Negative gearing concessions and capital gains exemptions for property means my tax money literally subsidizes people...

>negative gearing concessions and capital gains exemptions for property means my tax money literally subsidizes people buying their first, second, third, fourth, fifth, etc. investment property
>my tax money also goes into giving all the retired landlords who pay "zero tax" a big tax "refund" (franking credit refund) on top of their pension
>all this money that gets funneled from my paycheck to property owners reduces the amount i can save for my first house deposit
>on top of that because the rba massively cut interest rates and kept them at an artificially low level for years i basically can't earn any interest on my savings anyway (and inflation is grossly under-measured so i am probably getting a negative real return on my savings)
>all the above corruption makes property it attractive to wealthy boomers and chinese money launderers to compete against me in droves for property thus increasing the price of property as well, further putting it out of my reach

Nice free market.

How am I supposed to save for a house again when everything is stacked against me by law?

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Stop eating so many avocados you naughty goy

>Scott Morrison stopped the boats

Are they seriously still going on about the fucking boats? I thought Abbott stopped them, now Morrison stopped them? Did he just inherrit the achievment from Abbott or something?

Why the fuck do the public still care about fucking boat people anyways?

Not to mention that Howard opened the immigration flood gates and we let in 250,000 people each year. This juices GDP and keeps upward pressure on house prices. This country is bigger than Europe yet has the world highest land prices with a population of only 25 million. That's like one city in the US.

The whole system is rigged and short of revolution there is fuck all you can do. It's really too bad that dog Howard took our guns, our politicians should be shot.

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this is happening all over the commonwealth opie stop complaining and carry on working
deposit your wages in your local (((bank))) in that sweet 2% p.a. savings acc.

"Boat people", refugees and "Strong borders" are smoke and mirror bullshit to mask Australia's mass immigration. The Aussies on Jow Forums love the rhetoric despite the wool being pulled over their eyes. The strategy is depressingly effective.

Mate just buy Link and hope you get enough to leave Australia. This country is a complete fucking joke. Just let it all collapse. There is no fixing something as fucked as Australia.

>capital gains exemptions for property

For fucks sake, fucking boomers. Fuck I hate this country. I have to pay 15% CGT on money I already earned just because I want to sell my Linkies, but Boomers can sell their appreciated houses tax free. I will be so glad when I leave this shithole for good. I just hope I make enough I can bring my family with me too.

Lol poor people are gross. Get lost peasant

>I already earned

already earned and taxed*

Yeah that's what I meant. Who cares about the 30+ boat people who arrive when the government is welcoming in 300k+ plane people every other month anyways. I went on holiday to Thailand earlier this year, and when I got back, going through Sydney, it was almost the exact same ratio of asians to non asians as it was in Thailand. And you are right that dumbass aussies on Jow Forums and other places are easily led sheep. Our media is king of the wedge issue to distract and misdirect the populace. Howard is unironically one of the worst leaders we have ever had. He's done irreparable damage to this country.

Just be rich and have a multibullion dollar company. Then you can lobby to keep your favorite loopholes open.
Thanks for not voting to tax me goys.

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Just rent and buy bitcoin.
You'll get a house for a kilo of silver or an ounce of gold or 0.1 of a BTC when venezuela 2.0 hits

It's happening basically everywhere
Fuck boomers, fuck low interest rates
>b-but it's free money

The longer they keep this housing bubble going *Cough* (latest scheme announced requiring only 5% of the mortgage) The harder it will crash, the housing market has already completely plateaued and Australia in general is heading for dark times, we just need one final nudge from China which is likely af with this US trade war going on.

On the plus side all these fkn boomers will still be around when we can't afford their retirement and bail on this country leaving them to rot in third world retirement homes.

Question is do you want to be here when shit hits the fan? Or move to another country with a less retarded populace (I have no idea where). Some user shill me on a decent country for a controls engineer to move to.

I think the answer is a tax haven. I originally wanted to move to America for the freedoms, gun rights, and mostly business opportunities, but they have problems too and shitty tax laws, though it's not as bad as us. I think the answer is citizenship with a good tax haven, and then just traveling a lot to wherever is currently best for what you want to do, but not getting tied down to any one place in particular.

>having savings

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You have an incredibly small understanding of economics. You can't pick and choose elements to create a victim narrative.

kek this fucking boomer

please enlighten us all how the australian economy isn't rigged towards property speculators and owners against first home buyers

Then fucking explain you passive aggressive nigger. Otherwise fuck off back to Pleddit, stupid fuck.

He’s not going to, they’re all the fucking same. They make their smug remarks and then leave the thread. Back to their life of being a fucking malnourished s o y boy that gets bossed around by fat chicks.

out with it then, share your expansive view of things

you are among the most fortunate humans ever to have lived, but apparently you feel persecuted.

More passive aggressive remarks from a fucking bitch

you guys are basically the economic version of sjws. locked in to a persecution fantasy

>1 post by this ID
Kill yourself my man. Absolute scumbag and part of why this country has fallen off a cliff.

To the OP. You're pretty much going to have to take a gamble and go all in on a coin you think will blow up so that you can make plans to either live on your own rural acreage away from boomer scum or just fuck off from this country all together. The latter sounds more appealing by the day given how we're importing Africans and muslims like there's no tomorrow. The Australia we knew and love from our childhood is gone and will almost certainly never come back. Sadly most Western countries have a similar story. I think the solution is to move away from it all and go back to a simpler life where none of this bullshit can affect you in the slightest.

Personally, I'm all in LINK. There are a lot of Ausfags who are the same. We'll see if it works out.

>Australia we knew and love from our childhood is gone
>most Western countries have a similar story
>solution is to move away from it all

where to, matey? China?

I think his first solution was best. Stay in Australia but move inwards and more rurally. There's a lot of country towns in Vic, NSW and Queensland that are still 90% white Australians living the old life. Mildura or Bendigo in Victoria, Hay/Wagga in NSW, Narabri/Goondiwindi in QLD just to name a very small handful. The cities are full of sjw's, feminists, vegans and short-sighted lefties.

Because perhaps you aren't owed other people's money? Perhaps property taxes are already deeply illiberal and if raised even higher to stop those who manage to hold onto some assets it would start a dysgenic spiral that would destroy the country. The fact that someone has more doesn't mean they've stolen it fron you.

>Because perhaps you aren't owed other people's money?
Then stop leaching of taxpayer funded franking credits

>tfw the left leaning party is the more free market party
>tfw this is normal in a lot of western countries

>Because perhaps you aren't owed other people's money?
But handouts to people that arent owed other peoples money is exactly what OP's talking about?

The majority of money going towards welfare isnt centerlink jobless but retired boomers already sitting on property and a massive pension.

god what a colossal faggot you are

where did anyone say we are owed other people's money? the exact opposite was said.

>would start a dysgenic spiral that would destroy the country
jesus fucking christ you are a twit

>they didn't steal it
the topic is fairness. the fact that someone that had a decades head start on me financially takes part of my tax money to fund their rent-seeking asset acquisition is grossly unfair. and guess who pays them that rent as well? me.

and while we're at it, property has a nearly static supply. we can't just make more land, like we can make more widgets. people who get in early (i.e. before i was even born) have a literal objective financial advantage over younger people in such a supply situation. that's not theft, but one generation had a much easier time of it according to the fundamental economic laws of supply and demand. and to then put in place laws that make the younger generation subsidize their existing acquisitions is ludicrously unfair.

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Cool. No need to have tax payers subsidise your property investments then. Sound fair?

Taxpayers don't.

I have a mate in the navy
he said "they didn't stop the boats, they just stopped showing them in the news."