How can I make money in this country?

How can I make money in this country?

Attached: 1547839220969.png (615x410, 42K)

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simple, just do nothing!

importing meth

Go back to turkey, murat


you leave it

or you sell weed.


You're welcome :)


work and invest in crypto

48k eur/year in hamburg
10k crypto

Isch auch mein Land lan alda ich schieb bei dir olum. 10 Jahre Aufenthalt immer noch keine Papier lan Isch hab die schnauze voll jeden Tag Arbeitsamt.

arbeit für ne ami firma die zahlen wenigstens vernünftig.
>t. 62k


Long interracial porn and bigger sized condom producers

ist wie mit deutschen frauen, wenn sie kein deutscher sticht, sticht sie ein ausländer

du meinst mit nem Messer, oder?

only if you register at the zentralrat der schwuchteln und you apply for the getting arschgefickt support system

1. lese ein paar bücher über &hype-tech
2. gründe ein startup mit cooler website und powerpint
3. suche investoren
4. profit

dies, aber unironisch

getting a fucking job instead of posting the same shit thread every single fucking day

You Germans should have been wiped out long ago, luckily it's finally under way and it shouldn't take too long now

I'm a wage cuck, but I want to work as little as possible.

You know german genes are very far spread in the world? From the mennonites in russia to most of white americans. Germans will never die you subhuman cuck.

keep believing that while your women suck Jamal and getting impregnated by Ahmed

seems like you already are there given how much time you spend spamming this board with your pathetic shit

It's true though

Haha keep coping with this german world. Dont forget to thank us for konrad zuse else your brown little cuck fingers wouldnt be able to vent your frustration about your small weiner on here.

I rest my case

Germany was a mistake

work as react dev in Berlin and make 82k

slavery is no option

> konrad zuse

you realize he didn't contribute anything to the development of modern computers?

>Pioneers dont matter
Alright nigger whatever your 80iq brain comes up with. You aint gonna try to debate me on german contributions are you? Wouldnt be wise little nigger

yes, in his case they don't matter because thanks to him being on the wrong side he did not contribute to the development of the machines we are using now.

>80iq brain

this is a böhmermann honeypot thread to dox more right wingers

>trying to make money is rightwing in germany

if you make it, the media will release a video of you biting the bait

By moving to EE where taxes are low.

Everything right of Mao Zedong is right wing extremism nowadays

I wish this was a joke but that how it is in germany and austria.
At leat in the public. The silent majority is at least a thing. Behind closed doors everyone fucking hate the current system but dare you to say that loud in the public.
When election time is everyone is wondering why literally nazis get so much power when every media is full blown anti nationalism propaganda 24/7.

Vllt keine Lösung um reich zu werden aber für schnelles Geld reichts.

Palettenware kaufen (auf scammer achten. Manche bieten z.b. 30 Artikel für 30€ aber tun bonbons rein, welche jeweils als 1 Artikel zählen). Einzelne Artikel auf Ebay weiter verkaufen. Die Verkäufer wissen oft selbst nicht, was sich in einer jeweiligen Palette befindet. Kann sein, dass du manchmal verlust machst, aber wenn ein teures Teil dabei ist (sagen wir mal ein Lego Baukasten), hat man das Geld mit nur einem Artikel wieder drin.
Allgemein kann man auch bei Kleinanzeigen schauen oder auf große Flohmärkte gehen und billige Markenware dort kaufen.
Klingt vielleicht nach einem Pennerjob aber glaub mir damit lässt sich gut Kohle machen.

I find it funny that all my friends who are foreigners actually hate the immigration politics and are not afraid to say it. Native germans on the other hand are pussyfied.

Why would anyone sell pallets under the goods market value? Always thought that all to be scams. Especially when they say "i didnt check content" it stinks.

The most anti-immigrant people are bosnians/croats who fled the war like 40 years ago and really tried to integrate, find a job, build a new life.

