/smg/ - Stock Market General

Tesla to $10, SPY sub 200 and AMD to 6.69 edition

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First for memes

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fuck memes

15% IN QQQ

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Can some one reply to pendulum, I need to make sure my 4chanX code filter is working.

you could have listened.

Ahhh... shit sorry for your loss... I guess you are right but it still makes me angry when I'm trying to talk to him about something (anything) and he gets outright dismissive and angry when I try to clarify my point...
At this age he's also starting to repeat shit several times during conversation and talking to him alone is a fucking chore...
I only meant to talk to him about divvy investing as a way to generate passive income (say 6% annual)... then he got all angry telling me it won't amount to shit

Feeling pretty good about dumping 90% of my Robinhood account for BTC. BTC don't pay dividends, though. Help me divbro, you're our only hope.

I cashed out 100% on Friday, but it turns out I only needed 50% of it for emergency bills
Now I'm based and cash pilled and ready to buy the 35% dip

>need to make sure my 4chanX safe space* is working.

you need bonds frens.

5 year treasury has the potential to more than double your money if you buy now.

Market will miraculously turn golden bull next week.

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I enjoy the thread, but I do not enjoy pendy.
Therefore the logical thing to do is remove him (functionally) from the thread.
If I bought bonds they would be muni's for tax reasons, but I'm fine with cash

Come to me my cheap T babies! I need you to take a shat down to 30.50 for me next week. I need you Amazon to rise up! I need to sell you for some quick Profit. And if it ain't to much of a bother can you AMRN finally get bought out? I need my big cash influx ok.

>Therefore the logical thing to do is remove him (functionally) from the thread.
Yeah, that's called creating a safe space.

>on Jow Forums
>needs safe space


Okay thanks

I've got fuck all for brains but I'm feeling lucky. Gonna go all in and buy $20k in call options. Can't decide between ATVI or AMD or Intel for that matter.

>5 year treasury has the potential to more than double your money if you buy now

Why would anyone buy a bond that, upon maturity, would yield less than what they paid for it?

My .001% of a BTC is now more valuable

Consider the following

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yeah once a person gets that old...
just be supportive and try and listen to what they say, but there is absolutely no use arguing with them.

I sold my TLT on Thursday or Friday
sorry luv

market might crab
don't buy calls
don't buy options until you KNOW that the risk reward is right
time is on your side if you're holding cash, just relax.
Once you buy the options, time is against you: prices HAVE to go your way or else you're screwed.
Make time work FOR you, not AGAINST you, ESPECIALLY if you're young.

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correlation ≠ causation

same reason people buy german bonds.


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My granddad's 90 and still gets around pretty good. Still drives and stuff. Not bullshit, dead serious. I hope I make it that to age and I'm still in that good a shape


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So you're saying people will gladly pay $100 for a bond that will yield them $60 upon maturity?

>AMD to 6.69 edition
I don't think so, buddy.

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I'm going to repost my posts anonymously on occasion just to make sure you see them (and also make the thread with my tripcode on so that you can't use the thread if you have me filtered)

glad I'm not the only one who feels that way
It's a very childish and unnecessary thing, very low quality

>If you've made good money in the past couple weeks, no reason to not play it safe.
and if we've only lost good money? Double my SDOW?

I didn't think people did buy negative yielding bonds, that they were sold to governments and governmental agencies and such. (Maybe corporations, NGOs, IMF, or something according to prearranged agreements)

>Double my SDOW?

only buy inverse ETFs or leveraged ETFs in very specific circumstances.
In most cases, puts or shorts are better.

right now, the market and index prices really are in "Neutral" territory, maybe a tiny bit high, but there is no reason to suddenly crash based on what we know now.

markets are waiting for new news. Again, everything we know and everything we can guess is priced in here. there are upside and downside cases. If UVXY calls get cheap again those are the best insurance

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AMD is going low. I will buy it sub 7.
Think about it logically
It's 100 PE ratio will correct to 15 PE with the rest of the market.
Rest in peace Dobber, your portfolio is OVER

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(you) and (checked)

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I refuse to acknowledge this possibility.

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What are you holding these days, Comfy

How you guys feel about UPS and netease as long term holdings?

let me be real, real, real honest with you now brothers of /smg/

usually when I fantasize about coming inside French birds it's because they're skinny and pale, with long black hair and freckles

But since le Pen won I'm thinking about her daughter, and I might post a couple pics.

This political turnover in France will CERTAINLY have an impact on European politics, and the market at large as well.

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this one is fake but damn

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uranium mining companies

Nothing. I have all my shekels in cash and I have an autistic spreadsheet ready for deployment. I have price targets for 75 stocks so now I'm waiting for the crash. I also had to pull some out to pay tuition, but way less than I thought I did.
Soon brother, the fire rises. The crash would be the best thing that ever happened to this thread

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kek, I've been watching goviex and fission for a while since an user posted about them.

Are you bullish on the sector or on any names?

And what were you implying with your outdated graph, guessing it's market FUD saying crash time?

