Me and my boys have been posting all weekend about “omg supply” “omg stablecoin” “omg chink exchange” but it hasn’t gone below 30 sats the whole weekend and now I’m nervous and thinking I should buy. Can anyone stop me and give me some fud that isn’t baseless so I don’t make this decision?
How come the fud isn’t working
Coins don't tend to die in a dump. They just bleed out.
I bought in at 60... I am financially ruined
Woah, you’ve never been in a coin that’s pulled back 50% before? Honestly? Man, I wish I was starting crypto again it was so fun and exciting I’m jealous. You should’ve been around last year
hodl for a while bro
we going to the moon
Just stop man, it's pathetic. You lost your money, get over it.
Literally every single coin/token in history ranging from ethereum up through matic has pulled back like this or even worse before mooning. I’m wondering if a lot of people on biz are new
weak LARP. this is a total shitcoin. DOA
I mean I know it’s a shitcoin, it’s not BTC... that’s not the point lol
This token doesn't even do anything functional until late 2020
>hurr durr but technology
>useless like the rest of shitcoins
who tf cares
you must be an autist to not accumulate and 10x in the near future
I wish matic had retraced 50% after its initial pump :(
That’s a little inside joke for you 2 week old newbs
Me too, brother. And link is bleeding too... Bad week for me.
>100bn supply
LOL this pnd'ed already. Move on.
t. made 2x gains.
It has like 300 million market cap. Don't do it user.
Imagine Binance's biggest competitor, letting their IEO, an industry backed, hyped project, to have one pathetic dribble pump and then allowing it to bleed. While Binance has been absolutely killing it. That would be game over for Houbi.
This hasn't started playing out yet
Fucking this. Bizlets think it's not over because THEY are bagholding it. You're guys in for a big suprise
>g-g-g-guys losing money is fun, hodl t-t-t-to the moon bro...
So cringy
But I’m not bagholding it... I’ve been waiting for it to follow the same initial dump as matic and it seems that it has. I wanna go in now, I just need someone to give me real fud and save me the pain
bagholder bingo
>it's just a normal retrace haha you noobs.. I'm not worried about bagholding
If you're not bagholding it why the fuck did you create a thread where you're trying to defend this bleeding shitcoin? If you're so certain it will pump why don't you just buy now and keep it stealth so biz would buy your bags on top?
Enjoy holding those huobi bags endlessly
I’m not really defending it I’m just asking someone to give me a real reason not to go in at this level
Ceo said in telegram they can't list on exchanges open to US due to regulations so no binance, coinbase etc.
It's been bleeding at an average 1.5 sats per day and only sees upwards fluctuations of 1-2 max per day. Huobis gay little competition might bring in some action, or maybe no one will care.
because it still a few x's above IEO price and there won't be any substantial news to pump it? Because current circulating supply is very low and people hate coins with low circulating supply/high supply ratio? Because next week's shitcoin king is ONE and RSR will keep bleeding furher 50% as nobody gives a fuck besides biz pajeets who missed matic?
>inb4 he will try to refute this
Oh hmm I figured I’d enter here because IEO price was $.002 and right now it’s $.0026 ... didn’t realize that was a couple x’s above. Never mind I’ll stay out thank you
>bought at 70 sats
>panic sold at 35
death sentence. i panic sold at 55 after i heard this and damn, i am glad i did. i had 4.5 corns in this. now it takes ages to transfer them back to binance, fuck huobi and this VC dump
10x less volume over weekend
>why price is going down when all trading comes from institutions and whales
>make it from RSR
>takes months to get your corns out
About the same and because it was so new I didn't even try to guess where to put a stop loss, now I am bagholding with you all. It hurts but I feel rather confident things will get better, much better.
(it helps that my other coins are performing nicely)
Oh I mean I’m kyc approved it took 5 minutes and I’m in the US so if I do go in I have the limit to withdraw
How are we gonna get out of this one bros... Why isn't reddit buying our bags...
Jokes on you, I never touched that shit. I may think about buying some as a meme at ~10 sats.
I'm trying to get into this. Just set up a coinbase account and verified everything. Linked my bank account and my daily buy limit is $0. I can't buy a single thing. Guess I'll go back to stocks.