

Attached: Screenshot_20190522-122909.jpg (1038x1154, 213K)

I bought Matic and 66 sats. Should I sell?

When are we back boys or are we delusional and about to get dumped on harder?


No. It will go up again

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You keep saying that ... when can we expect this? A week?

These will pump by eod, tomorrow latest


why didnt you sell at 480+ ?

> buy the chink, catch the pink

it's even more funny if you consider that fet was above 11k on release and celr at ... what was it again 600?

get your shit together guys and DYOR

Retweeted by cz

GTO is the obvious buy then

As I understand it ppl were saying that bots drove up the price, how do they know this?

Look at the daily chart and say that again you fool

If anybody bought any of these chink farts yesterday when they were literally on top of a pump should get themselves checked for serious mental issues

> Meanwhile

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it's unironically bullish

ok sorry I looke again actually and it doesnt look that bad. i think it was just the bad taste in my mouth after I bought at around 800 and it went downhill

Didn't have access to my computer

rip thank you for your money


hahaha ... k, dude, there's much for you to learn obviously ... to this point looks, like you've been lucky ... praise yourself, take the profit, invest small amounts next time, learn the game ... for starters: don't hold a PnD, don't trust Jow Forums shills

Same here. Was on the street when we hit 34c. Was so happy. Came home to sell, market sold at 3300 sats

God I hope so

Chink scam

How the fuck did people come on out this in the red? You literally had so much time to get in and out