Can we shill LINK to Jow Forums?

I want them to make it too, How are we going to save the white race without POL making lots of money too?

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I unironically got turned on to LINK because someone mentioned it in a Jow Forums thread.

Fuck niggers

Fuck spics

fuck half white and half black people

piss off we don't need Jow Forums fags here

ive wanted to for a while, but i cant make threads (permabanned for funposting).

you just have to take the initiative and shill it to them. be the change you want to see in the world. if you check warosu for "chainlink" you'll see plenty of comments about it over there. but i dunno if there's any real adoption.

just start making threads.

Lmao every so often I open a popular thread and just say “buy LINK”

This. We're already here. Just a waiting game now until we have enough shekels to exert maximum influence.

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post this shit lmao

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it's a difficult mental barrier to bridge. most people who don't get crypto already are inocculated to some extent. think of it like being red-pilled. the only thing you can do to help Jow Forumsacks is talk about the problems created by the jew-controlled federal reserve, present bitcoin as a solution, and hope that some of them make their way here and learn about LINK

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This polack got himself a nice suicide stack at $0.40

I got into crypto because somone mentioned it on Jow Forums

much rather dump on/po/fags than redditors in the near term

Can someone write up a quick summary of chainlink cuz i still dont even know what it does

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There are plenty of posts, but few OPs explaining what it does.

Your elevator pitch, the very FIRST sentence, should be that it is going to tokenize the 1.2 quadrillion dollar derivative market, the largest market on planet Earth.

And then mention that Jow Forums has researched the shit out of it for two years and "you believe in the power of our collective autism, dont you?"

And then just go from there.

>imagine being this insecure

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another simple way to explain it would be comparing btc/cryptocurrency as electricity, ETH as a computer, and chainlink as the internet itself

Spic right here. Soon LINK will make us rich.

Allah save link fucking niggers

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too many trannies and shills that would also get in. we cant risk it

Same, except I sold and bought HOT instead

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fuck smelly niggers

I would gulp her piss all day. Create a seal around her swollen pink cunt with my mouth and just gulp.


Jow Forums here, got loads of stuff including LTC and other coins doing very well. Naturally being extremely paranoid I'm wary of a yet-to-be-proven project like LINK, but that risk is also what makes it so profitable. For now at least. It's great on paper, but I don't trust derivatives at all since they're all based on debts leveraged a million times over. Total money supply on earth, roughly 75 trillion. Derivatives, 5 quadrillion. It's going to crash 1930's badly at some point.

I hope it works out for you guys and I wish you all the best!

theyre already here faggot

reminder that Jow Forums is a ancap board. fuck taxes.

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Also, another pro tip: you are far less likely to be banned if you are posting your shill in already-existing threads, not new OPs, and if the thread you're posting it into has tangential relevence.

You're the odd one out jew.

>mfw came to Jow Forums from Jow Forums back on day one and drifted through /tg/ & Jow Forums etc then became Jow Forums af from the final year of potus 44 until we were successful in memeing the best candidate available into becoming elected potus 45 before celebrating on Jow Forums for the rest of that month before returning to focus on Jow Forums

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>he doesn't know
Jow Forums is the economic arm of Jow Forums. Oldfags were already in this sphere since btc/eth. The premise of a libertarian world seemed impossible outside of an ethnically-homogeneous society until anons realized they could build their own with programmatic security using blockchain and smart contracts. Due to the sheer influx of shills some of the ancient fags appear to have migrated to IRC chat, urbit, and other places while lurking Jow Forums during major happenings. Imo it is not wise to shill on pol because there are so many prying eyes there. I would hate to inadvertently enrich our enemies or give the desperate media a vector to hurt us by drawing attention to pol linkholders. Honestly until staking is fully implemented we should tread lightly.

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derivatives is just one use case
LINK isn't higher risk than any other crypto

Own collateral? I assume that's staking?

But derivatives are all about to evaporate.

Already did it once and got a ban for raiding or board crossing or some shit


Hell no

been doing that for the past two years
some of them are so dense. they think this whole space is a scam (about 99.9% true) but they dont see the opportunity, making money that is
if youre not in LINK yet, you deserve to die poor
fuck em

Nigger Jow Forums is Jow Forums. Kys.

>Jow Forums is literally so dead that the only people left are Jow Forums refugees
Well that explains a lot

Refugees from what? Jow Forums is bigger than ever, we're taking over mainstream politics at a staggering rate. The lefties are the ones who are a minority, but they keep poking the unresisting masses. Until they do resist. It's going to get ugly.

Lmao. Who do you think you're talking to on this board?

>capitalizing Jow Forums
Literally the biggest reddit indicator I’ve seen in 10 long shitty years of browsing this site.

le back to pol, containment board for boomers

Maybe start a fucking thread and link it here you absolute nigger

>tfw heard about btc on pol when it was $500 but I didn't even have any money to buy in if I wanted to
that wasn't the first time I heard about it but that was the first time I realized you could make serious money with btc, too bad I didn't think the same thing would happen again and again with a bunch of different coins

The smart ones are already here, and have been here.

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Fuck Jow Forums Link should be shilled to /ck/

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Lefties definitely arent a minority. Just by nature (r selection vs K selection) right wingers will always be a minority, albeit stronger individually. Democracy is rule by the weak willed , weak bodied masses.

No they’re not.

You're on the containment website.

back to Jow Forums incel

Yup. These blancos have no idea, kek.

