you have 5 hours
You have 5 hours
Bought at 204, super comfy
Thanks just sold my stack
Where do you expect it to go?
5 hours to get out or get in?
Get the fuck in, there's going to be a massive pump.
This shit is the next matic, don't say I didn't warn you.
I got in at 212 sats yesterday, it's at 260 now, down from 310
Volume's picking up, it's going to explode.
Comfy tfuel thread
This is why I come here. Strap in boys.
I literally went all in on this lol
Another shill thread
Im so ready
are you retarded?
There was a massive Tfuel thread yesterday and I made 50% profit
There were retarded FUDDERS in that thread too that lost money
stay poor
Brainlets still don’t understand that it has already bottomed out. Nothing but blue skies from here
we shall see
The fuck are you talking about? Shits already pumped. Got my profits and got out. It was a good find. Don't make it the next fetch guys. Enjoy your gains but stop the shilling
>Shits already pumped.
>dude it went up like 50% and went down another 20% and stabilized there's no possible way it won't go up much further
do you remember matic?
500 sats tonight
No. Barely seen the charts but know nothing about it. Tfuel is a one coin and I wouldn't give it more than five more hours before it dumps. Someone in another thread said 350 is the top and dump before the end of the day. I bought at 190 so I made some gains already. I have a small rsr stack that i plan to dump and I don't know if I have enough time to make up my losses in theta.
I actually sold my rsr stack at a loss to buy this
Where do you see RSR in the next few days to weeks?
the volume is so low on RSR
Fuck me if I know. I fell for the ama meme about two days ago. I didn't even study the shitcoin and jumped right into it bc Americans wouldn't have access to it. After the ama showed what a mess this coin is my hands started getting weak. I bought around 50 (the Jow Forums way).
And now I'm here debating whether should I dump rsr to get tfuel before the tank is empty
buy tFuel now because it just went down a bit
broke the channel, im out
>broke the channel
what does this mean?
13million buy wall at 250 sats is a bit concerning to me. Fake buy wall? Bearish?
Yep. Fake as fuck.
It's still massively up from yesterday, this is just clearing out weak hands.
A fake 13million tfuel/1million+ USD sell wall was put up then removed forcing the price to drop so the whale can accumulate at a lower price. My guess.
>All these weak hands
Buy a 75m marketcap shitcoin?
Got really scared when it hit 236 but I’ve been weak before and not doing it again
It's recovering.
I didn't sell.
Bought fren
Pls don't dump on me. Must gain back losses from pajeet tricks
I only own about 2k usd worth of this stuff
This is my entire stack of cry
Same thing
Funny enough I've been left with no bank account after they seized all my assets because "crypto is bad"
They want all records every exchange /buy/sell I've made
Wtf lol.
>Funny enough I've been left with no bank account after they seized all my assets because "crypto is bad"
>They want all records every exchange /buy/sell I've made
Who does?
The IRS?
what the fuck
I'm not even american, good luck buddy.
I'm in bongland
And it's the bank themselves they have frozen everything even my ISA savings lol
While performing an investigation
Fucking retards banks have too much power here.
Thankfully I have a bit of btc also I have sold for cash over Facebook lol.
When sell? Is this a comfy hold for a few days
Any reason why you think it's gonna pump. Wtf does it do
>And it's the bank themselves they have frozen everything even my ISA savings lol
Shouldn't this be illegal?
They're stealing your funds from you.
You should be able to sue them, what the fuck?
I've never heard of this.
This wouldn't even happen in USA.
Unironically (((they))) have so much power here.
Truly a dark day.
>When sell?
When it goes 2-3x in the next few hours/days.
This just got listed on Binance and it's going to pump.
Don't hold too long though, get the pump and get out.
curious which ones brap would smell better?
Chinky or whitey, any insight frens
I can tell you but i'm too busy thinking if i should buy back at ~240 sats.
Bought at 90, sold the top. Good bye forever pointless token that'll never be adopted. Enjoy bagholding with Samsung.
