Trezor for my Linkies?

Daydreaming about my mansion and then started getting very scared that I have everything exposed to an exchange still. Just bought the Trezor. Can anyone else confirm this is a good choice? Any advice for a first time hardware wallet user?

Best regards,

Attached: trezor1.png (438x403, 64K)

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what do you do if the hardware wallet fails?

got 10k on my trezor in a FIRE PROOF LOCK BOX don't forget that last part.

10k on Ledger in safety deposit box.

Use your seed phrase, you tard.

they come with 20 word passphrases as a backup you simpleton.

Yes now send your links to your MEW Trezor address

They say you can restore it from a paper backup, I guess.

I slide my trezor between my bum crack not because I want to keep it safe but to lure crypto faggots into diddling my chocolate starfish. You see, sirs, I'm gay and I love 2 things in life: sucking cock and LINK

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Got 150k+ link on a trezor, had no problems so far. Got ledger as well but prefer tresor. Copy of seed code in 2 different locations in 2 different countries. I'd say about as secure as you're gonna get

Can anyone tell me why link is pumping? It just become the biggest thing in my portfolio

Good choice.
Secure your seed words well and not online and if anything happens to the hardware you regen the whole wallet with your seed words.
In B4 basement dwelling paper wallet is the only way autists.

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100k on binance faggots

>ledger in safety deposit box
this has to be bait

No, you are just a dumb kid who can't afford a safe deposit box

I have a trezor but here is how I saved my Linkies before and it's even more secure than trezor

Pro-tip: You don't need to buy a piece of Chink meme garbage to secure your tokens.

Download the following:

Oracle VM VirtualBox

Spin up a Virtual Machine running Ubuntu or other distro and then go to MyEtherWallet. Generate a wallet and write down seed / download KeyStore file.

Choose a solid password for your KeyStore file.

Create a VeraCrypt container and choose a solid password for that too. Put the KeyStore file in the VeraCrypt container. Now put the VeraCrypt container on a USB, make a few copies.

Close down the Virtual Machine and sleep easy. No one has ever, and I mean US Gov tier level, has ever cracked TrueCrypt or VeraCrypt. Each time to need to access your wallet just spin up a Virtual Machine running a Linux distro and unencrypt.

You will 100% not get your shit keylogged. You can even set VeraCrypt to only allow password to be typed in a fully separate instance on your machine.

I got one of these bad boys last year and put my 100,000 link on it. Bought some land and built a house on it. After the foundation had been dug I dug deeper and placed the wallet in the hole. House is finished now and my wallet is safe underneath my house.

Have my Trezor waiting at home for me but is the VM part essential? I already dual boot Ubuntu and Windows.

Op pros and cons on both? leaning on ledger nano S but i havent encountered someone that uses trezor


I have dual boot too but the VM works as a new computer so it offers even better security.

why do you need the linux VM virtual box? why not just make a veracrypt container on your local pc? srs question i am trying to learn

Because your PC could be compromised.

thank you user

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>G O D
>P R O T O C O L

so basically...

install VM virtual box program on local PC --> create virtual box running linux distro --> do what op said --> spin up veracrypt container --> store everything on there

if your pc is compromised VM virtual box protects you from that? Won't keyloggers or screen capture shit work anyway? I don't know how this shit works desu

basemented and rebarpilled

Yes, it operates as a completely different computer. No keylogger can access a new virtual machine

Just follow what is written in my post.

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what do you do if anyone finds your seed?


>got 10k on my trezor in a FIRE PROOF LOCK BOX don't forget that last part.

The only thing that needs fireproofing is the recovery seed password card. I keep 30k on my trezor out on my computer desk.

I tried it myself and the keylogger didn't detect what I wrote in the VM

>if your pc is compromised VM virtual box protects you from that?


Your VM being compromised is ok, it can't leak to the real PC (in theory, but in practice either nobody has broken that).

