The price of every single coin is manipulated 100%. They can put the price anywhere they want. This is why boomer billionaires have over the years been so reluctant to buy in. Usually they're the ones in the driving seat dumping on people, they wouldn't be if they bought into any crypto now. Remember they know all the tricks in the book so it makes sense why they dislike crypto from their perspective
The price of every single coin is manipulated 100%. They can put the price anywhere they want...
what the fuck kind of showerthought bullshit is this? jesus fuck imagine not understanding how markets work
Retard. It's 100% true.
They can buy and sell OTC and then dump on an exchange whenever they want. Are you retarded? You underestimate just how many btc the whales control at this point. They have hundreds of thousands of Bitcoin faggot
Those spammers yesterday dumped Link and then pumped it today. Link isn't some shitcoin with 20m market cap
Who cares? As long as you make money it's fine.
do you have an actual point or is this bagholder rage lashing out? he's 100% right
Yes so if you're not a whale you need to have a strategy that exploits the whales or at least stays out of their way.
Whales are also in competition so they cannot put the price *anywhere* they want. Too high or low and they expose themselves to other whales' attacks.
>Whales don't work together
Lmao oh no no no no no no
>The price of every single coin is manipulated 100%
> they cannot put the price *anywhere* they want
you just literally negated your own statement
how retarder are you?
Well I think he means they can't put btc at a million tomorrow even if they wanted to, but they could put it at 3k or 10k.
it either is 100% manipulated and you CAN do whatever the fuck you want with it, or it isn't and then -wait for it - it works just like any other market based on supply and demand!
Who would've thought?
> These swings are 100% legit and normal market behavior, fuck off boomer scum
T. Tardo, the king of the chromosomically challenged
>How retarder are you?
Says the man who can't distinguish two separate ID's
Shut up you anal faggot
It's manipulated in the sense they can do basically whatever they want, they can put the price of any crypto anywhere they want within reason. If they want a pump to 10 tomorrow they can do it and nothing would stop them from doing it
boomers don't want to trade crypto because there's no break time
something being traded 24/7 is too crazy for them
>basically whatever they want
>but they can do it only within the confines of whatever the market allows them to do
reading with comprehension too difficult? saying something that makes sense too difficult? retarded much?
also within reason - a foreign concept to you no doubt
This, and it's the whole problem with crypto. You have:
totally unregulated market +
"assets" that have no basis whatsoever for their valuations (and therefore could be priced at $10 or $1,000, since the price is literally based on nothing) +
hyperconcentration of ownership =
total clownmarket shit show.
Can still be very profitable if you play it right and get lucky.
The pathetic ones are the HODLers and cultists who actually buy into the mythology that those at the top of the pyramid have engineered. But hey, greatest transfer of wealth in history! $200K BTC in 2021, right gys??? My linkys stay super stinky, $1000 EOY!!!!
Y-yeah haha, those HODLers are fucking stupid... I sure as hell wouldn't want to be one of them, hoping that LINK goes to at least 3 digits price and having 90% of my networth in it
I'm holding my linkies until 1k
You can't sway me on this one but it doesn't change the fact the market is fucked it just means i'm whale food because i'm not a whale (yet)
You had the chance to sell at over $1.40.
But you "believe in the project" (lol) and will now ride it back down to .30...
Yeah, you'll dump it to .30 but then it will be $3 then $10 soon after
Now link aside, how can I actually make money from your pumps because I would like to
There are non whale people that want to buy bitcoin, as well as would be whales waiting on the sidelines with millions to invest.
Whales can't dump the price too low or they would be giving away btc at prices that those groups would massively gobble up. At some point, they would allow new whales into existence, or lose their own whale status, etc.
It is also true that whales work together, duh, and they can coordinate way better than smaller investors. However, they are still in competition and waiting for other whales to fuck up.
For example, Ayre and Ver are bch whales that first worked together, then fell out. They're not buddies by any means, and will destroy each other for their own profit if they get the chance.
It's maybe too complex for brainlets to fathom that elites are also in competition with each other.
