Why don't you trade options on the stock market instead of bag holding retarded crypto ponzi schemes?

why don't you trade options on the stock market instead of bag holding retarded crypto ponzi schemes?
you're literally guaranteed to make a ton of money

for example, look at tesla call options returns in the pic. tesla is really cheap right now at $190 and is guaranteed to go up when robo taxis/semi trucks/elon tweets something/model y/good quarter happens.

how it works is if you were ever to cash out your investment in the green area, you make money (numbers show percentage returns). the ONLY way you can lose your investment is if your call contract expires at your chosen date and below your chosen price (2021, $335 in this case)
what this means is if the stock were to ever land in the green area at any point between now and 2021, you'd make money.
there is literally no way you can lose. you can manage risk & return by changing up the contract date & price

so go download robinhood: share.robinhood.com/alexg2379
btw, they don't charge any fees so the risk return is in your favor since the economy always grows.

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>to go up
>no way you can lose
that, my friend, is why you are poor, and will stay poor

and im 18

>guaranteed to make money
>not poor
Kill yourself

how much money did you have when you were 18?
probably negative 100k

>Jews and their money tricks, the cliff notes

and i have 55k

welcome to the tribe goym :)

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seasoned options traders rarely take positions on direction/delta, there is no real benefit over buying/selling the underlying with a stop
options give you the opportunity to take non directional bets on volatility, that's where the edge is mostly to be gained


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>tesla is really cheap right now at $190
tesla is going bankrupt
from barrons see pic

Attached: tesla.jpg (929x991, 164K)

TSLA won't survive the next recession. Meme company supported by fanboys.

>tesla semi trucks about to come out, who's entire cost is normally all in petrol
>self driving robo taxis
>literraly no competition, years ahead in selfdriving
>elon just bought more stock
>buying offers from apple at $240 a stock
>company doing better than ever
>>about to go bankrupt
elon would rather lose the rest of his hair before he'd see tesla go bankrupt

please post when your options expire worthless user

You mean puts on tesla

do you really think that tesla will not return to profit AND anything it will make in the future wont too AND it will default AND elon won't rescue it AND nobody else will rescue it either AND it'll resort to liquidating its mega factories?

the point of debt is to invest
if they can conjure up cheap credit for more returns in the future, why not?
they can return to profitability whenever they want

dont give people advice on making money then tack on an affiliate link so you get like $5 per signup at the end lmao

hopium isnt an investment strategy.
elon is only buying more stock to reassure investors not to just sell out
plus tesla has a massive margin call coming.
not to mention if the stock goes below a certain value that will trigger debt calls which will trigger share sells to fund those debt.
tesla is worth more than ford and honda who have been in business longer and actually have more profit.
its nothing for them to step on telsas feet and take enough business from them to render them defunct as a company

only way to save telsa is for musk to go

tesla has just so much momentum, such a large brand image and so many positive reviews from cgp grey, marques brownlee etc, and so much capital that it just can't fail

>he's trying to use logic to explain market movements

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because options are degenerate gambling

I'm an over the road truck driver.. no way DOT will allow those things on the road without YEARS of testing

nothing like a multi tonne block of metal driving at 80mph with a "mind of its own" to glitch out on the highway,

it isn't hope, im not hoping for anything
tesla already has ev self driving cars, working prototypes of semis model y and roadster, takeover offers from other tech companies etc.
elon musk can just have spacex take over tesla the same way he had tesla take over solar city were anything to go wrong. he'd move heaven and earth before he'd see his companies fail, especially after working for decades 24/7 and waging all his wealth from the paypal sale at one point. he's been in worse situations
i can't see it going any lower, its already bottomed out after all the media fud and short sellers.

its not even about self driving
electricity costs are nothing compared to petrol costs
it would be extremely cost effective to have an ev truck vs a non ev truck

>elon musk can just have spacex take over tesla


you havent given ONE FUNDAMENTALS based argument about why tesla is going goto $1000
all youve stated are opinions based on how you think they will grow their company, which is NOT how you invest.


you had a chance to respond with metrics from their financal statements and you havent, maybe tesla wont go bankrupt but they are severely over valued considering they are burning cash just to stay alive.

whatever numerical information is available about the company is already accounted for in the price of the stock by a computer
the only hope you can have of getting an advantage is by thinking about case scenarios and looking at the company as a whole

>whatever numerical information is available about the company is already accounted for in the price of the stock by a computer


what do you expect?
there are millions of investors and firms who have access to everything there is to know and the computational power to compute an exact price of what the stock should be and have the capital to sell/buy the stock until it matches the price
something that you've read about tesla on bloomberg won't give you any extra insight
i bet your down like 70% from initial investment

if you want a stock to invest in thats going to $1000 invest in boeing

ive been short tesla from 285 nah bruh im up

>robo taxis
I will literally eat my dick if there is even 10000 robotaxis in US before 2022.

I don't have a spare $10000 to throw at an options call.

op is going to lose all his money then hopefully put a loaded gun in his mouth and pull the trigger

you can chose how much to invest

why arent the mods banning this faggot ref shill OP and closing this shit

reported your link to robinhood support for anti-semitism and supporting neo-nazi movements. I suggest others do the same.

>hurr durr sell low buy high

And then 1 truck glitches and runs over a pedestrian and the lawsuit negates all savings from switching to ev trucks.

why would it glitch out? it would more likely just seize working if it ever broke
how is this any different from a combustion vehicle breaking


zoomers keep falling for the boomer ponzi all to earn their respect, while boomers are laughing at them
pick up a book sometimes and read up on the platform paradigm