What’s with the piss poor gains on this shitcoin?

What’s with the piss poor gains on this shitcoin?

Is Monero dead?

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was dead for months already

Now you tell me.

I can’t into programming. Has development fallen off a cliff or something?

Shut up and keep accumulating!

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No, development is going great. I used XMR to transact last summer and again this year and the difference was huge. That update last october took the fees down to pennies.

What do you Monero for specifically? And how is it that you're doing is good in a long term perspective, eg. taxation, being anonymous etc.

What do you use *

It's not a pump and dump coin faggots. It's up 20% for the month and doing better over the month than most coins including XRP, LTC, EOS, XLM, ADA, NEO, ZEC, BAT, VET, NANO, etc

This is a long term hold that will have appreciated a lot when most shitcoins are dead.

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You're gonna make it. We'll both be super comfy in a few years.

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It’s been losing sats to btc since forever.

For example, I bought a VPN subscription.
>And how is it that you're doing is good in a long term perspective, eg. taxation, being anonymous etc.
Your grammar is a little difficult to understand. Are you asking my thoughts on the long term prospect of this coin providing sufficient anonymity to evade taxes and make private transactions? If so, I'd say I have a lot of faith in this coin. I don't think anything else on the market comes close.

If you pay taxes on an untraceable currency, I can't begin to describe how much of a literal cuckoold you are. The rich avoid taxes at every opportunity, only wageslaves pay taxes. The idea is you're supposed to stop thinking like a fucking wagie if you want to make it.

Imagine not mining this

>losing sats to btc

everything has been losing sats. We're seem to be in that phase. 47 out of top 50 have lost sats. Only ones that haven't are Link, BSV and bitorrent. Eth barely just recovered and it's still down. You just have to accept that risk with alts. I hold majority BTC but XMR has a bright future.

Attached: xmr.jpg (1440x916, 122K)

piss poor?
back to wherever shithole European country your from you fuckin faggot
litterraly one of the few coins thats keeping up with BTC
.012 before BTC went on a run
.0115 at the top two days ago and will eventually get there

XMR is decent
CLOAK is underrated
PIVX seems totally fucked
ZCASH - no idea

3rd most commits
1/70 transactions on darknet compared to BTC
Ironically, BTC/70 reflects the price of monero

Btc was used as a form of currency, however it has clearly become the defacto index fund of the crypto market. Monero is realistically the only cryptocurrency that is legitimately used for the purpose of actually being used for:

A) cryptological
B) a currency

Monero is a smart cryptocurrency to hold for the future, however I don't know if it's strictly a great investment.

BTC gave birth to the darknet markets. It's really really hard to dislodge BTC from the darknet. Even at the risk of being traceable or the expense and risk of mixers or sometimes waiting for days for a confirmation and value of BTC having dropped so you can't get your fix, people still use BTC. There is a noticeable change though. Monero is slowly gaining traction.

Attached: monero.jpg (560x577, 136K)

Any sauce for that claim, monerobro?
Afaik it's marketshare rises only in a slow manner.

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This shit it going to get banned after mixers

I meant there is a noticeable change from say 2016 when AlphaBay the biggest market started accepting Monero and there were basically no vendors that accepted Monero. Nobody. When a few vendors started accepting it and there were people encouraging buyers to use it, nobody knew what Monero was and if they tried thought it was too complicated to use. Compare that to today, where you have a market Libertas what only deals with Monero and large markets like Empire have Monero as an option and you see chat in Avengers about how to use Monero, etc.

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