Seeing how all these "new europeans" demand free stuff, rape and kill and behave like chimps brings their blood to boil.
Talk with some 40-60 year old slavs who fled from the war back then.

BTW die linke will in ihrem Wahlprogramm zur europawahl crypto komplett verbieten

seething house niggers, lol

Yes there are a lot of scammers but the pallets usually come from liquidations or are 'b goods' which dont interest resellers. Bigger businesses dont actually care about this since its pennies for them and you could sell it as 'used'. Its worth checking out trust me.

because you immigrate to get a better live. Nobody mentally sane wants the problems to follow you into your new country - beats the whole purpose of it. The other thing is germans get mentally destroyed in school. They get ~8 years of "you are guilty and must repent" in history class in their formative years. That doesn't work on immigrant kids because you don't feel addressed anyway.

especially if the lessons are taught in turkish or arabic

link lmao?

these colours are fucking disgusting
nimm nächstes Mal unsere richtigen Farben, pleb

no all crypto

Agree, literally the cuck flag.

Only ways to make money in Europe is by taking EU/state funds and loans, getting goverment contracts or providing legal services every time the EU comes up with a new bullshit regulation.

Just die please.


I just don't get why they wouldn't hire some minwage / free intern slave to sell it and make a profit themselves over giving profit away to others.

But to contribute something:
What i did was buy broken electronics, repair and resell. Huge margin and it's not that hard . Some are stupid simple i.e. dude completely fried battery but complained about "handy doesn't turn on must be broken". Just had to replace battery to get my tripled margin value. There's increasing competition though.

Die haben schon Bargeld limitiert in letzten Jahren über neue Gesetze. Irgendwer muss ja zahlen wenn mit neuen Arbeitslosen geflutet wird und da kann es ja nicht sein wenn jemand sein Geld rettet.

weblink to that article hassan

I dont know why they dont do it, too much hassle I guess. Example Amazon, usually all returns are destroyed, Supermarkets destroy their left over food instead of giving it away etc. The world is a strange place man.

>upermarkets destroy their left over food instead of giving it away
there are also some regulatory shit on the EU side.
Can't give away free shit to beggars.

How about starting a cuck shed construction business?

>Example Amazon, usually all returns are destroyed,

sorry, but you're full of shit

>Finden Sie hier stark reduzierte Angebote zurückgesendeter und geprüfter Ware...

Afaik it's because if they get poisoned you are guilty. So supermarkets say obviously nope.

It's not supermarkets alone though. I saw some crazy statistics about how much peope throw away due to buying food they never use.

is es undeutsch chainlink zu halten oder nicht?

ja, nur rheinmetall kommt in frage

sure thing retard. Your link doesnt even work.
A simple google search proves Im right. Also I said 'usually' which means not ALWAYS. Why do retards like you need others to clarify 'but of course not all of them' like this isnt self explanatory. Fuck you

here you go, you moron:


also because you're just such a smart fellow:


literally the first thing I found on google.

>Der Großteil der vernichteten Produkte ist aber schlicht nicht mehr verkaufsfähig.

>erst wenn es keine andere Option mehr gibt. Wenn das Produkt nicht mehr verkaufsfähig ist, wenn ein benutztes Produkt nicht mehr rabattiert verkauft werden kann – und wenn Restpostenaufkäufer und Endkunden auch bei einem Schnäppchen nicht mehr zugreifen wollen.

Yes keep posting your articles. Of course big companies destroy retruns even if they are still good. If not, they end up in said pallets. What do you want to prove dude? I know what Im talking about. I've worked in this field for several years and have connections to some of those markets. If no coworkers want to take this shit home it gets dumped. You would be surprised what else goes on behind the curtains.

german genes? you mean russian genes... most german men are not related to germanic genes because most of the men got killed.

unironically germany is a state of cucks

Attached: 243027701.jpg (720x1280, 96K)

So where do Russians come from? Right you guessed it

Open mosques

are you fag!

nah brauh he no german

Africa and Mongolia?