We will go down in history like the coffee shops of Vienna where great minds conversed contrasting ideologies on the...

We will go down in history like the coffee shops of Vienna where great minds conversed contrasting ideologies on the precipice of civilizational change.

You may be a NEET but you are literally writing history. Can wagies say the same?

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senpai... we aint vienna. sorry

Future historians are analysing this thread RIGHT NOW. SAY SOMETHING PROFOUND.

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I'm in bed itching my sack right now thinking about my gains

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my linkies...super stinky

pee pee poo poo

No I’m pretty sure everyone here is going down like this.

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>right now there are researchings in the far future scrolling though our threads in order to find out how us neets came to dominate the international order.

Here are some tiddies for you to look at fren.

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If internet was a town, 4channelers would unironically be the jews or the freemasons. A collective of outcast radicalized INTJs communicating with esoteric signs. If it weren't for internet we'd all be lonely, but now we get to scheme together and raise our levels of arcana.

One day I smoke weed. And I was in another dimension. then retina in my eyes was changing colors as I was looking at the sky. with optimism and glee I was devastated by the ego death experience that I felt at the end. I was sadden and wanted to hang myself of the bad deeds I've done in the world. But then I woke up from my dream and there was a carrot up my ass.

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According to pol Italians arent white.

Jow Forums are the dumbest people on this website, and Vienna is in Austria.


When I was younger and more degenerate I had some leftover ketamine I found in my pocket from a party. I snorted a fat line while browsing here and literally could visualise and feel being interconnected with all of the thousands of NEETs I was conversing with, and I realised that this is the most comfy place there is. That was about 9 years ago.

fuck n1ggers fuck jannies

wagies are here also

Jow Forums is unironically the smartest board on the site. Still filled with idiots but it's an indictment of all other boards.

I hope future historians aren't faggots like everyone else in my time

First year browsing there? I browsed for 6 years. Jow Forums is dumber than fucking /v/. I regret browsing for so long and in hindsight it feels like such a massive waste of time. Did not learn one useful thing that made my life better.

You just hate it because it made you see the world for what it is and now you wish you didn't

>Did not learn one useful thing that made my life better.
>still believing life gets better

I learnt about crypto here which had results me in having more money than any point in my life. Also redpills helped.

Yeah you are a newfag. The redpill shock wears off after about 2 years and life returns to normal. What sucks is Jow Forums has a constant influx of newly redpilled newfags asking the same fucking questions over and over again and going through the same fucking changes and coming to the same epiphanies fucking hell I got so sick of talking about the same points. Any attempt at real debate or playing devils advocate was met with JIDF/CTR/Shareblue/whatever the flavor of the month Jew insult was.

It does though. Jow Forums is wrong.

One Jow Forumsfag shilling Bitcoin on Jow Forums doesn't really count. Jow Forums is the best board on this site and has done the most good things for me. I actually heard about Bitcoin on Jow Forums first as well back in 2011. But it was Jow Forums who taught me everything after the name.

those coffee shops were so god damned funny, because they'd have little signs on them that read something like

"Founded in 1939 by Hans Oberfeiß, a humble chimneysweep"

I can see your nose pressing through my screen. Lean back mate.

Go trump miga

that before you pass judgement on these people, remember that their economic system never really gave them a fair shake in life, so gambling always made more sense than labor.


though I doubt neets would be on the same level as those who frequented the coffee shops, it's still a great analogy OP - not to mention the fact that while the coffee shop was geographically exclusive, this website is free for all to access and yet would only be appreciated by a fraction of the general population

And this is why Jow Forumssucks. It's an echo chamber where all opposing viewpoints are met with Jew insults. Literally pointless to keep browsing if I have already read every redpill jpg image and argument there anyways. The average userbase is a moronic NPC.

Why read dumb Jow Forums posts when I could just read the original literature that you fags regurgitate?

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>Why read dumb Jow Forums posts when I could just read the original literature that you fags regurgitate?
this is true on the whole of Jow Forums

It actually is. I've been making an effort to cut down on browsing every board. This entire site is a waste of time. Only Jow Forums is good for you. I guess other boards like Jow Forums are probably good for you as well if that interests you too.

