LlNK is hitting new lows every other hour
I'm so sad bros
LlNK is hitting new lows every other hour
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Help me i dont want to kms
I'm going to fucking kill myself
I now have 10k linkies feels good.
im ending it tonight.
thx for this life biz
>above 1$
>new lows
Fucking newfags you dont deserve link
cant believe you all still holding... smart ppl would have put stop/limit at 1.20
pretty sure just last month LINK was a called a 'stablecoin' at 50 cents...
That's because Sergey stood up in front of a bunch of reputable people and told them he was going to make further announcements this week, and then failed to do so. I hold 100k link and I'm sorry but I'll be the first to say that these guys may have a really technically great product, but they are absolute retards when it comes to how they carry themselves in public.
They literally don't give a shit about any of us or any future potential investors/adopters/customers. That either means they are total retards and we are fucked or they have enough customers locked in that it doesn't matter what they say to the rest of us. We'll see next week.
remember when it was a 30 cent stablecoin?
> ppl
return to reddit
It's right on support now. Buy on bullish bounce or sell if it goes under ~13k sat.
>low is $0.15
>currently $1.07
>new lows every hour
How new are you people complaining about these gains? I’m fucking rich thanks to LINK. Won’t ever sell, will only buy from you twenty seven teens who don’t have the patience to ever make it no matter what you’re buying.
It was $0.50 cents last month. The fuck are you talking about “new lows”?
WTF Why is Sergey hitting a journalist?
it's easier to hodl than trading u fukken faggit
yea easy for you with your little stack.. for others its a loss of 10s of thousands of $$
i have a 62k stack. this is not a loss as it's still up from my initial investment. also, the big bullrun hasn't even started yet. now go back to plebbit you npc faggot
keep holding while price drops then dum kid
the absolute state of bagholders when swing linkers are making 25% on each trade
he's angry
More time to accumulate
Feels like the REQ downfall. Mainnet will turn out to be vaporware.
Holy fuck just leave this place and never come back you worthless sack of shit.
> New lows
The fuck, fag? Did you buy the top?
>The smart thing to do is always easy
Fuck you, I’m holding too but don’t be a bitch boy.
>angry, scared Stinker lashes out at random innocents as his investment collapses
Like pottery
is subtle b8 posting as newfags the newest trend amongst zoomers?
I think it’s just summer
daily reminder for newfags: chainlink is a biz pump and dump scam coin. have a nice day
Sell link, buy back target 10.5k sat.
I'm selling if it plummets to 95c. Fuck you Jow Forums and your shit coin.
>New lows
Do you know what any of those words mean?
This made me lol. Make sure to sell low bro
I went all in with an average entry of 0.20. If we cross 1.01 I’m out.
I bought some of it at around $1 and the rest at $1.20. I'm still hoping it can bounce back but I can't lose more money.
>but they are absolute retards when it comes to how they carry themselves in public.
This. I never expected a lot from the CL team from a PR perspective....but the past week has been a complete and utter fucking joke. They are aware of the impact it's having and literally don't give a shit. I'm not sure to take this as good sign or not. Either it's a good sign because they know things are about to really explode that it won't matter or it's a bad sign because they are really that tone def. For the life of me, I did not see this level of unprofessionalism coming the most important week for this coin.
>They are aware of the impact it's having and literally don't give a shit.
when your main customers are autistic NEETs who spend all their time larping about killing bots or blasting asses, I think it'd be difficult to give a shit.
It really does blow my mind. The 44 reasons post was a copy and paste from biz and sergey’s scribbles, “blawg powst” delayed without explanation, messages in telegram deleted, and a dumping price.
Very unprofessional and actually surprising. I always thought their silence meant they were focused, but their lack of follow-through on the blog post makes me wonder if all the fud was true
>two man team
>ico money spent on hookers and big macs
> group cuckolding of the team by their SO’s
> literally who partnerships
> tom gonser was born a woman
>new lows
the absolute state
journalist was trying to expose the shadowfork
One would think they might have done it on purpose to keep the price and hype down
If meme magic can get the orange emperor into office and drive celebrities insane from the worlds largest game of CTF then fuck you I'm going to get rich by sitting on my ass and holding little blue internet cubes
don't be sad that it's over, be happy that it happened
I love you linkies you provided the best memes and lulz iwth your cult for two years. God bless you.
Fuck you spamming cunts. 20+ threads filtered. Retards.
Who's laughing now?
link needs a lot more volume on the buy side in order to recover. It will be obvious if it is going to pamp again
>holding little blue internet cubes
He doesn’t know you can’t actually hold the cubes in your hands
why aren't you hitting journalists?
Whoa, dont need to act like its the mainnet thats been delayed. They set back the date probably because they needed couple of more days to edit/add something. Its not something crucial so please stop exaggerating things during these dumps.
It's sad honestly, I can see posters here slowly unraveling as they realize the pixie fantasies they have been huffing for the past two years are just that: fantasies. No sweetie, you aren't going to see a team of literal nobodies appear and sell you a direct stake in the future of automated insurance and derivatives. That's called a SCAM you idiots. At first I thought nobody would believe it when we started shilling here but your lives must really be shit that you would unironically wire all your money to some chink exchange located God-knows-where overseas. It's hard to even feel guilty taking money from you retards because at this point it's clearly natural selection at work. Now after TWO YEARS the hopium just isn't giving you degenerates the same hit that is used to. Prepare to see this board collectively shift to full on, industrial-grade COPIUM over the next couple of weeks.
>t. whale that dumped his bags on you at SIBOS and again this week
Listen I care about the financial well-being of you anons, and link isn’t going anywhere. Sell now. Don’t be deluded. Don’t be a linkie
The fud is crazy right now. Hold strong broos, dony give into fear.