You are also quite the brainlet if you think whales could pump the price as high as they want. At some point, they would exhaust their fiat reserves while other investors dump their btc on them. At that point, other whales could conspire to bankrupt that particular stupid whale.
Yeah of course but they all benefit from an increase in price. They can all benefit by dumping and buying back lower. Then you factor in Tether and other scams frome exchanges which they coufounded.......... life is easy when you're a whale and know what tomorrows prices are
So in short what I meant was, yes, whales DRIVE markets, no, they don't control the universe. Since wealth ALWAYS distributes towards a pareto pattern, basically every market in existence has whales and whale domination.
Still, there are ways for smaller players to profit, quite evidentl from the fact that there are profitable non whale investors/traders in almost every market.
Making significant profit as a whale is actually way harder than you think, you need to be at the absolute top of your game and stay there all the time. Everyone is aiming at the top spot.
A small mistake can cost you millions, or your life (literally).
The billionaires must own a lot of it....
They are the whales.
If they weren't Bitcoin would be banned.
There is no demand for anything but Bitcoin and Ethereum (and it's still arguable for the last two ones).
Order books in cryptos are paper thin, OP is right in the sense that with just few hundreds of thousands you can skyrocket pretty much any coin out of the top 10 and with few millions you can make the ones in the top 10 move significantly.
Now imagine when whales pool their money to do so.
Holding anythin out of the top 10 is basically hoping that a whale will pump it for different reasons.
I've been making consistent (albeit small) returns with automated crypto trading for a year now. I actually notice how fake the crypto markets are because I have to study them in-depth. Still, I run a profit.
But it's the same with stocks. Literally every big/med cap stock, some huge ass bank has so many shares that they literally run the bid and ask side of the order book. Still, you can make money off those stocks. So whales aren't all powerful. You just have to study their ways and try out strategies.
I would suggest the "chat with traders" podcast and the "dark pools" book to get an idea of what is possible, and quit the defeatism. Markets world wide are so huge and complex, they're bristling with money making opportunities. And they're filled with whales.
If you ain't a whale then whale food be ye arrrrrrr
enjoy getting devoured m8
Don't wait on the sidelines while the internet has made it possible for even the biggest autismos to make bank without fucking leaving the house, I would say. Whales are simply a property of markets. It is true that 90% of retail traders go bust fast but that's what studying and using your brain is for.
Not everyone was gifted with high iq, my man
The mean iq of biz is higher than the mean iq in the developed world I think? At least I hope lol.
no it isn't.
my iq is 81, tested!
>can’t spell retarded
>attributes two statements made by different posters in separate posts to the same person on a board with ids
>thinks “manipulation” means being able to magically set market prices and that those two statements are mutually exclusive
It’s been a while since i’ve seen such a completely braindead idiot. I thought you were misinterpreting people on purpose but your later posts are even more dense than this one.
makes me think why does no one ever bring up the 'intellectual wage gap'? why aren't they debating the intellectual wage gap and stuff? they talk about getting women into the workplace and stuff like that. they talk about needing more PoC in the workplace. but where is the diversity of intellect?
here's how it is.... i didn't choose to be stupid, it was out of my control. just like being born black skin, brown, or a woman.... i didn't choose to be born with 81 iq retard brain (though not legally retarded because im 81 or above)! but they get quotas and stuff you see but i dont!
where is the intellectually challenged quota?
no amount of reading or studying can help someone like me. i just have low iq. i'll always be stuck working a labor intensive job and it's impacting my health and i even die younger. i get paid less!
so what im saying here biz is that i think it's about time they diversified intellect and begin a scholarship program for intellectually challenged people like me. i think i deserve my seat at the table in the board room too. the whole thing is a conspiracy to discriminate against stupid people like me, it goes right to the top. it's a conspiracy. let me tell you!
Bur all these things are red herrings anyway. Elites almost all marry their in-group, then force multiculturalism on the lower classes.
Just procreate with a that is way smarter than you to at least give your children a higher iq :)