Should a man marry woman richer than him?

Should a man marry woman richer than him?

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This women isn't Asian

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> getting married
user i ..

Hello bugman

hard sage

No but smarter yes.

This might deter the woman from seeking a divorce after 2 minutes of marriage.

user, I...

yeah but not if she makes 110k and he makes 90k, only if she is an heiress

Holy fuck, yes. It's like winning the lottery.

Result A) it works out, you get children together. You can stay at home with them in your pyjamas and watch cartoons, play games go to the zoo etc. because she earns more and shoukd keep her job.
Result B) It doesn't work out, you divorce and get half of her shit.
You honestly can't loose.

At first it might seem like a good idea thinking you'd be living like a 'king'.
However as time passes, even if that woman loves you, she will start despising you. 'Why' you might ask. The answer is - hypergamy.
Even if a rich woman settles with a poor man, even if there is 'love' and feeling, those will fade away simply because any rich woman will hold greater power over a poor or lower cast man and eventually will start despising her parner.
Women don't want to be 'stronger' party in a relationship, they literally want to be told what to do as even simple decisions are hard for them. Once you start showing weakness and emotion as a man, you're done.
Never forget that women don't care about those things, they care only about how you make them feel. In that sense they're the most opportunistic creatures on the planet.

and that's a good thing

>Women don't want to be 'stronger' party in a relationship, they literally want to be told what to do as even simple decisions are hard for them.
You don't have to be a little bitch just because you earn less. If you smack her up every once in a while and make her give you control of her finances you can maintain alpha status in the relationship. Only thing is you gotta have a really meaty dick that she can't get anywhere else to keep her around.


amouranth is a male

I had a chance to marry a Korean girl who had her own store and his dad was funding her from Korea.
She was 10/10 and loaded.
Missed it.
She still single
But I bombed the bridges..
Hold me biz..

lol literally role reversal

I wanna be a house husband, so.... yeah?

>Women don't want to be 'stronger' party in a relationship, they literally want to be told what to do as even simple decisions are hard for them.
>hurrdurr all women want exactly the same thing and all women behave exactly the same way (but all men are unique special and different!)
I’m sure somewhere out there exists a woman who wants a nubile young sex slave she can buy diamond rings for in the morning and step on his balls at night.

Who dis white nigger thot?

As someone with abandonment issues I find having a subservient poorfag the perfect situation.

I'm doing this right now user. My gf and I had a kid and she made 3 times more than I did so it was a nobrainer for me to stay home with the kid. Now I get to check out milfs at preschool and play with Lego all day while making sure my son doesn't grow up to be a cuck. Then I stay up all night trading shitcoins. About to take a midday nap. Comfy.

That way you get the alimony checks

This is absolutely correct. I control and invest all of our money and she knows that I'm smarter than her. She runs her own business with all female staff so there's nobody at work to flirt with. I know insecure betas will try to talk shit when they find out I don't work but fuck them thinking they have any superiority over me because they break their backs for Shekelstein. I don't feel the need to tell them about my rental properties or big crypto and stocks stacks. Just unironically be yourselves niggers and do what makes you and those around you happy

I was once cucked by a fatter Korean who had a knockout roommate. She got jealous when we tried to get to know each other and then we weren't friends anymore after I didn't fuck her straight away when she invited me to her hotel room. Didn't fuck either in the end and effectively burned bridges.
Haunted to this day and want to take a trip to Korea to have a chance at repentance

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Only if the woman has a penis.

being on this site so long
has made me first assume every girl is a guy
and then work backwards from there


I know man.
That girl was like that too.
She was a fucking jelly. And it was so sweet.
But I fucked up
And now
Can’t even go t sleep before thinking how I coulda live in a mansion married to a beautiful girl..
I also sold my eth at low price of 133 cause I thought it’s over..
And I think it’s over for me as well
I think it’s karma, for all the mistakes I made and all opportunities I ignored..

How can any woman be richer than a hot blooded Link holding man?

Show the portfolio
Make us jelly and sad
I need a fucking huge sui pill.

>have uncle who hasn't worked in at least a decade
>wife is co-ceo of some sort of medical company
>all he does is hunt and fish and when he's home he spends time doing home improvement shit
>comes to town to visit our family once or twice a year
>makes fun of us for having to go to work

A woman with double amount of link?

Based irl shit poster uncle?
Is he does the neet meme on you guys too?
Bet he is Australian.
