REALISTICALLY what are the chances of ChainLink hitting $20 in the next 2 years?

REALISTICALLY what are the chances of ChainLink hitting $20 in the next 2 years?

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Its going past 20$ next month.

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none its vaporwave sell it all ok thanks bye sirs

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fundamentally, excel.exe has stopped working

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Is sorry, that was fud, were going to $55+

Very high

I have no idea but I hope it's more than 50% because all of my net worth is in LINK unironically

I refuse to sell to these faggots trying to FUD me though so either I go down with the ship or I get filthy rich. Then again if we hit $20 I will unironically never sell so I guess in the long run it doesn't matter

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It depends on what you can buy with $ much has it devalued?


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It's unironically going to 10USD at the end of this week when partnerships are announced. The green dildo will be so massive, it will be beyond comprehension

Im just a brainlet but im thinking (hoping) that it is 100%

Please let this be true. I want to dunk on no linkers laughing at us literally everywhere outside of Jow Forums so fucking bad it hurts. I don't even give a fuck about the money anymore it's about being right.

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>imagine being normie that wants to make passive income in crypto but doesnt want to risk by buying btc etc..

>so he buys link and get rewards after mainnet launch

there will be massive dildos when normies learn about it

i just want to dunk on the nolinkers on Jow Forums, i don't care about normies
imagine being spoonfed for 2 years and still missing out

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It will easily be 10x-20x that 2 years from now if not more

Literally zero.

It's main goal was solving the "Oracle Problem" and one of its advisors has just confirmed it doesn't solve anything.

It's a shitcoin you've held for 2+ years while everyone else made money

Sorry user


Next month 100%

I don’t know about this week, but I think some big shit is going to drop that will take us to $10 by end of June.

I feel bad for the anguish NoLinkers are going to go through watching LINK absolutely skyrocket over the next couple of years. Imagine knowing an investment of just a few thousand dollars into something you’ve had shoved in your face daily could have made you a millionaire. Can you fucking imagine what that pain will be like?

Does she want to be a blonde, asian or niggress? She needs to make up her mind.

Same.. I'd die happily in a ditch somewhere as long as people knew I got this one thing right

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I won't feel bad for them, I don't even try to shill I just try to tell people to do their own research and where to start because I was a newfag and didn't pay attention until recently either. I wish I would have paid attention before but I was too busy chasing BTC and ETH. At least I didn't FOMO into 1.40 like some people

My 8K stack won't get me too far, but at least I can make up for some of my mistakes in life with it a few years down the road

He said that it isnt solved completely, but at the same time it is the best solution out here so far.
Jeez stop the autism for one sec guys

What would that put it at like #4 on CMC?

>imagine this
>imagine that
Imagine not being a faggot.

I should clarify though, I sit there trying to convince people to not even take my word for it but to look into it themselves and the only responses I ever got outside of Jow Forums were things like

>"lol you mean that Jow Forums scam coin?!?! loloo
>"lol people who invest in crypto are dumb!"
>"what about sergay's other failed projects? xD!"

I can't. I'm a gay Muslim man and I hold Chainlink


You faggots have been saying "we're gonna be rich next month" for 20 months. You're not going to win millions of dollars in the crypto lottery...

Just think of how many eyes will be on main net, forever. It’s only up from here.
Singularity is not a fucking joke, you’d be an imbecile to not bet on an automated future.

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Well considering it went 6x from its low in the during the bear market till now. Id say that $20 is easy. Im expecting 100x from here.

this would be a really important thing to be right about
like, life changing

0%. 20 dollars next month and wont ever dip that low again


them digits. $1K eoy. we all gonna make it. no linkers will eternally cry giant salty tears. im like a fucking slip n slide right now jesus fellas

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