If your PC is compromised, then the VM is just a program running under it, and whoever has access to your PC will see everything it runs including the VM

If you delete windows/system32 folder on the virtual machine however, then the person will not be able to see anything at all in your virtual machine

Please contact Microsoft-- they spend millions of dollars a year trying to find out what you were able to do in your bedroom.

Is hacking of a wallet such a common occurrence?

I am new to crypto, I understand exchanges can get hacked so no point in holding serious stacks there (if you don't plan to trade them) but what about BRD for example? Or some other phone-based wallet? Is that really something to be worried about?

The keylogger is not set to listen to the virtual machine - it doesn't mean you don't have someone livestreaming your fucking desktop to his house while he eats popcorn, seeing and recording everything you do in the VM.

And if a key logger just listens to key input, rather than trying to listen to a windows registering of inputs, it will get everything you type in the VM

Make sure the lockbox is data rated. Fire safes are generally rated for a temperature that paper combusts at. Plastic melts at a much lower temp.

ur keylogger is shitty

>have an ethereum node synced up on an external drive, continuously syncing on a internet-connected computer
>when you need to send a transaction, take the eth node drive and connect it to your permanently disconnected computer where you sign a transaction using your private key and validate it
>put the signed transaction onto a flash drive
>broadcast the transaction on myetherwallet
private key -> perfectly safe from any malware

bump for same question but about the handcash app
t. BSV is Bitcoin

I would never hold LINK, even if it fucking ballooned. Sorry.

you're right I'm a kid but you'd probably commit suicide if you knew how much money I had. you should do that anyway if you're such a poorfa brainlet nigger that you think using a bank deposit box for your ledger adds any security at all. end your sad wagecuck life

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Ideally you don't want any online component whatsoever related to your wallet. It doesn't happen often, but why risk it?

everything goes through the driver of the host machine. don't worry a good keylogger gets everything.

Is there any way to avoid it?

protip: if you received it with the secret words already generated, you're getting your coins stolen

better not use a virtual machine but use an offline mint live os.

>If you delete windows/system32 folder on the virtual machine however, then the person will not be able to see anything at all in your virtual machine

If there is a bank run you wont be able to access your safety deposit box

it is true, you can test, as your VM will not run anymore and the hacker will not be able to see it


>as your VM will not run anymore
and this helps us how

okay here is the deal
1) anyone that writes down their seed in full is a fucking retard that deserves to get taken to the shed and fucked to death by jamal.
2) if you insist on the stupid shit called hardware wallet, use sensible precausitions!
a) the device can fail you any time, but worse it's not a security feature it's an attack vector it is best use as an airgapped hot wallet. not good for cold storeage.
b) the seed, do not write down the whole seed! keep 6 words committed to memory! and distribute the remaining 18 words in 3 groups of 6 words according to this pic.

Attached: grouping.png (855x252, 11K)

oh and of course keep the 3 seed portions at 3 separate locations!
no single point of failure!

lol you got upset

I am in a similar situation. How can I be sure nobody has already seen the 20 phrase recovery password? My plan is to buy one and punch the recovery passwords into a sheet of steel but I am worried some one might get my stinkies..

see break your seed up at least if you are stupid enough to write it down

Can you explain more about the grouping part?

>use sensible precausitions
such as what

Should I move my 10k stinks out of metamask

the point is any 2 sheet out of the 3 contains the entire seed. so they have to find 2 not 1. if you keep 6 words to memory then not even all 3 is enough.

it also gives you redundancy to loss of a sheet.

Just watch this video for good key storage practices.

3) don't forget your tinfoil

I have long since forgotten everything. I don’t remember even a single word from my seed phrase.

It's the best hardware wallet user, good choice to protect your linkies

you only need tinfoil to shield your rfid cards if you like your privacy. or if you want to be absolutely untrackable by phone/gps for a short period of time you can wrap the phone too.
the you should probably write down the full groups and take vinpocetine and fish oil

Phone wallets, online wallets and exchanges are suicide wish tier, you will eventually kill yourself in the next two years