Attached: salt.png (128x128, 10K)

So I just need to get in possession of my neighbors car keys to proof his car is mine?
Start to use your brain, fag

Even if Craig proved he was Satoshi by signing keys some people would still try to discredit him

He's doing it slowly, painfully, and concisely so that in the end those who screamed the loudest against him will be forever identified as scammers and will never ever ever be credible in the realm of Bitcoin or crypto again

BSV is a test to make sure that only the most redpilled, high IQ, and non-NPCs among us make it to the final round

Does he have to submit a reason it took him so long to copyright it?


We should get Vitalik to register a copyright for Bitcoin SV and Satoshi's Vision and Craig Wright

Absolutely based and stiffpilled

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