Do your friends and family know that you're in crypto?

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they know but think it's like 3k at most lmao

family knows, mostly my mom she always says 'saw bitcoin was 8k, is that good or bad for you?'
friends hate when i talk about crypto since ive been shilling it since 2011 though i only shilled its idea and didnt actually buy to invest til a couple years ago. but they hate when i bring it up since it kind of reminds everyone we've all known about it forever

Yes but no idea how much. Including my wife.

So user, when it wouldn't let you post a thread without a picture and you were thinking about your mother why do you think you were so inclined as to post a picture of a half naked woman.

No, I think we need to keep the normies out of as long as possible to reap the greatest gains.

Plus telling people introduces lots of security risks. If all your friends start telling their friends that you're making a killing on crypto, sooner or later some thug is going to come knocking on your door or going to try to hack your shit.

They know I'm interested in it, but they think it's more of a hobby. I imagine they'd probably have a collective aneurysm if they found out I invested my life savings in Chainlink.

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I told all of my friends and family to buy in november thru february. Every one of them said it would go down more and told me I should sell.

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all women are whores

Hell no. Imagine the shame and embarrassment

They think I've $100 invested

it's $12k


kek this

Only my dad and best friend know the amount but I talk about it sometime with extended family and acquaintances
Only had 1 good conversation back in 2016 with a life long bank employee other than that it's pretty cringe trying to explain it

You need someone genuinely interested and at least an hour to convey why bitcoin is so special

Only my mom and brother know. I hate the rest of my family and don't want them to make a lot of money from crypto so fuck them.

only my brother

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Same situation.

>life savings in ChainLink

How do you manage to breathe and post at the same time?

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Who is she?

told my mum i have 100k in crypto. she is like hso what you want son i dont unserstand crypto. still in uni so kinda comfy with holo and ftm and link and eth/btc

Holy shit, are you guys serious
I haven't told a fucking soul about my crypto activities even after 3 years
If I make it, I'm gonna spend the money as low-key as possible. I'll be buying a house and car while having most people think I have a mortgage and car note (I know I can't hide that forever but I'll keep the image as long as possible)
I'm paranoid as fuck about the idea of people knowing I even have POTENTIAL crypto riches. There are normies out there who'll hear about you "investing in bitcoin" and say you're probably rich, and then they'll plot on you in one form or another

>putting your life savings in anything
Jow Forums memes have made you this confident huh?

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this, keep that shit secret

yes, but they think i only have like 10 btc, when in reality my stack has already grown to almost 40

I bought Chainlink (10k) and then told my mom and brother and one other person that I spent money on it. They think I spent about $1500 only. Mom didn't have spare cash to invest and doesn't understand crypto... wasn't interested. My brother only had $200 to put it, so not bad. I told one other guy, but he doesn't want to look into it. Thinks it's just another ERC20 project despite my best attempts.

I'm glad I didn't tell anyone else and nobody knows I actually have 10k. Hoping in a few years it'll be worth something substantial and my mom can stop working and live her life.


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ayy amirite?? xD

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My whole family is investing in crypto.

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All my friends are söy guzzling normies whose primary interests in life are watching and talking about the latest capeshit. I told them I had crypto investments once, but they laughed at me and said it was a scam, so I've never mentioned it again. To be honest, I need to just dump these "friends" and go full neet once I make it, because they're retards.

Told everyone that I bought chainlink. Shouldn't have since no one wants to lend me money now

Had a body-to-body massage + handjob with a girl of that age and which looked pretty similarly. prime young pussy NOT A MEME

smart man

Yes. I work low level at a finance firm. Some people think I'm retarded. Some people think it's interesting.

My senpai knows I'm in and they know I got rekt. And they also believe in me to an extent.

So I dunno, it's just like any other speculative investment. But I think my conviction is persuading.

Being 22 with no financial responsibilities really helps with the "don't put in more than you are willing to lose" aspect of this.

where do you live faggot ?

OP's pic is hot, but creepy in a belle delphine kinda way

Yes unfortunately
I tried to get them all to buy since 2011 when bitcoin was under $10
None of them bought and most of them are very salty now

This. Win or lose, anyone knowing only has downside.

I shilled them dragonchain at the top
Thankfully they put only little money in
Won't talk to me about crypto again
4D chess

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The tits nullify the creepiness

I dunno, when I look at that pic all I can think is: estrogen in the water supply. Call me a fag, whatever, there's something unnatural about it.
Also, curious to see where BTC is sitting this time tomorrow.

Did you buy when bitcoin was under $10? I'm guessing not or you wouldn't be here.

Nailed it.

>since 2011 though i only shilled its idea and didnt actually buy to invest til a couple years ago
pepe hands

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Who's the whore? Preferably links before the scattoos, but after the balloons.

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Yes but I lost them all
I bought a lot more for a few hundred each
I'm plenty wealthy but I enjoy coming here
I laugh and enjoy the memes
I don't enjoy socializing
I legitimately have autism

No. They know I that I am interested in it, but whenever they ask me how many bitcoins I have I tell them the actual truth: zero. That other coins or currencies exist is beyond their limited knowledge and understanding.

What is her name?

Absolutely NOT
if i get some good profit they'll want money
if i don't they'll mock me

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Yes but they think i have like $150 invested (i'm fiat poor) but i bought in 2013 and have a six digit portfolio.

>i'm fiat poor
might be a good time to cash out a bit while (i assume) you're ahead

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