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Still holding bag rn

user its just you and me all our frens killed themselves... don't you remember?

got in at 24 and should ahve sold at 40

I think we're fucked lol

Too late to join? unironically just bought 100k

Bought when it dipped then looked at the $5 website they have and market sold instantly


Are we going past 4k?


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it's bouncing off the uptrend line
you should be buying here

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this game was fun, but I lost all my coins and can't go any further desu. How do I reset my account?

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dips are for buying fucktard, bullish bias isnt broken yet. it is literally resting on the .382 fib and if youve paid attention to these pumps you would know that this MM is crazy over his fib lines. still like a 16mm market cap not even in the top 200. tell me why i wouldnt buy this dip.

you literally can't zoom out further in that chart I posted

Where my Michael at?
I’m looking for Michael are you in this thread?

Imagine buying the High and selling at the low

sorry but you guys are bagholders, you were pump and dumped on by the lead Chink himself

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Everything... I lost everything...

It's cope but I believe the 2019 bullrun started around May 10 and FET is still on an uptrend since then

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CZ Magic.

And the depth chart gives me some solace

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Dumped matic after a x3. Id rather be buried than shaken out with this one.

Fuck it all, lets go to 10c

how much more will it bleed before it starts to go up again?

why do brainlets ask questions like this, do you think anyone even knows? Anyone who answers you would be lying.

Fuck you. And miss on all these LINK gains? We need to go up now.
Oh silly greedy me.

Because TA

What a piece of shit. MATIC went up 14 days and did a x10 and this trash barely x2. Fucking hell this lottery sucks

Matic was pumped to make us believe in x10's again. So were ´HODLING´ shitcoins again to the bottom


Aahhh. CZ plz, turn the bots back on.

there is no bottom with this shitcoin, get out while you still can

It has been only 5 days when pump started... Matic pumped for 14 days, and also had a correction like this. Still im a bit afraid with my 10k bag

Oh god it doesn't stop help me

All these pumps were going at the same time. The were cutting each others oxygen, which is why all of them couldn't result in x10. Now they are over at once and the sell off is commenced.

CZ tweet was a sell signal. How did I not see that? Bye bye 50% gains. Welcome 10% loss.
I womder if I should sell my 40k FET or CZ has more tricks up his sleeve

Hold for a week.

reporting in
5k suicide stack, im risking everything


I would, if you were not a pajit

Everything in CZ's tweet has crashed. That was the sell signal desu. Wish I'd listened.
This was always a PnD. Same as MATIC. It's not going anywhere from here. Glad I woke up in time and got out with $1 profit. Buy BTT or something else at the bottom. Holding this any longer won't help you.

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CZ AMA tomorrow, i think it will fuel up the rocket

volumes not going down even though it's been bleeding out all day, clearly lots of people still want to buy.
im holding

Feels weird being called an Indian when I'm white.

Post hand or gtfo, pajit

pajeet!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! stfu rekt my fucking balls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

im down 10K. how the fuck ami i supposed to make that back????????????????

I'm trying to trade mine but it says I only have .33, but when I go to my wallet it says the correct amount. Anyone else with this bug?

Just HODL, trust me white bo1y3. All shitcoins will pump again except gift.

Holy shit I'm retarded and forgot open orders are a thing.

You got ur funds locked in an open order. Happened to me sometimes

> just hold
> trust me
What is your FET stack?

I'm here with classified info.telekom.com/en/media/media-information/archive/cooperation-on-digital-economy-572728

>TMobile partnership, do I need to say anything else?. Intense accumulation

Nothing new here. This is what got me in in the first place.
You need better dots, and dont make it MOBI or audits

I lost $2,000 in this today because I'm mentally disabled. I was going to iron hand it, but after reading this I took my beating and will move on.


its going back down to 14c inevitably.

what did you see here thats so scary?

Dude, just stop
Everybody here sold already.

Which is what I said I just did...

now I feel smart selling at 2900 despite buying at 2900 few days ago and not making any profit at all but at least no bagholder

222k No meme

More dump incoming. picrel
You either retarded or a paid shill

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kek don’t believe it then you’ll miss out once again it’s bull season baby

It is bull season already. And it has started with pnd for FET. Good luck holding this

Last chance to get in this x10 bagger

Yes any second now. Believe in the bag

should i sell with a loss now or wait for a recovery...i hope the ama will bring us back tomorrow pls

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No bro sell its over. Honestly