Which one of you was this?
Which one of you was this?
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He could've just not flaunted his wealth and avoided this.
This. Both of them are retarded.
How do you know he's flaunting his wealth? What if he just appreciates the engineering and design? Cars might be his "thing"
>gotta wear the pants that match my lambo
kys communists
Fake ass videos
Regardless, if you buy shit like that and/or drive it in high population areas, you make yourself a target.
What if that's his passion and he saved up for a year just to rent that car and finally get to take it out for a drive and appreciate all of the engineering that went into the car irl and now some idiot has jumped on it and damaged it and he has to pay for the repairs?
*flaunts my wealth by turning on the cold tap and pouring a glass of water into a cup and drinking it*
I'd be embarassed driving such a car around. If you have so much money, why do you need to show it off?
Nigger, kike or soyboy?
"high population"
with a certain type of population
Shut up pajeet
God niggers are so repulsive. I unironically can’t wait for the day when there’s a mass genocide of niggers in this country.
Yeah, I'm sure people get a lambo because they "appreciate the engineering" so much. Lol, there's only one reason people buy a car like that and that is to make other people jelly. He basically gets mad because it worked.
Niggers aren’t people.
You're wrong
Well, he does act like a monkey in that video lol.
Exactly what I thought too ahahahaha
I saw a similar Aventador in my area (midwest u.s.) going about 25mph on a rural road with a line of cars behind it. Everybody was honking all pissed off.
Guy wouldn't drive the speed limit (55mph) because the road was too shitty.
When your lip splitter/bumper costs as much as a normal used car, maybe think about where you're going to be driving
>see videos of basketball-Americans sitting on/standing on parked ferraris chimping out taking pictures
I'd end up in prison for mass murder if I walked outside and saw that happening to my six figure car.
It's still real fucking petty vandalizing their shit because you got jealous of the car.
I wonder how it's getting handled in USA. If you break some property which costs millions of dollars, what would authorities do to you? Would they jail your for life? Confiscate your house? Execute you? Most certainly you won't be able to earn that much money.
all fucking niggers must fucking hang
That's why slavery needs to be reinstated.
Idk exactly either. I imagine it's a charge of "criminal destruction of property/vandalism in excess of (dollar amount)." Along with any assault charges if they did it wit a baseball bat or tried to fight the person in the car.
If you get THAT worked up about some Chad in a lambo revving at an intersection and go attack them, you should really just be shot in the street. Just my 2 cents.
i have walked through cars when they parked on the sidewalk what's the story here?
depends on color.
Black: 2mm from gofundme because you were oppressed by lamboman
Brown: nothing, they let you go back to your free house, eatting free food, shitting out more kids.
White: wouldn't do that to any car, let alone a nice one.
You don't 'appreciate' a 500 hp sports car by driving it around stop-go-city city traffic.
Which one of you was this?
>rich people driving around nig zones and expecting everything to go alright
What a fucking moron.
Police will do nothing, would just tell the lambo owner that it's a civil matter and to talk to his insurance or lawyer. All he could do is sue the man and even if he won would likely get nothing out of it.
im sorry but what is this free house and food that youre talking about ?
Need sauce
Omg what a terrible assault I hope he goes to jail. Racism can't be tolerated.
Is he ok?
All the guy did was drive a car on a road. There's no justification for acting like a jealous cunt.
The only crime committed was the trousers.
I recognize it. It’s down town San Francisco.
this pretty much. But first we need to get rid of the jews.
any guess why the car is parked in the middle of the road over some tram rails?