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Only reddit-tier fedora sõyboys invested in that faggot. Time to go back.

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Apple buy out soon it'll hit $300 within minutes

Bear trap

>yfw $1000 EOY

haha, i was waiting for it to go sub 200 to buy

I bought some at $195

don't give a fuck how low it goes, I'll buy more, but I know this shit is going to hit $1000 in 5 years max.

apple cant afford tesla. the number of shares in distribution is to high given its share value + apple or any buyer has to pay atleast 7% more than total share value to get past the board then it has to get past the government who wants a either or situation the 2 trading off what rednecks and genXers invest in to show pride in the white race

Lol imagine not shorting this till bankruptcy, thank for funding my retirement at 25 faggot bull supporters

Unless the unveil flying cars for cheap that would be impossible. Tesla needs to worry about continuing their growth the market has been banking on.

I'm not a TSLA owner. I watched this interview recently: youtube.com/watch?v=dEv99vxKjVI

Really insightful if you want to learn more about the way Tesla is looking at the self-driving issue. In this interview Elon breaks down the reasons Tesla is so far ahead on solving that problem. 400,000+ cars on the road, more than any other company. The amount of data they're collecting is far, far more than any other company.

You can train the neural nets inside of simulations, but simulations won't allow you to capture data about 'edge cases' like the transition between self-driving mode and when a driver takes over (and why they do so), or when a driver relinquishes control (and why). You have to have real world data.

So at least on the technology front, they are winning big.

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companies don't go bankrupt from debt. Have you heard of amazon? Damn you're dumb

tesla is already outselling ford and gm sedans with the model 3, this shit is the beginning.
Battery packs, solar panels and the worlds largest factories are just starting and you're so stupid you think it's oil

Funny enough Apple has been wanting to make their own car for years
Doubt they'll do it now, seeing as though their largest potential market (CHYNA) is now pissed at anything US

Honestly, you think Tesla is going bankrupt? They basically (re)invented the electric car and are light years ahead of the competition in terms of range, branding, charging network, R&D, production (giga factories) and overall status of a Tesla (the whole upgradable software components is revolutionary). There is not one car in the market right now which competes with the model S. Not one. The only reason the stock is tanking is due to shorters. People want to see Elon fail. We are talking about American capitalism here. Who gives a fuck they aren't profitable yet or their production isn't on par yet. Merely their product and competitive edge should skyrocket Tesla. Look at Uber. Absolute shitshow yet it has DOUBLE the market cap of Tesla. DOUBLE. If Elon wanted he could code a Uber competitor which natively integrates with Tesla in a WEEK.

I kid you not, Tesla will be buying brands like Volkswagen Group, GM and so forth. Not the other way around. Those dinosaur companies will NEVER compete with Tesla. They are still playing catch-up and the mere size of them, disallows them from iterating fast. Buying Tesla now is like buying Amazon or Google on IPO.

TSLA current markt cap = 33B - so, plus Apple bonus, 40B
Apple cash reserves $245B
TSLA burn rate maybe $5B p.a.
Apple could 'afford' to buy Tesla on paper, question, does it make sense for them to?
Teslas problem, very few other companies could afford them, they just dont make financial sense. Or profit.
They WERE ahead, yeah. They're not now, and they aren't any further forward towards making a profit

They are still ahead. What does the competition have? A Nissan Leaf? Bmw i3? Compare that to model s and everyone will pick model s every time.

honestly? I'd probably -like- a TSLA over a leaf say, but I'd take a higher end electric BMW when they get there shit together over either, not least as there is a dealer network and support and shit for when it breaks down. You can 'disrupt' all you want, but sometimes you'll end up with the conclusion, all the existing BS existed for a reason

They NEED growth. That’s priced in at the moment. Ford has already shown recently to be breaking into the market. Ford is old and big and smart. They historically wait out new shit and move in. Tesla has a lot of debt they have to pay and they are burning cash. Hype^10*predicted future growth=tesla value. It’s plummeted because growth isnt happening the past couple quarters. If they stay at this level of production they will go bankrupt tomorrow

i aint paying 35k for some shitty ass american made car when i can buy a superior toyota/honda EV for 15k that won't break down after 5 years

>THE loop.

Elon Musk is just a rejected capcom employee, who used to name shit in the megaman games.

did he srs name the truck 'bladerunner' ?
elon, I is dissapoint
dear god almighty, tell me he didn't really call it 'Semi'
>nice truck, faggot

Attached: Semi.png (1059x812, 777K)

>still up over 800% since IPO in 2010

It's almost like you enjoy being retarded

Found the triggered TSLA bagholder

He was hyping it as his bladerunner truck for the longest time, then it became 'the tesla semi,' and now it's just THE semi.