Youre delusional


Nah man. Crypto is Jew controlled. There is no doubt about it. Crypto is the next evolution of judiac slavery on this Earth. Everything will be trackable and connected with smart contracts to keep goyim inline. There will be a complete elimination of under the table work. It’ll be impossible to take advantage of any loop holes when bounded to a deterministic, self executing, trustless system. It is a.i controlled slavery. They sell it to us as something of convince but this is the reality. It’ll be used only to benefit them.

The point of investing in this satanic shit isn’t so that it becomes mainstream. It’s only to profit off of Jewish schemes for our own benefit. Hopefully it’ll be enough to fund the revolution against the Jew menace and we can stop this new world order one race mutt clown world from happening.

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>shill it at ATH to our Jow Forumstard friends
Yeah, nice way to help them make it and save the white race, OP

fuck off, Jow Forums is cringe

Whatever, all that matters is you don't share it with Jow Forums, those pretentious dumb fucks must remain 'the board that should know but still misses out'

use your LINK to fund the race war!

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good thing your flag isn't displayed here eh kike?

We need nose's KYC

Found the Jow Forums incel

We're everywhere, Moshe

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you whities are idiots

It's Jew-controlled in the way the internet was Jew-controlled in 1998. Decentralization of information was more beneficial to us and worth the increased ability of the Jews to track everything everyone says to their friends. Similarly decentralization of money transfers will be more beneficial to us than to them and worth the increased ability of them to track things. Also I think even the enhanced tracking is biting them in the ass. Hardcore dissidents like us know to use a VPN when posting and will likewise know to use privacy coins. Normies getting hounded by the media for saying a nigger joke once in a facebook post five years ago doesn't endear them to the rest of the normies.

nigger that future's coming regardless to replace cash. but crypto allows us to create parallel systems and opt out of jewish control. this freedom is inherently anti-semitic

Jow Forumstards are literally no different from niggers

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Whites can't even handle the sun! Unnatural.

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Wrong. White people just want to be left alone. To Jews, separation from white people is the most horrible form of oppression.

im jewish unironically and have over 100k link

sucks to be a poltard lmao

There are 1000 times more white people than Jews. Why can't you defeat them? because you are inferior to them. This is natural selection in action and you are at the bottom of the chain with niggers. Deal with it

that's all great, i guess you should have positioned that workstation towards the window, no reflection, great view

How do I get in to this? I am 35 and missed out on everything good because I was broke and too dumb with money to capitalize when the market crashed in 09 and when bitcoin was like 2 bucks and i didn't pull the trigger and buy a couple hundred. Where can I start now? Have been wagecucking since 15 and am tired of working to make others way more money with my skills. I just bought memebook to start learning coding on, and am ready to buy some basic tools and start my own handyman business until I can get licensed as a general contractor. Where can I start buying things like link? Is it a stock? Should I open an investment account with my bank (wells fargo)?


Jow Forums is where all the ancaps of Jow Forums went

I like how the hatred and contempt is immediately exposed when you people get called out.

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t. seething cattle

someone shilled this in infinity pol last june been on board ever since

It was not part of their blood,
It came to them very late,
With long arrears to make good,
When the Saxon began to hate.

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>send millions of muslims to europe so you can make greater israel
>muslims all hate jews
>it's now becoming socially acceptable in europe to hate jews
>europe is a much greater force than israel
>2050 israel gets nuked
this didn't have to happen and now it's all going to backfire on you
we could have helped each other and you chose to fuck us over

This is why I think they are going to kill us

Wakey wakey

Frankly, they've had their chance since Napoleon let them out of the ghettos. They could have integrated, or they could have kept themselves separate while collaborating for a better future together if they preferred. They had other chances in the past as well going back as far as the Hellenic and later Roman empires. This is what being nice to Jews gets you. All that supremacy stuff is really just a projection of their own feelings towards gentiles. Their entire religion is based on worshipping themselves as the chosen race. And so, they will always end up stabbing you in the back when the opportunity comes. The eternal Jew-Nazi cycle.

I think this is a great idea
it would benefit us all

soon they will be alone, in the desert, surrounded by people who hate their guts.
not very far sighted strategy

The coping is real. USA is the little toy of Israel. You and your entire family will be drafted to die for Zion if its needed

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Someone coordinate a mass shilling to pol

fuck pol. they didn't buy the ico. they didn't hold sibos bags. they didn't endure two years of radio silence and relentless fud. they don't know the agony, and you want to share with them the ecstasy? pathetic.

A good portion of this board also posts on Jow Forums already. I've been here since the ICO. And Jow Forums and Jow Forums. Who sticks to just one board only? I told my real life friends but people who aren't interested enough to lurk here and do their own research probably aren't going to make it.

pol has no right to exist.
this. absolutely pathetic that these newfags need validation from fellow insecure incels

Wow. You changed your tune pretty quick there, Herschel.

jews are literally no different from nazis

There is one huge difference. Nazis lost. Jews won.

yeah thats a difference. the ideologies are very similair though, both are psychopathic psychotic superiorirty cults, biggest difference is nazism is overt, judaism is covert

Jow Forums here. Link will bring about both the fourth industrial revolution and the fourth reich

Jow Forums here. Fuck you jew.

What would they buy with their gains...some chewing tobacco from their cousin??? All the comforts and luxuries in life are made from companies with diverse workforces—progressives our progressing our culture. If Jow Forums is actively disengaging with society would could they possibly want from it? Oh bother, they can fuck off

Is anyone going to post on /pol

Hey me too!