Jow Forums be real, should I sell my fet, I'm at a fat loss rn but what if it goes up reee

Jow Forums be real, should I sell my fet, I'm at a fat loss rn but what if it goes up reee

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buy high sell low

No point selling now if you bought near top.

Sell nigger, it will drop ur money to zero

Don't listen to this crap OP, we're very close to the bottom

Why would you sell? Explain your thought process to us here OP

Perhaps cause its been bleeding for a solid 20 hours after 2hours of dumping, doesnt look like its going back up anytime soon

What's the point now? You held for a 50% loss. At least catch the dead cat bounce back to 2800.

cause i don't want to lose more money, i don't want to end up hodling for eternity while my bag just drops. But im too spooked that it might actually go up and ill lose hard

I sold and bought FTM, hoping to recover what I lost

>shit token gets massively shilled on Jow Forums the day before it crashes to 40%

Really makes me think.

If this isn't proof this place is full to the brim with pajeet/chink shills, I don't know what is.

FTM isnt on binance

We need flags so this stops happening.

Attached: 1557379238048.png (655x509, 25K)

FET got so fucking manipulated that I'll stay away from it even if it was to x5 by tomorrow.

>Fetches your investment and halves it

Forgot pic rel.


Attached: muhorganicretrace.png (210x550, 16K)

You just bought this at the top and are now trying to justify why you did so. You were greedy, this project has no long-term success no matter how hard you try to rationalize your bad decision.

Just sell and move on.

>even if it was to x5 by tomorrow

Stay poor

same desu. Just remade half of what I lost on FET.

No shit. You should've sold two days ago


mfw already hold 1000 fet, down ~40%

this guy gets it, at least theres always an afterpump in situations like this. theres also a good chance itll blast thru 4300 in notime just like that matic pump after the dump last week

Its gonna bottom and pump soon enough user. Screen cap dis. If you think its going to zero after being shilled by cz during a bull run on the hottest exchange I dunno wat to say
Checked. If your that desperate for some gains maybe sell half and go ride FTM but this is gonna explode soon
100+ IQ

Had to spell it out


Attached: IMG_20190522_114248.jpg (1080x1435, 198K)

It took me literally 10 minutes to open an account on Kucoin and transfer funds

Old fucking news

>inb4 dumps 30% in 10 minutes, because Binance bots need to paint a desired chart