Thus, the highest return possible on any coin is on BSV. Every other shitcoin is bound to get dumped but this literally won’t until it takes the #1 spot. This, we’re talking about a 200-500x return. A literal second chance a bitcoin, but this time the real version. The electronic cash version. The version where people are actually grinding away researching and putting out patents instead of people trying to exit scam like the rest of the crypto space.
Craig is now proven to be Satoshi and further proof is coming out. Anons, think about it. Forget the memes. Forget the trolling. I’m serious this time.
This is the only coin that will be compliant regulation wise. It’s the only coin that follows the white paper since it’s literally what Bitcoin was meant to be. Most importantly, it can fucking scale unlike EVERY OTHER COIN.
Goddamn do I feel comfy. I look at all these threads talking about shitcoins like LINK or BTC or whatever else and people don’t even know what’s about to rise.
The Phoenix is about to rise. It took a while. But the vision will finally be complete now. Satoshi’s vision.
You can’t buy it on Binance. You don’t want to buy it on exchanges like that that generate fake volume anyways. BSV will actually take care of this problem.
In the meantime, you can buy on Bittrex or Poloniex.
Austin Robinson
Goddamn do my fellow BSV brothers have the best humor.
Jack Harris
Binance gets hacked quite a bit. You should go somewhere else.
Nicholas Young
Are Bittrex and Poloniex the best options for a beginner like me? Just looking to pay with my card for some BSV
Gabriel Lewis
Yeah that should be good for you.
Adrian Reyes
Gotta wait for identity verification FeelsBadMan hopefully it doesn't bump like crazy gonna have to buy tomorrow
Brayden Sanchez
If you’re an American, you can also buy on Robinhood, which doesn’t charge any fees at all, however you can’t send the coins to other exchanges or wallets. The account set up can take just a few minutes with theeemption of some that take a little longer.
Camden Sanchez
Fuck BSV eat shit
Samuel Taylor
basedsv af
Zachary Thompson
If BTC is the people’s coin, and ETH is the developer’s coin, and XRP, XLM, and LINK is the banker’s coin then undoubtedly BSV is the deluded self absorbed lying faggot coin.
Post charts, Analysis something. Fucking pajeets. I would bab yiu from america if it was up to me. Sv has bad branding. No mainstream person want to hand money to buy something that reminds them of china. Americans hate knockoff brands. Everyone knows bitcoin but bitcoin satoshi vision sounds like a gimmick to people. Even if its technically better people dont give a shit. Branding is huge and the face of SV is not liked so it will never reach mainstream adoption.
Blake Peterson
Comfy as fuck, bought between 45$ and 60$. This is just the beginning, there is so much interesting stuff coming this year for BSV + Tulip Trust in 2020.
>thought about buying yesterday >decided to get JUSTed with matic fomo instead ill hold to $0 i dont care at this point, not selling at a loss 3 times in one week
BSV shill threads are the fucking worst. Craig Wright is a proven fraud:
And any dumbass can file as "author" of a codebase or whitepaper. It goes through no review process until there's actual a court case involving the claim. So, a proven fraud claims copywrite does NOT mean he's "proven to be Satoshi," especially when there is already mountains of evidence that he is the worst fucking fraud in history.