Should I go to Uni for Computer Science or is it a meme bubble that's too competitive and risky? In Chicago and 25 btw

Should I go to Uni for Computer Science or is it a meme bubble that's too competitive and risky? In Chicago and 25 btw.

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All women are whores

Paying an exorbitant amount of money to make slightly more money as a wageslave is idiotic.

No. You should go down 43rd street and find you a fat bootied slam pig to plow

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So I don't really need a CS degree? Everyone tells me though that you'll need it if you want to get promoted to anything worthwhile above a codemonkey pajeet dev

You need a thicc south side girl to pound on. Fuck this shit you're talking about

I don't mind black women but statistics say 50% of them have STD's and I've personally found most of them to already be single moms.

Coding is easy as shit and anyone who thinks compsci is the only worthwhile degree to get is a manbaby retard. Coding in the workplace is the modern day equivalent to knowing how to make a pivot table in excel. It's a skill you just kinda need to know but most everyone will know the basics so you have to learn in order to not be unemployed.
Get a degree in something else that integrates coding but teaches you more important things. Get a degree in math or statistics ideally. Economics would work too but make sure you take more quant-intensive classes rather than political or humanities econ classes.

I mean if your life passion is computer science and you're confident you'll love it until the day you retire, it would make sense to take a huge economic hit and work 5 days a week to only enjoy 2. Sure go ahead. But putting yourself in a financial hole that'll take decades to recover from is the definition of madness.

>coding degree is a meme and is basically an inferior choice to say something harder but more useful like Mathematics or statistics
This is actually pretty good advice and you've made the best argument I've personally heard as to why it's a meme.

To beat it into your head more, your classes are going to be algorithm and data structure fundamentals and then on top of that classes that hone in on working with more specific technologies. Consider this: at the rate technology changes, do you think you're going to be using the very same technology or languages that you paid tens of thousands of dollars to effectively teach yourself?
> Be me
> Take data structures course
> Professor old as dirt
> Teaches the data structures class by projecting his desktop where he REMOTES INTO A UNIX TERMINAL AND WRITES JAVA WITH VI
You would be so much better off learning something that will actually challenge you and will be impressive and useful in the long run. Not just 4 years of inefficient job training that's going to be outdated in like 5 years after graduation.

If you can get in a top 20-30 uni it's probably worth it.Quality + prestige + network + job opening. I probably wouldn't have learnt as much as I know today without committing to my math + Phy-cs minors bsc.

But I realized that I now (also probably thanks in part to my time spent in class or rather skipping class, learning how I function) can learn much more quickly and efficiently than in uni, and by a very large margin. And I don't know how expensive a bachelor is where you are. It was very cheap in my country so I'm glad I got mine.

So you don't need uni at all, especially in CS and if you are excellent. But it's a huge job security and will open many doors, and depending on how you function, may be of great help. If you are so - so , it's gonna be hard to find a decent job without a degree, but that's just my guess.

Get your ass down to Bronzeville and get you a good one. Quit wasting your time on bullshit

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Only if you can get into a top school for it. UMich/UIUC/UTA/UW/Cornell, etc..

Really good points all around, thanks.

Do slampigs make good wives? are they fertile?

cs, medicine, and certain trades are the only fields left where you can live middle/upper-middle class by just working your ass off and throwing your life away

also i agree with other anons

a math major & cs minor or even anything & cs minor will put you at 95% of what a cs major is when applying to basic codemonkey jobs as a fresh grad. you can make up the rest of the distance with personal projects or charisma

so hilariously true

Unless you already have an associate's it will likely take you 5 years to get a degree
Are you willing to be 30 years old and just out of school?


>can't get rich through hard work anymore, only if you're born into it, get lucky, or are willing to sell your life and health away in a few professions
This is true and it's so fucking gay.