No news from this guy. . I guess it's over boys, pack up your bags
Who is she? Ready to give her all my non-existent crypto gainz
It literally just bounced back
I don't know if this coin will ever hit 300 at this point. I wanted to buy below 240 to make up from losses of another shitcoin. Do you have any sound evidence for holding until now or are you really desperate for this coin to make it?
Dude it's only been a few hours.
Be patient holy shit.
Has anybody ever considered joining a VIP pump and dump group on discord or telegram? I want to but know nothing about the area. I saw previews of a group calling this coin to 300+
ive been looking for a group too. feel like i can hold my own in an environment like that. anyone have some good groups here & wanna let us in on?
sorry m8. I had plans to get some sleep after being being up for more than 48h and now I have to be in front of a screen for hours, 14h before my shift starts. I fell for memecoins and i cut my losses to increase my poorfag stack. I bought @240 this time. Sorry if i come across a bit on edge. this weekend i burned a lot (for a poorfag) money on crypto weed and alcohol.
>I fell for memecoins
honestly I do this all the time and I'm only following this coin because I think all new binance coins pump hard
Is this bitch dumping :/
Get sleep
I use to do loads of meth and stare at charts from morning till night. It is just a waste of time when you over do it, you won't think right and sell at the wrong time or for a loss.
Set your stop limit, if it goes somewhat below your buy point it'll sell and you'll be out for minimal damage. If it pumps then you can trade the top when you wake up.
Advice from 2017 bullfag
No it didn't. It's been consistently down since I sold at ~300.
Are you too, a FETishist? I had a similar mindset after being justed when i bought at 3400 when shills were spamming it would reach more than 6k. What do you think about harmony? Due to the lottery I have no idea how this one will perform. Maybe I'll stay at accumulating btc eth and tlc for now
That's what i had in mind. When got out i decided to pull. At the same time i decided to cut my losses on rsr and buy on tfuel while the tank is still not empty. Now I'm just sitting here setting a stop loss and hope it doesnt dump. I was thinking of 800 sats limit and 240 stop loss. SOrry if My shit doesn't make sense but I'm dipping my toes and that was my first shitcoin trading experience. Pajeets popped my cherry
Seeing some big what manipulation going on in the charts though.
Big volume price dump followed by a 62m volume buy in at that handy lower price.
>something is afoot
theyre all scams you fucking retards
Sorry for the horribly cropped image. Context for you
this will pump and all the faggots in this thread have already sold by then. see you tomorrow when you wished you still had TFUEL. if you cant deal with a retrace you dont deserve the pamperillo.
Only thing "afoot" is moon boys thinking that Binance was the first exchange to list this shitcoin
Who is selling the bottom of this bullflag?
This big red dildo at the beginning got me interested into this shitcoin. my newfag sense tells me this will top at 350-400. How deluded is my poor ass?
how low is it going to go before it moons
I can't deal with this shit anymore,
I keep lowering my stop loss out of desperation
what the fuck is it going to do next?
it's not just going to fucking drop off is it?
It will probably bounce from 0,018$
Should I wait for the bounce?
Is 230 the bottom?
Shit keeps dumping
I can’t even sleep cause I’m in this shitcoin!!
It will come. You must have patience if you want the reward
it'd better do, but wishful thinking doesnt do shit
Imagine being so dumb to fall for this pajeet le el shills
Thanks buying mybbags sirs shit never going to pump again
just bought in with my PHB gains, how fucked am I?
lets just see what happens in the next few hours
How low can Jow Forums get? You got scrubs taking advice from blatant trolls and peeps are too autisic to see it. This thing is going to go up, dont expect it to be rapid, its beeb accumilating for a while
Marketcap is at 94 million already overpriced.
brainlet here
what defines an overpriced/underpriced marketcap
It's been exactly 5 hours OP.
Volume picking up
finally some upward movement
the whales have taken the bait
>chinese characters
Our memes are really taking off eh?
we'll make it user, I'm holding for now
I'm holding until 225 sats then im selling desu
not far off lol back to 235 sats
selling for trx?
nah, it already went up
yeah too late to invest that stuff, best to hold TFUEL until tonight
can someone explain the meaning of this to a brainlet?