This is a crypto trading board fuck off oldfag

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Just hodling my GALT like usual
Going to take a more conservative position once we get news of a deal from GALT (if partnership, I'll sell a portion of it at the 10-15 dollar range and hold onto the rest, if BO obviously sell all of it) and park all my cash in VGSH while I figure out how much I want to keep in VGSH and how much I want to use to buy MRKR/some other biotech

My uranium companies are not doing well....

we prefer 'boomer'

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ah my apologies, I was perhaps relying too much on the math of how much prices would have to rise for the yields to be comparable. Unfortunately, that gets unstable when you get to these very small amounts.

You are correct. You'd be better off putting it in a bond fund, and you'll probably get 10-20% capital gains as interest rates fall.

I think uranium spot is do for a big leg up and any companies still in business will see a big bennefit. also look of the section 232 thing. due any day, Then the utilities will start contracting again. Put it this way. By 2030 all global uranium mining will be feeding chinas reactors. Its the only safe base load to replace coal because renewables arent ready yet.

Just don't sell calls on GALT, otherwise you'll be fucked if it moons

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Why did you buy your uranium companies. What was your thesis?

The graph is to illustrate that the market is being propped up by the central bank.There was another graph i lost that showed how much of the stock market the banks owned. I cant find it back

Ok, but it's been absurd for years, and if you sat in cash you lost out on mega gains in the market compared to picking stocks or buying index funds.

I won't, expecting more sideways up and down until some random day we get news and it explodes
I might be willing to sell calls on it if there wasn't so many catalysts waiting to happen at some indeterminate "soon" point (finalized NASH-RX trial design and appointment of new CMO, whatever Back Bay has been doing for the last year if they have been doing anything [IO partnership with Merck/BMY or buyout, most likely])
There's been a lot in the works for a long time and though I've been wrong before about exactly when it was going to come to fruition, it can only be delayed for so long, and I won't let FOMO or concerns about the broader market make me sell out of a position I'm confident in

What's the minimum I should trade for a $5.60 commission on options to be worth it? Can't use Robinhood because they lack option support for cash accounts(and I want to trade intraday).

god, if Trump really got Apple banned in China...




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>mfw apple cheapies at a 7 PE

I think pig ebola is going to put a lot of pressure on China among other things (cheap production moving to other nearby asian countries like Vietnam), Blumpf may have a more advantageous position than it seems rn in the coming months/years if he gets reelected

And when China sells off their treasuries and dollars?

gibs milky

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tariffs would get much more serious for one
also, here are some more interesting things to consider


watching macs die would be glorious

But they still have asstons of coal, don't they? They don't seem to mind using it either.

love how smug he makes the murderer girl... very memeable

Even does art of her disposing of bodies and shit.

Must be very difficult to have this fetish... not something you can get your lover to help you fulfill your fantasies in real-life, without some very elaborate preplanning

VERY tough decision... but I'm going to go with french. Miniskirt is close second. Chinese and swimsuit are close behind. Military is just silly, and victorian morning is... too much.

Anyhow, I don't usually like options or leveraged ETFs because of the whole "time working against you" thing user described last thread. But I don't think we're getting a deal anytime soon and I think people are going to panic when they figure that out.

I think people expect this to be over in a month, when there's a good chance it will last through the rest of 2019. At the same time... feels like it's too late to pull out my S&P index fund...

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meant for

Shouldn't you be able to figure this yourself?

coal causes massive air pollution and china has big energy demands. They will choose nuclear.

>right now, the market and index prices really are in "Neutral" territory, maybe a tiny bit high

Based on what metric? Stock valuations formed an 18 month-long triple top in April.

So if you were in the market in Jan 2018, not in tech, and you've held on since then you've made jack shit.

I do agree we're looking for news now. The markets are at a point where any large black swan event would instantly knock the market down 10% within a few days.

The same is true for a 10% swing to the upside with good China news though.

I just wish we'd know sooner.

> cant interact with anyone who doesnt agree 100%
>seeing posts with a certain order of letters at the top affects him to such an extent that he cant control his actions without someone that string of letters being removed

you must be real fun at parties

t. someone who hates pendulum

also wasting a post (or more than one) to announce to *absolutely no one who cares* that you are filtering someone is an absolutely abhorrent off-topic post, that does nothing for the thread

past results do not guarantee future results

>there are people in this very thread who didnt buy AMD below $2
ok, now thats what i call depressing

if only Trump could get AAPL banned in America......

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checked. do you see expanded nuclear projects for the US or will it continue to be taboo because liberals are dual-wielding retards?

btw guise

when sqqq had it's reverse split, my broker updated the price action but didn't reduce the number of my share holdings

So what was a $150K position is now $450K USD position.

Wat do

>if only Trump could get AAPL banned in America
but it's the easiest way to know that i don't want to talk to someone, aside from headphones in public of course

We already see green liberals jumping on the nuclear band wagon. Nuclear is the only viable, carbon zero option. Hydroelectric requires the geography and renewables like wind and solar cant base load.

Are we having movie night?

If you want to know more, look up some mike alkin videos on youtube. He lays out a very strong thesis that prices have bottomed.

sell and run before they cut your 400% gains

its hard to get returns like that so fast

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Your broker should update it properly on Tuesday. Also
>150k sqqq position
this is how i know spy will keep going up to rekt autists like you.