But it totally incorporates MEGACHARGING technology. Enhanced 4th generation autopilot. Platooning hazard avoidance. Explosion proof windshield. Dual touchpad displays. 5 centimeter thick armor plating on the undercarriage! Optional JUMP SEAT TECHNOLOGY! Real-time JACKKNIFING!

>MEGAMAN has defeated FORD MAN.
>get equipped with MEGACHARGER.
>unlocked item #54!

imagine these kinds of boomer gains

Why would they aquire them? They’re in orthogonal businesses. The only thing they would benefit from is carplay and native app integration for teslas ridesharing app assuming that’s not vaporware which is a big assumption.

Nigger do you even live in the states? Take any california big city, san diego, LA, san francisco. Theyre roads are shitty as fuck. Specially close to the airports as their budgets are tight. Back in november california law makers had to jew the public just to get extra funding for roada and people were pissed because it added 20cents to gasoline as a tax. Motor vehicle reg also went up. How do fuck are they gonna maintain smart roads year after year specially when other car makers arent on board. Most trucking companiea already have 5 to 10 year contracts for shipping with warehouses etc to no be worried on buying self driving trucks. Do you think tesla will be here 10 to 20 years down. Prototypes mean shit when it cant be mass produced reliably and on time. Wake up negro. Look at formula 1 racing. They really do dictate what vehicle tech is coming unto the consumer market. In recap i wish elon all the luck with spaceX but tesla is really in trouble and dont see any hope for them before 2030. In san diego money already dried up for free express lanes for single electric drivers. They used to hand rfid tags for express lanes to them and they cut them out of budget.

Jow Forums is too low IQ to understand long term investing

A shitty fin tech car company with an unstable, untouchable CEO, who consumes heavy doses of ambien and amphetamines, isn't a long term hold, or an investment. It's a gamble. You ride the shorts or the longs, read the market, buy back in when he hypes up some new model ZX, or convinces silicon valley hipsters that they need a MEGACHARGER to go along with their juicero.

Attached: model zx.png (1288x1312, 770K)

Because shipping companies will save a fuckton by not having to employ actual people in their trucks or worry about them needing time to sleep. These machines will be able to run 24/7

It's very illegal to operate automated meme vehicles that drive on the same roads as actual people. Even drone convoys must employ X number of people to oversee and drive their vehicles.

>Why would they aquire them? They’re in orthogonal businesses
this goes to show how completely retarded you are and i dont even mean that in a joking way,
in japan you have samsung do you think samsung just does phones
or even hitachi or honda?
its really only in america that businesses arent mega conglomerates with their fingers in multiple businesses models, but i see that changing for the most part.

in the example of samsung, they have phones,chip making ,and home appliances but many people dont know samsung is also a major construction company and builds ships yes fucking ships

reminds me of yamaha
motorcycles and electric keyboards

Casio: calculators, watches, keyboards and cash registers.
Also, in America Id say 3M is such a conglomerate that has its market in every field.

Apple already spent a shedload (then abandoned) developing an autonomous vehicle - it is a money pit, even for them. They NEED alternative income sauce as MS own Desktop, tablets and phone market is stagnation and their only route to expansion has just been Trumped. Leaves pajeets (who are too cheap), or hoping their investment in Oprah and Carpool Karaoke comes good and provides growth. Protip: it won't. tldr, Applel need(ed) cars, as idealess otherwise

funding secured at 42.0

My man you are a special breed of retard.

>Take any california big city, san diego, LA, san francisco. Theyre roads are shitty as fuck.

most roads in California are very good. The 5, 280, 101, etc... are all above average when compared with the rest of the country

>Specially close to the airports as their budgets are tight.
budgets aren't tight at all; they have a surplus of $10 billion for road repair. they literally rip up and repave roads for no reason other than to exhaust the budget

>Back in november california law makers had to jew the public just to get extra funding for roada and people were pissed because it added 20cents to gasoline as a tax
people VOTED for this you retard. no one got jewed

not reading the rest of your retarded post

bags are heavy, but what else would I throw my money at other than crypto? boomer stocks? real estate bubble?

Get into real estate now. The bubble will pop with a mini-recession but just have iron hands and take advantage to buy for cheap. Don't sell ANYTHING only rent them out.

Except they won’t

> muh shorters suppressing the price

>420$ going private.
My short position feels comfier than ever.


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This, but i wish the new camry hybrid was a plugin.

If the bubble will pop why should he get into real estate now? Wait for cheaper prices makes more sense