That’s it biz tards yes, ignore amazing tech, long term investment opportunities...

That’s it biz tards yes, ignore amazing tech, long term investment opportunities, use cases and one of the worlds biggest energy suppliers testing on the iExec platform and focus on your short term pumping and dumping

That’s it biztards keep judging the quality of a project on the short term price action of the coin because of course Yesh yessss biztards...iExec who are making breakthrough progress with intel and alibaba cloud are now automatically shit because of a bit of short term price action

Stay poor biz, and keep fudding so I can accumulate more

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Yeah, no. RLC is trash at best. Muh V1,000,000 Kek

> Robbed, baguetted and deluded


Thanks ranjeet Just wait for V9!

Meanwhile link is pre alpha garbage with no real partnerships.
RLC is unironically the best chance at a 1000x

>implying rlc is ever gonna make more profit than chainlink
brainlets gonna brainlet

Id rather get rich in LINK than wait 4 years for a x2 on this frenchink scam

Based RLChad. This coin is such a slam dunk at these levels. Stay poor biz.

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>ignore amazing tech
link makes rlc obsolete thats why its worth 30x in market cap

t. Francois
Shut the fuck up you absolute spastic. Rlc is shit and if they want to get anywhere will use link.

I love it man. The more these dumbass fucktards keep FUDing the more time I have to accumulate on the dips.

Sometime in 2020 this slumbering dragon will eventually awaken. Its gonna take everybody by surprise when start pumping like crazy out of nowhere.

But the RLC Chads knew all along.

>knockoff link memes

You know you’ve made the right decision when all people can come up with to dispute actual technological advancement and ground breaking technology is “hurr durr baguet pajeet obsolete scam” etc.

Brainlets gonna brainlet.

Technological advancement my ass, your cons are not delivering any tech adv, they're just scamming and stealing money.
I've read someone that someone lost a lot of money on this and is planning to hurt your friends bad, very soon.

Is this even english? Ffs man, I hope for your sake you are just sperging out and your rage typing is the cause for whatever you just typed.

We do it because we love you linkies, you are just as delusional as we are
>your cons are not delivering any tech adv, they're just scamming and stealing money.

*i've read somewhere*
Such a delicate pussy here.


I don't give a fuck about your pathetic coin, i never put a dollar on it, and i won't.
I hope that you get banned from this board, it's the only way to prevent that other anons lose their money in this fraud.

>being this mad

Confirmed bought @ ATH or low IQ butt mortified linktard

Oh look, the RLC pajeets are back.
After that 50% scam dump i was hoping you were all dead.

> OP is a french fag
Rlc is a dead pnd

>IBM literally posting slides at conferences w IExec plastered all over it
>PnD scam

Pick one, sandeep


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The turtle racing the rabbit.

4k RLC is 21btc


>hatin ass nigguhs be hatin
RLC das rite

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iexec is vaporware with no real partnerships

Gilles Fedak is a low-life scammer

>IBM literally presenting RLC
>no real partnerships

The absolute state

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>no real partnerships
fuck off retard

Buy the dip

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>Revive, young iExec.

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People laughed at linkies and then want to fomo in. The same will happen to RLC, they laugh now but when we're at $3 they will hang themselves.

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