But boards like /tv/ and /v/ are dumb as shit and a waste of time.

sneedposting is the pompeii murals of our time

You've read a lot of shit, not surprising when you mention redpill jpegs as your source. It takes an above room temperature iq to filter out the /x/tards and the shills on the board. You've read no philosophy, literal history and a lot of memes.

> film school
You dumb fuck kek

I don't think you're a jew actually, just some easily led goon who moves trend to trend.

Jesus christ lad, get some fresh air. It's not Jow Forums that's the problem, it's you living on the computer.

Jow Forums is the smartest board, above Jow Forums and /sci/

This. Jow Forums is one of the best boards but 1) you need a critical mind to discern what to take seriously or not and 2) need to balance it with real life engagement/ political activism. If you just live on the internet you both likely don't have those discerning skills and won't see the relevance of much of it. Making the site just a trend to adopt until you get bored, a passing interest. I imagine the user is autistic and has probably drifted through many boards in his time. None have any real life meaning to him so he engages with the culture autistically then gets bored and moves on. His folders highly suggest autism, if he reads this i'd deeply like to see his organisation of his porn collection. He 100% has one.

You're a moron kek. That's a folder of books I was recommended when I browsed Jow Forums. I've got torrents of tons of books on philosophy, history and economics on my kindle or on calibre and such. That Jow Forums folder is full of fucking PDF's kek. The few non politics novels in that Jow Forums folder I updated to better formats.

>film school

When Link moons I'd like to make films. Sorry you think having artistic goals in life is cringe.

>Sakuya Shirase

Absolutely distinguished taste, user.

I peepee I poopoo

>Jow Forums is an echo chamber

Jow Forums is like everywhere else on Jow Forums: Inconsistent opinions get dragged out back and shot.

no i think the trouble with Jow Forums is that you browse and come across many different and separate topics which you then talk about. every day you start something new and you never get anywhere. It's reactive.

> "i-i-i have bu-better books elsewhere trust me! I'm not just an idiot who will read anything some read siege autist throws at me!"

I laid out my 100% accurate description of you here:
Sorry chap.

We are going to the Moon, to stay. We are going. #MoonSoon #BTC

woop w00p wooooooooooooooop
ur mom pooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooop

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Except I've browsed the same 4 boards fairly consistently for the 10+ years I've browsed here. I think I am just getting too old for this place. Too many dumb zoomers.

>1) you need a critical mind to discern what to take seriously or not

This was no problem for me. It was a problem for other people. No matter what fucking morons would invade every conversation and shit it up with the dumbest shit imaginable. After years of this, I just got sick of it.

>balance with real life engagement

Hard for me since I live on a fucking actual farm in the countryside and there isn't many people around. It's been years since I saw a non white person around here.

>the rest of your post

Pathetic strawman arguments.

You are really fragile aren't you. You are so desperate to try and discredit me so the perception of Jow Forums stays intact. It's pathetic user.

Jow Forums serves a purpose and without it the whole of Jow Forums would be even worse garbage than it is today. Even the problems you describe are just a byproduct of newfags slowly absorbing the red pill and overcompensating for their previous shameful life of blindness.
There are retards who will never graduate from there to Jow Forums, so they stay on Jow Forums and contribute to the ocean of piss, but that's the price we pay. Don't throw the baby along with the bath water or whatever that phrase was in english.

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> 10+ years various boards
> doesn't meet people in real life
> admits he can't filter moronic opinions
I guess that's game, set and match. I guess I'll go back to my argumentative echo chamber full of derailed discussions and contradictory opinions as you say.

you forgot
>takes bait


>> doesn't meet people in real life

I meet people in real life when I travel overseas, plus the few other country people I know around here.

>> admits he can't filter moronic opinions

Literally the exact opposite of what I said. I filter probably 90% of the board out before I decided to just not browse anymore. I make a thread, wanting to discuss and issue, and like 1 reply out of hundreds is worth reading. The rest are regurgitated shit that I wasted time reading, or literal brainlet tier drivel posts that derail the thread to be about dumb shit. You can't just pretend a good thread didn't get derailed and try to filter out 90% of the posts in it.

But yeah, you should fuck off back to Jow Forums and never come back. You were clearly seething at my posts. Jow Forums fags cannot take any criticism at all.