Is Tesla done?

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I'm assuming my $6700 worth of TSLA is going to be worthless soon. Fuck this guy, fraud

Apple should buy them out at pennies on the dollar

>Bezos sends his regards
analysts are cheap. nigger pls.

>tfw still holding 50 shares I bought for $34 a piece in 2013

Maybe don’t buy high next time retard

Unironically yes

>muh boomer stocks arent manipulable

They are manipulated regarded to options you retarded boomers

Idk if Tesla is going to keep dumping, but most analysts are literally paid shills. They get told whether to make a bearish or bullish call (depending on their employers'/customers' interests) and then make the numbers fit the story.

Go play with your internet tokens, kid. Men are trying to discuss here.

Jesus fuck dude elon is the biggest con artist ever, will make madoff look like a boyscout, fucking sell at a loss before you lose everything

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JP Morgan said Tesla is a $10 shitcoin.

bought in IPO at $31 and sold at $151, but this latest batch was bought at $198

I am probably selling tomorrow or Friday, was hoping for a quick pump off a tweet but this dude is acting like an autist

all the news articles are shaking hands so they can accumulate TSLA to $4000

literally do the opposite of articles and general public opinion


buy when there's blood they say
checked af

I'm seeing too many Model 3's around and want to feel special and not like the normies. If too many people buy this car I'll look less cool on the road...


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Saudi's are going to take over Tesla soon.

They have no chance of going bankrupt, they would be bought before that ever happened.

At what price is tsla a buy?

JP Morgan said the same about btc too lol

“Tesla stock ‘bear case’ is $10, Morgan Stanley says”


I've only seen two Teslas.

T. Virginanon

Missed out in 2013 (was a huge hassle and before Robinhood), but back strong with crypto. Is Robinhood the go-to?

Btc doesnt owe billions of dollars and having growth problems. If they dont grow they are fucked with debt