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Stop shilling your bags lmao it's pathetic

Yes, that's what they said about MATIC before it x2 x3d and x4d hell they are even saying at right now but the truth is that we made that much money I can't even comprehend it right now

3x in the next week unironically

>next MATIC
>actual evidence to support RSR being a top 10 coin by 2020

pik 1

Attached: RSR.png (1037x1566, 900K)

Read the whitepaper. This is crypto not boomer stocks learn how the crypto market works. RSR is going to multiply my stack.

this is actually solving the problems with Tether, I've thrown some support behind the project, very interesting to see where it will go from here

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everything you say is true but what you're doing here is pathetic as fuck, what are you tryinng to accomplish?

Two million stack reporting live

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> Buying after a 8x from IEO price.

Lmao at the losers here who will literally never make it. I bought this at IEO and unironically dumped the top. Without you idiots, I wouldn’t have been able to. Easiest 8x ever.

No you didn't you disgusting larp

ehh fuck I knew I couldn't greentext. I have 100% faith in RSR, bought in 20 mins after opening and have been increasing my stock ever since (so you can imagine I'm a pretty happy man these past 2 pumps).

>easiest 8x ever.

Thanks for the RSR, you might be able to buy them back off me when we hit 20x.

show sell orders, dust trader. the big boys arrived

bros... this. is. the.mother.fucking.coin....that will make us even richer... look. at . the investors. holy shietttttt

this is a sure thing. hohoho it feels like christmas

1m reserve chad here

Held muh linkies without ever getting weak hands for a year straight, this is the project that made my hands weak. Piqued my interest ever since I stumbled upon it while research link crumbs. Sold 10%. Fuck it, it's a risky gamble but let's see what happens. On the link side I think it'll dump after mainnet, meanwhile this has the potential to x a bunch of times. Burgers can't even trade it yet, no cmc yet, muh Thiel, OpenAI & Coinbase investors, legit Silicon Valley team with Google/IBM/Tesla resumes and strong connections, already been shilled in Forbes/Bloomberg/Financial Times, still completely under the radar, they see the value of chainlink so they're doing it right, seems like a legit competitor to Maker... their team does seem a bit unexperienced and too idealistic rather than pragmatic for my liking but definitely feels comfier being in this than in an obvious pajeet pnd. Hoping to get more cheap linkies thanks to this.

100,000,000,000 billion coin supply x current price: 0.00454 USD
= $454,000,000 marketcap

seed round: $0.0004/RSR (usd) - already 11x
private round - already 2-3x

except coin supply is only at 6 billion now

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>this has the potential to x a bunch of times. Burgers can't even trade it yet, no cmc yet, muh Thiel, OpenAI & Coinbase investors, legit Silicon Valley team with Google/IBM/Tesla resumes and strong connections, already been shilled in Forbes/Bloomberg/Financial Times, still completely under the radar, they see the value of chainlink so they're doing it right, seems like a legit competitor to Make
lol this. coin of the fucking year

-> 5$ EOY

I said this not even 10 mins ago, got laughed at. Screencapping our posts now so we can feel even better by end of the year.

>dead weight until 2020
>literally untradeable
am I reading this shit right?

Where do I even buy this at?

How come everyone's reading comprehension is at 0 lately? Kinda similar to making 0 gainz if you miss out on this

Its a chink exchange but its safe and easy to use

right so seed investors can't sell but everyone else can. it's hard to find info on this coin desu. It seems like I've already missed out. once people start cashing out with their initial gains its ogre, and it's a coin-flip if this has a future beyond the initial pump

>and it's a coin-flip if this has a future beyond the initial pump

or do your research, see what new technology and ideas they bring to the table, weigh up the pros and cons vs. other IEO's and base your decision off sound reasoning and logic?
nah actually stay away from my riches.

It's 55 sats atm after a dump, you're not really late at all

I saw during my research months ago as well but did not invest early

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retard here, when are burgers allowed to fomo in? when it reaches binance or decentralized trading platforms?

Can't fren, it's forbidden for us traders.

I used a VPN. Nord VPN allows you to pay for it with crypto as well. When you sign up make sure the VPN is on and you are good. You can withdraw .1 btc daily or 1500 USDT daily or 700k RSR Daily without KYC Verification.

>wake me up

Attached: 1544162853898.png (1187x51, 16K)

i did not get that for review.i justbuy. thts it

Mullvad VPN have unlimited free 3 hour trials

Use a free vpn to register and you want huobi global not huobi. Also use a referral for reduced fees or some shit.

I'm not a freedomless burger, and you didn't answer my question in your blind shill attempt

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If you're not a burger you can just use hgb right now. If you are you can also use it right now via vpn so i did answer it.

Guys how much to make it?

the answer to my question is a date or a date interval
the answer to my question is not a guide how to buy coins (which I already did)

pajeets truly are vile creatures

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20000$ ride the 5x pump then dump

what price you buy in at?

Stop calling it the next Matic.... this is beyond Matic people.

umm...I used a Canadian vpn to register and it went through with no problems,now I hear earlier threads saying to avoid any vpn in North America.

did I fuck up?

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As long as you got threw you should be fine

ok thx fren

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Rijke neger hoor.

Imagine thinking a competitor RSR backed by COINBASE themselves won’t get listed.


damn i regret i didn't buy yesterday at 40 satoshis, so fomo in now

I bought some at 40 sats yesterday
told my girl and some other frens about it
they will be picking up some tonight after work
I wouldn't sweat it too much, wait for some dips and scoop some up
or sit it out and wait
your call

RSR is a SRS token with SRS gajnz potential. Every chink will be buying my bags, mark my words.