Strap in boys, it's happening tonight
2$ waiting room
check out these digits
Not bad, soldier
Looks like buying pressure is waning, is it gonna dump?
Checked. and Checked.
>checks blockfolio
Cross 2 bucks and it will be really hard for reddit normie wagecucks to even get to suicide level stacks if they decide to fomo in
Haven’t been here since June.
The fact that we have waiting rooms is so comfy.
$2 by Friday at the latest
Don't worry, they will only tentatively buy in. They'll take a few percent total out of vechain, trac, sia, and the other 15 coins into which they've 'diversified' to buy 350 Link "because I was thinking about it and I'm pretty sure smart contracts will need data, but I'm still wary of Jow Forums incrls, they always brigade chainlink posts."
Fuck off, larper
All I can do is wait. I wanted to buy more but my bank is jewing me and not letting me add a debit card to coinbase for instant transactions, otherwise I have to wait 6 days to move funds off coinbase.
>only 5k linkies
Okay, so I won't make it, but will I at least get to live comfortably as a neet? Never fucking selling, I'll stake my linkies
loo loo loo I've got some linkies,
loo loo loo, you've got some too
Checked marine
You will half make it
Jesus christ, is this thing seriously going to $300+? Am I delusional?
underrated humorous post
Kek reminder that most redditors are the most middle of the middle of the pack. The whales and the homeless are on Jow Forums. Almost all those NPC’s will only be barely able to afford a suicide stack.
Good stuff frens. We make it all day and all night. Somehow this Mongolian basket weaving forum has made us all the future elites.