Gf keeps gaining weight

>gf keeps gaining weight

It's over for me, lads

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Your fault for investing in a depreciating asset

you need to fuck her harder, literally fuck the fat out of her before it's too late and you can no longer lift her

Convince her to get fat transfers, then it's a blessing. She'll just get bigger and bigger tits and ass.


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How much does that cost?


Just damp it

Whales accumulating


GF £600 EOY!

>not just making fun of her until she loses the weight

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It's not your wife yet, OP.
Dump it, don't HODL

HAHAHA nice job, guys. OP, just have her go to the gym and get on the treadmill and do crunches while you lift, fuck what's even the point of having one if you're not gonna stay in shape and have post-gym sex.

Holy fuck my sides just passed Pluto



That was almost as good as the thread with the black chick with her kids who OP was dating and dude said “literally buy my bags”

Me too man, sucks. I even go out and run for an hour in the mornings, and she just lays there like a lazy braphog.

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Same here mang.

You should join the master race men's club and get a bf side piece

Are you me? I run and workout at least 5 times a week and I keep telling my gf how good I feel and how I'm getting in better shape and the fat lard doesn't do shit

She does shit, like eat and take fat dumps.

They are all depressed. They watch TV and look at their friends facebook feeds and are jealous of EVERYTHING. Literally EVERYTHING. They want it all. They want a better boyfriend. They want more money. They want a better house, car, everything.

Women are the downfall of man.

>not dating a girl who has a skinny mom ensuring that she has good metabolism
>not dating a girl who has healthy exercise/eating habits
if her mom is fat and she doesn't work out and you still overlook that then you deserve exactly what you get

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It’s funny how one bases all women off a lazy obese turd of a girlfriend. Fucking
Kek not going to make it

Life hack, carry her uphill every day and you'll get stronger as she gets bigger

Based and redpilled. Finally an user that gets it. I told my friend the other month that if his gf’s mom is fat then she is doomed. Turns out his gf mom is fat, he was pretty upset to say the least. He’s no longer with her.


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she doesn't need to do anything but get fat and have kids
learn to biology


I've got a decent sample size. Also, already made it.

>my gf is becoming a brapper
what's the problem

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>he doesn’t fat shame his brapper

if shes committed enough to healthy living then she can overcome genetics, but if she has a lazy lifestyle on top of fat genes she is guaranteed to balloon

she's comfy with you. all the monogamous ones get fat eventually. observe for six months and consider marriage, desu senpai

Tell her to stop being fat. When my gf started gaining weight I told her to cut that shit out.

during pregnancy it's to be expected as the fetus grows

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out fuckin standing

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saw op's girlfriend the other day, she's such a whale that she has three neets orbiting around her

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all your dignities

this worked for me, after several months of fat shaming she finally had enough and ran everyday for 5 months straight, lost 20+ pounds

>running loses weight

she stopped eating McDonalds and start drinking more of Jamals semen

running was just a cover up

Dump her.

t. hamplanet

That could be part of the problem.. maybe he's doin all the work.. make that bitch work that shit off.