Why can´t other coins do the same?

Why only Chainlink ,why?

Attached: chart (1).png (800x550, 64K)

Meanwhile decent coins...

Attached: chart (2).png (800x550, 57K)

Attached: chart (3).png (800x550, 51K)

Thorenext doing pretty good today. Bought on mercatox sell on crex

cuz link didn't really pump in the bull market

Link is a decent coin, and Ethereum is obviously being manipulated to stay low.

Hahaha get fucked nolinker. Lick these fat green candles bitch.

>calls ETH and ADA decent
>thinks chainlink is shit
never gonna make it. this coin has literally been shilled since day 1. biz has known LINK is the one true coin. the information has been there. sorry you were too stupid to buy in at 20 cents. it's still early. don't continue to be stupid.

I actually think these 2 and maybe Monero(This one is more risky) are the only decent coins

yeah you won't make it retard


the graph shows an annual pump and dump. stay sharp and don't be greedy. even bitcoin dumps and pumps

Charles said a few days ago that when Cardano is finished it wont have any competition since it will be so superior

Ethereum doesn't work without Chainlink. Enjoy being poor.

Literally meme magic, did you miss the 2016 election? LINK is the Trump of crypto.

Cool story fag maybe you should go suck Charles dick lmao

unequivocally BTFO

Checked but the bait is way too obvious here. We're used to retards on this board but come on user...

Chainlink is not a coin you fucking degenerate waste of oxygen

You drank the Charles koolaid, congrats.
