What's the secret?

>riding the train
>notice two guys in really nice suits talking to each other, laughing, gesturing a lot, generally looking jolly as hell
>pretend im getting off at the next stop so i move closer to hear what they're saying
>"I'm telling you, that's the key to success. That's how you fucking make it. You want more fucking money than you know what to do with? All you need to know is this, this is the secret:"
>the guy speaking turns around, notices me standing nearby, grimaces, then they start walking away so i can't hear, then get off at the next stop

what was he going to say, biz? what's the secret??

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buying chainlink



"All women are whores."

> Successul business men riding the subway in NYC


twitch streaming channel with patreon but halfway through you become a mtf tranny haha

Yeah like I would ever try to ease drop on some subway riding trash

>if you weren't a brainlet you would of analyzed more than their suits and knew what/who they where and what level of awareness they where at for that secret to be so hot.

protip. as you move up in tiers of consciousness, what ever was the lifechanging secret of tier 1 becomes a stupid joke and meme to the 2 tiers above.

That’s clearly London, m8. Alao OP didn’t specify the city

>these mooks at www.boards.4channel.org/biz/ are literally retarded, they will buy ANYTHING!
>FUCK YEAH! They bought this fucking fake money thingy called Chinlink or some shit and now they call each other 'linkies' and spend all day making stupid pictures of some fat guy with a shitty beard
>my god.

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I can physically feel the pain of the actor in this image merely pretending to be a wagecuck in new york


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No one speaks on the tube even if with friends

you actually thought this was a real story? speaking of brainlets, lmao...

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secret is he was on cocaine

You write posts like a spastic mate

The Secret is the actual Secret. Watch the movie, the secret. Comes off as a meme (the movie is wayyyyy too american) but the message itself is true.

Every moment of your waking life is a moment of self definition. What you think, say and do defines the course of your life. Modern society has made you believe that you react to life - when in reality, life reacts to you!

In more widely known words: Fake it until you make it. The universe will grant you every wish, every deepest desire of yours if you simply change your mind.


>"orange flavor lube"

Thank me later.

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>We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.

He's probably talking about the secret that Pi is a new digital currency being developed and is currently in Phase 1/3 "Design, Distribution, Trust Graph Bootstrap", to be followed by "Testnet" and finally "Mainnet". The Pi Network is based on SCP - the Stellar Consensus Protocol, which you can learn more about easily by searching it up on YouTube.

The supply of Pi is determined by the followed equation:

Total Max Supply = M + R + D

M = total mining rewards

R = total referral rewards

D = total developer rewards

You can learn a lot more about Pi by reading the entirety of the Pi Network white paper. If you decide to sign up use code tman to fully enlighten yourself about the joy of being two rich boomers riding on a train talking about the key to success.

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Joining the ranks of the Jews as their puppet

>what was he going to say, biz? what's the secret??
Buy index funds.

>not realizing ALL stories are real, some just haven't manifested themselves in your reality yet.

yes speaking of..

Ass pennies

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Subtle and good Pepe.

Use code giggaligga to get access to pi.

If you're older than 45 and you still take the subway, then you fucked up someplace.

t. ameribrainfart

Not really. Lots of millionaires take the subway in nyc. The only ones that don't are the ones worth more than $5 million.

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>sitting in a cab for an hour and a half to get from 14th street to 42nd
>getting to your destination in under 5 minutes on the train
gee I wonder which option those “successful businessmen” would take

buy TNT on binance

helicopter between rooftops dummy

I know someone with a new worth of 30 million who rides the subway. And they made their money in banking.

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