Gifto (GTO) - get in here, pajeets

binance ieo pump - second leg about to begin. bring your gains or nurse your MATIC/FET wounds and jump in for an easy 100-200%

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please be right

im all in trying to recoupe lost link

This will reach 1200+ sats in upcoming days. it's inevitable.

But will the pajeets ever learn and buy in on a very nice dip? Never.

bumppp. who is quietly accumulating?

Been accumulating since 400 sats

I'm too impatient. Any hour now...

Not OP, but I agree. Hope you're strapped in moon niggers.

Legit it doesn't matter if this moons or not I will not, ever, buy this piece of shit.

Decentralised gifting platform you can't make this shit up LMAO

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who gives a fuck what it is. I have no idea what it does nor will I ever, I imagine it has to do with gifts. All I care is that it's going to get pumped the shit out of it and make me some coin and then i'll be out.

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Volume to market cap ratio is insane. This thing is going vertical again soon.

Been accumulating the past 72 hours

I will be retired by June

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listen to how retarded the entire concept it
gifting yeah but..

Say it out loud I guarantee you'll get a chuckle at least out of just how fucking retarded the concept is

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Do you understand how dlt solves the double spending problem and makes non-fungible unique digital assets possible?

This wasn’t an ieo coin

honestly think this coin not gonna pump

based dubs, but i read someone say the volume was fake... some elder Jow Forumsian tell me the story on gifto will i get rich or have a cardboard box house

Do you understand how the double spending problem is one of the primary things to solve for every decentralised currency?
Muh non-fungible unique digital assets. All these buzzwords just to say tokenized fully private assets. Can be done EASILY by a second layer network on monero. Wouldn't be surprised if the komodo devs already got something like it going.

fucking gifto lmfaooo

no, I completely agree with you it's fucking HILARIOUS. I just don't give a shit if it pumps that's all

imagine buying this instead of SelfKey

It's moving up again slightly after falling all day. Hope this wasn't a mistake FOMOing in.

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