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Jow Forums can't be right, hold me

was i really the deluded one all this time.

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First ETH, then NEO, now LINK
/biz just keeps on winning

just sold
get out now

>ignoring all the garbage in between that Jow Forums kept losing on


Sell before crash

Haaaaaaaaaaa Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

The garbage was pretty obvious though. Funfair lol? Beans? None of that trash did anything for existing crypto infrastructure or innovated.

Pls sell sirs. Link going too high too fast... please do the needful

and we haven't even started

-6.68% from ATH

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But I just finished fapping why is my peepee hard again???

fucking this. srsly what the hell is happening, this coin is a meme a fucking meme

i kek'd for a good 5 seconds thanks

gake and fay

Fuck it, I just bought LINK for the first time ever. You fucking meme autists were right all along

nice, time to dump!

Damn now we're going to dump back to $1.10


link is the finished

just to make buying the mobius sir

very good coin sir

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>every shitcoin mooning
>bitcoin doesnt do shit

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Don't dare insulting my beans!


Guys... really? I didn't actually believe there were nolinkers here. For the love of this board, please do some actual research into this token. There's a reason it's the ONLY crypto this board has gone ape shit over for more than a PnD period of time since ETH.


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>tfw I once held 40k link before deciding that it's not worth it in the long run
>I now have 20 ETH instead

Time for suicide

>buying ETH
It's like you WANT to miss the bullrun.

You're worth more than a lot of us.... For now.

The only reason this is going somewhere is pre mainnet hype
So i only advice is or would have been to buy before 1$ then dump it before mainnet
Anyone holding this during and after the end of may is just crazy
This is going sub 1$ again (in b4 this is great more time to accumulate)

I'm sorry, user.

can it reach 70% like matic?

Dump it now

There's no reason it couldn't just go further.
You know if it crashes down everyone here from no linkers to link whales will be buying fat stacks.

>imagine being this new


Don’t you get it?
It’s over.

The world will soon know of link. It will become so popular, so absolutely wanted by both zoomers and boomers alike, that we WILL see the singularity to $100. It WILL happen as the prophet assblaster foretold.

And he said $3 eoy May I remember

>70%24h volume is better than several days of 10-20%

You were always the slow one werent you

Imagine beeing this deluded

>And he said $3 eoy May I remember
Kek, right! He was just a year off! The prophecy still holds!

i did the research, and as someone who writes smart contracts for a living, saw it as a confidence scam with nonsensical tokenomics, no technology and no team, from a serial entrepreneur who bailed on his previous crypto ventures and roleplays as an autist to trick autists into thinking he's one of them
2 years later nothing has changed, just an excellent shill campaign that turned bagholders into cult members. chainlink is fairly similar to bitcoin by now, no use case but a dedicated community. which is of course good news for stinkies. if bitcoin pumped from $200 to $20k on washtrading + market manipulation + delusion, no reason link can't reach $20 or even $50

fags in binance always fomo'd in and crash it up. Can i still buy chain link?
I guess if i buy now, its a sign to dump because im a slow person. lemme hold your bag

imagine being not only this new but also this fucking dumb

not accurate

>he didn’t profit from neo

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im already up 6x wish i bought more

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Yes, you write smart contracts for a living. Heh, heh. And you are too stupid to understand the very sensible tokenomics, to look at their github and read the code, to research the >10 person team, or to understand Sergey didn't start the last venture he was a part of and had nothing to do with its ultimate failure. 1/10 fud. Enjoy the rest of high school.

I am experiencing massive FOMO I only have 106 linkies what do

Errrr......Buy more?




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damn I guess these linkies were pretty stinky after all, I should have listened

Imagine not being able to tell the difference between a two year autistic OBSESSION and the random shitcoin of the week carousel

you are the diluted one my friend. the day of the eye dropper is coming. DRIP DRIP

Yeah? Well the Nigger Store called, and they're all out of you. Imagine that!



I'm all in.

I only have 2k linkies, should I buy more now?

Um.. that language.. it's so... like 1950's don't you think? You sound like a southern retard and I literally mean that in like the *best* way. Do you know what i mean?

Bless your heart.

tfw pump and it dont stop pumpping

$10 by 2020


We will literally be $10+ by EOY 100fucking%

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I made this pasta

Goldie can't handle the truth.

Came by to say I’m legitimately happy for you link enthusiasts and investors alike. I sincerely all of you get a nice chunk of change out of this project before its all said and done.

I’m all in on BCH right now and wish I would have gotten into link earlier, but oh well.

Nicely done, frens.

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>t. AI forum chatbot

Would have bought hard at 20c but had no money. I've got some now but it's far too late....will dump at or before main net in a few's ogre.

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i cant tell if this post is ironic or not, cringe and bluepilled anyway

You’re not the only one feeling completely left out, fren. The faithful deserve their profits for getting in at the right time and riding out the daily FUD storm..

Check'd for the dub dubs and kind sentiments. Best of luck user

sub 1k stack here, but I have other income sources available to me. I'll be okay, frens :)

The fact that everyone is this excited over a 3x from a month ago is just sad... you would've had the same result if you held bitcoin instead. Kys shit memecoin

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Thanks for the excellent tits BCH friend
I want you to know you're not too late to be a link holder as well. I'm not sure if now is the perfect time to buy but seriously do research on ChainLink and you'll see the fundamental value it's offering.

As much as I respect BCH over BTC fundamentally, I cannot see a crypto-currency future with the options available as they are now. I wish you luck with your portfolio and minimal punishment

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Why is no one talking about he fact that Sergey litterally said at consensus that they were going to suppress the price to allow the value of the contracts to catch up with the market cap?

kek bitcoin barely went x2. link quintupled. and now btc won't pump and it won't dump. it's a shit. it just stays there. at 7900. all day and night.

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Have a Big Mac in my honor.

Tfw low carb :(

The longer they suppress the price the higher and faster it will moon when they stop suppressing it.

It's gonna dump on mainnet. 0.50$ incoming again.

Anyone else got their lapel pins from last year?
I checked the date of the photo - 14 May! Fuck, we've been here a while Marines

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where can I store linkies? Coinomi does not support it

Did he really say this? I’m about to rewatch it, do you remember when about? I’ll look out for it

Is it too late for me to buy? Where do I even buy this shit

because he never said it.

Binance Fren. Welcome aboard

I use edge mobile wallet. Keep them on your smartphone phone w you at all times

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Someone who didn't know how to buy crypto until TWENTY FUCKING NINETEEN is gonna be rich off link as well. Honestly, it makes me mad.

I'm on a fiscal fast myself (been throwing money away too much lately on fast food) so no can do friend. Maybe once $10 LINK.

But I'll think of Elizabeth Turner's spectacular tiddies when I solo yank it bcuz gf doesn't ever fug or tug or sug me anymore (should I drop her? Awkward since we live together). Anyway that's my blog post. Cheers

>Japanese city pop
Based as fuck

Just hodl its gonna dump for a bit

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Order failed:
Total value must be at least 0.001.
I guess i'll will always be a poorfag

>gf doesn't ever fug or tug or sug me
>should I drop her?
you're too beta so why even ask