I'm at a coffee shop. 5 feet away from me some bitch is trying to convince a guy to invest his life savings in Herbalife. How do I save him
I'm at a coffee shop...
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Tell him to buy link
Go up and say “it’s a multi level marketing scam which has been the subject of a multitude of lawsuits. Bye now.”
Tell me about the roasties, why do they push MLM scams?
Herbalife is a multi level marketing thing, right? Well, guess what, that guy will still make more money in the long run compared to the halfwits on Jow Forums.
show him this video
This OP
ass for encouragement. its one sentence from you, and decades of work for the poor sap. go do it. don't argue, don't engage back if she talks, just walk away.
no no no no
let the cuck suffer
they both look stupid
let them both piss away their savings and it will eventually wind up in our stinky linkies
>not realizing the crypto is basically the same thing if not worse
What the fucks your problem buddy, you jealous of her hustle, besides he def looks like he needs vitamins
herblife is that ronaldo shit
Walk by, hand him a paper with the url for LINK/USDT pair on binance written on it, then walk away without saying a word
The problem with the modern male is he's become so afraid of confrontation that he's even more fearful than a woman. Intervene.
inherent lack of conscience
Introduce him to BHIP
How can a woman look so middle aged?
1) be white
why try to save a stupid person? a fool and his money will soon part ways.
probably by being middle aged
>imagine being THIS ignorant
start screaming about the power of positive thought and chainlink
Crypto is basically Tupperware for nerds. Lol at thinking anyone other than whales will ever make any money off this shit. You're job is to buy and get dumped on
She looks like a spic, though. That being said, yes White girls in sunny areas age like milk because they don't understand that they fucking need sunscreen every single day.
Carlos Matos went from BitConnect showman to Herbalife salesman
That's a tell
>meeting at a starbucks
why do boomers do shit like this?
Let the thirsty old beta sell his house for cat food, we could use the drop in housing prices.
They see other people making money (I.e. the women they hang out with) and they want in too. Keeping up with the Joneses type thing.
This. If he saved this time, he will find an another stupid way to loose his money. I dealt with this kind of person. He was at least a little suspicious and asked me about an ad, what was a typical nigerian scam. All my efforts was useless to show him evidences, that this is a textbook scam, but he just assumed the ad writer was only lazy and copied randomly from the internet, that's why it's text similiar to the scam examples. "B-but it has an insane price, it is just 1k, I never seen this sruff below 2k even used, must buy now, before someone smart smells this and buys faster," And he was geniuenly suprised, how the package never came after he paid in advance and the fake person not answering anymore. I cutted contact, don't waste time on these kind of people, they never learn.
Stop taking pictures of random people and posting it online. This is not what cellphone cameras were intended for. You have no idea what manners are and you're lucky I wasn't there to smash your phone. I hate this generation.
i reckon I would just bust from the friction of her ass cheeks as I try to put in
go lie and say you lost tens of thousands on herbalife
"bye now"
he hears "buy now"
You know how they say women have more social acumen or whatever? I think that’s why they get into MLM scams. They think they can make money by socializing with clients. Men out there making real work with their hands.
I told him to google it and do some research as he was leaving, he seemed pretty off-put that I was talking to him so I dunno if he'll listen or not
If he was too dumb to look for any info like that before I told him and was just going to trust the bitch, I'm not sure I can save him
I'd kick your boomer shit in if you tried
Being a predatory cunt in public doesn't come with an expectation of privacy
beat it boomer. cameras are for whatever i want it for
Be over 40.
>1 post by this ID
Stupid fucking boomer I'd smash your face if you even tried to touch me and my phone
Yes, you caught the anti-Herbalife jews out to prevent you from making millions and being your own boss and setting your own hours and working from home
suckerpunch that woman in the earhole from behind. literally kill her with one punch.
i hope you didnt buy that herbalife, boomer
Wait for her to leave and explain it to him calmly.
No, you're job.