Not even in the top 10,000 LINK wallets, need at least 1,126link, I only have 778, putting me at 13,000th-ish. Theres only like 29,000 wallets and I'm barely in the top 50%. I feel so pathetic
Not even in the top 10,000 LINK wallets, need at least 1,126link, I only have 778, putting me at 13,000th-ish...
Other urls found in this thread:
how to rank my link folio?
don't worry fellow poorfag Linklet.
If these autists are correct, 1.2k will be enough to get through life just fine. you may not have a yacht, and you may be kicking yourself everyday for not having a bigger stack, but if 10k is legit 10MM then all you really need is 1k lol. and hands of steel to not sell early.
look through this, just change the last number and hit refresh until you find your rank, or you can just search your address.
10k link isnt going to be worth 10million you hopeless little shit i hope somehow you get hacked and lose every single penny and item or value that you have from all your accounts
>and hands of steel to not sell early.
This is the biggest threat.
You think someone who cant afford a decent stack has got the discipline to not spend it when his folio hit's 100X more money then he ever has?
Also i wanna know this too
what do you want faggot? you think link is going to do a 1000x ?
if LINK's market cap (at 350mil tokens) ever hit 1 trillion that would 1k link would be over 2.5MM
can you do this if you just have binance?
you know how hard is it to hit one fucking trillion marketcap? its not as easy as snap your fingers. also link depends ALL on the progress of ETH its a utility token and cant function alone
calm your fucking horses faggot. it obviously will be worth way more than 10MM
>what is 1000 EOY
Market cap isn't a sensible way to value a network. It's not a corporation.
It's easy to imagine link reaching 1k per token
Easy to “imagine”
Blockchain can't function without link dipshit
Maybe 600x
but yeah, same ballpark
>he doesn't know the derivatives market is 600Trillion dollars
10% of that market would put link well into the $1000's
I am the derivative market.
>January 1st, 2021
>I wake up around noon and check coinmarketcap
>I spent New Years Eve alone as usual
>I think about all the memes, all the threads spammed on the Chainlink board of 4channel last night
>All the fud about dropping back to $800
>We finally broke $1,000
>I walk outside and get an Uber to the airport
>I only have the 300 Link I managed to buy early 2020, but I started making enough off staking to quit my job
>I fly to the Cryonics center I've been in touch with
>In the waiting room I browse /link/ (a board made when some user bought 4channel with his Link gains last August)
>half the threads are anons showing off their yachts, huge orgies, paying homeless people to let them beat the shit out of them, you get the idea
>I wish I'd had gotten in earlier - a few anons were living like literal kings now, complete with their own fledgling countries
>a couple more livestreams pop up - more nolinker suicides
>the jannies quickly take them down
>the doc takes my phone and we make small talk until I slip into the abyss
>Im declared dead
>This sets off my contracts interlinked within contracts interlinked within contracts interlinked within oracles
>The first contract releases the payment to the Cryonics organization
>Immediately after my Link portfolio is reorganized by a series of contracts written to stake my Link automatically for safe profits
>years pass and an army of profit taking contracts are at work, diversifying my portfolio into various assets for another level of security
>100 years pass and the stop loss contracts still haven't kicked in
>As if no time had passed at all I'm awake, for a second I think I'm still waiting to be put into Cryogenic sleep
>A new doctor is explaining everything to me
>He hands me the shoebox I put some possessions in - a photo of my family, a photo of my cat, my first Ledger Nano
>I can tell this body isn't organic, but it looks completely natural
>The doctor shows me my portfolio
>Adjusted for inflation, I'm the equivalent of a 2021 billionaire
>I pay for an ego backup
>A sensor imbedded in my body serves as an oracle, if I die my consciousness will immediately be restored in a new body
>I spend some decades roaming Earth, talking to the other old Linkers
>Learn that ayys made first contact soon after our societal and technological development was spurred on by smart contracts
>Pay homage to the statue of Sergey Nazarov, standing in the center of what was once Israel
>Send 1 Link to the janitors wallet as he scrubs Sergey's giant stone feet
>He gets a notification and realizes he's suddenly a rich man
>Exclaims he can finally buy his freedom, breaks down crying tears of happiness
>Figure I've had enough of Earth, pay a ship building company to make me a vessel resembling the one I once flew in EVE Online
>Explore the stars and meet all sorts of interesting people and space niggers using worm holes rendered traversable by some alien technology
>Enter the infinite
What are you gonna do when you make it, user?
>Less than 2700 people in the whole world have more LINK than I do.
Probably less than that when you consider multiple wallets...I just might make it after all.
found the salty swing linker
i wish i had all the link one day
>What are you gonna do when you make it, user?
I am going to personally demolish every cryonics center I can hunt down on this planet by the year 2025 using a flame hammer powered sledge thrower while blasting auto repair YouTube tutorials.
Why did you think LINK built their own mainnet, you absolute nimrod? They're not dependent on ETH and can switch to whatever the leading smart contract platform is.
Inaccurate as balls, doesn't count a single holder on exchanges.
This dream is so shitty and bugman-tier. You have no imagination or vision you've just watched too much star trek and big bang theory.
>imagine not reading the whitepaper like MIDPwBV9
Enlighten me with your dream future, user
screencapped lol
>my wallet rank: 1900
aahh.... feelsgoodman