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you dont need youtube shills to know nuclear power is the future

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His talks are on youtube but he runs a hedge fund based around urnanium. Its just the platform. He doesnt shill specific companies or funds. He just says like you, nuclear is the future and lays out the numbers why.

Can you really run on 450K though? I'd be a marked man, my country has extradition treaties with all of the western world

If it was a million I'd do it.

SQQQ doesnt track the SPY, retard.

>Absolutely no one cares
>Feeds me this post

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it's not carbon zero at all, the facilities are massive concrete blocks that take enormous amounts of water and energy to produce. They're carbon-intensive structures.

They also make the land they're built on unusable, and we still have NEVER successfully decommissioned a nuclear power plant.

Also, the tech keeps getting better, so by the time you've finished construction on one, it's already "obsolete". Making it seem like the best time to switch to nuclear is always later.

Lastly, huge terror risk. Creates a giant target that could be used to destroy a large area and cripple the infrastructure for a much larger area.

I really like the idea of nuclear. Everything has costs, we're fucking up our water supply with fracking and fucking up the climate with hydrocarbons, but nuclear is hard to fully endorse.

You'd have to be foolish not to have serious reservations about nuclear energy, even if you think it's the best option.

>bank error in your favor, collect $300K!
Are you seriously thinking that they'll just give you that money?
It'll be fixed before the market opens. It's like when people think they've made incredible profits after a reverse stock split. It's just a problem with the interface/software/whatever.

I want to WRECK that little spinner.
Shame about her baby, though.

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I'll go down this rabbit hole, why not

VFC is a very good stock, I recommend it because:
>Dividend aristocrat
>Just shed the dumb part of the company is a split
>Divy growth
>Idolized by other companies for it's constant good management
>North face is a good brand
>Owns Vans for the zoomers
I like the brands and dividend. Buy it after it falls 30% in the coming crash and you'll never regret it

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>It'll be fixed before the market opens

The market already was open on Friday, they didn't correct shit.

I agree they will correct it eventually, but I'm not exactly going to call them up to notify them.

Plz let there big a big market shat on Tuesday. Cheapies come here Cheapies. More bad Trade War shit plz.

Up 75% in APHA and CRON (weedstocks) in half a year) yet Jow Forums is so biased against cannabis

COLM is also a based and clothepilled brand. Similar rational, but I would only wait for a 20 to 25% crash, as it's fundamentals determine it's actually cheaper than VFC
It doesn't have as long of a dividend history as VFC, however it will grow both it's equity and dividend faster

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I don't know if i was lied to when i was told the nuclear power plant i grew up two miles from provided power for the city and not us, but i doubt it.
And using a less effective energy policy because of a terrorist risk while having an interventionist/open boarders foreign policy is the dual-wielding retardation I spoke of

its a bubble. Want to buy a company with a $20B market cap and 20M profits? you can make money in a bubble but beware.

Thinking of throwing all my money into NBRV. Who is with me

AEO is not based.
I wear their clothing on a regular basis, and at one point they produced a hoodie that made me look like the unabomber. Very cool!!
However, their dividend could be considered erratic at best.
Lack of stable divided shows that someone at the top is a loser cuck who needs to get their life together.
If AEO was able to grow their dividend at at least a 6.6% rate for three years in a row, then I would very much buy.
Placing AEO on a watch list, but I do not recommend it as a buy

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no one has an open borders policy...

But if we did, it would be the opposite of retarded to use less effective energy policy. Retarded would be nuclear power AND open borders.

>I don't know if i was lied to when i was told the nuclear power plant i grew up two miles from provided power for the city and not us, but i doubt it.
What? I don't see the relevance here. But that's cool, hope your school took you on field trips there and shit.

What's your target?
I assumy you're waiting for the crash

where are the cheapies

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LB is something an absolute brainlet would buy. They would look at it for 10 seconds on finviz and buy it for "muh high yield. LB holders are on the same mental capacity as T holders.
LB has negative shareholder equity, and is paying a dividend that far exceeds EPS generated.
Victoria secret models aren't even hot, they don't have boobs and don't have high enough fat content to have my children.
I would rate this a sell.
>Buy (after crash)

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>doesn't understand my post
>replies anyway

Based VFC will be a buy at $60, but wait for it to stabilize as it may go below that.
VFC showed it was SPY's correlation bitch in December, so the worst the SPY does the further VFC will plunge

I like GIL over VFC, unironically better product

Oh fugg thank you for showing me this user, I forgot about this in my spreadsheet!

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you are replying to bait

>>it's not carbon zero at all, the facilities are massive concrete blocks that take enormous amounts of water and energy to produce. They're carbon-intensive structures.
literally same argument can be made for every renewable energy, especially ones that use rare earth elements

>>You'd have to be foolish not to have serious reservations about nuclear energy, even if you think it's the best option.
baitiest bait ive ever seen
>id is literally sCuM

thanks for the (you)'s
cute girl, one on the left anyways

the recent spike was the perfect time to buy puts
you are brainlet if you cant see that

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