I have this fucking retarded faggot friend who is an "artist" living off his parents money in LA who made like 2...

I have this fucking retarded faggot friend who is an "artist" living off his parents money in LA who made like 2 million dollars with bitcoin in 2017 and now just travels the world. He told me to buy but I didn't believe him because he's an douche, and just watched and watched as every time we'd meet up he'd go "HOLY SHIT IM LIKE WORTH 500K NOW/800K NOW/BROKE 1MM NOW/etc etc"

I have 3k saved up. Tell me what I need to do. I want to go to Japan and Italy and shit too.

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All in LINK, literally your last chance this week to turn that to a millie



Maybe next time dont feel so superior to other.

I would hate this "friend" furiously

Last chance

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You need to all in Link. You really have like a couple days left. Do it now, cause when that blog post drops its going to at least $3

its ur fault for being a stubborn idiot. Why blame him. Hes was being a good friend telling you about it .

OP butthurt because his friend tried to make him rich? Kek, poorfags are so pathetic

No, because he threw in about 70k I think.

NORMAL PEOPLE don't have seventy thousand dollars to throw at some bullshit. I honestly don't even know how he found out about bitcoin, he doesn't invest or do anything to generate money that I'm aware of. His parents just give him money while he browses the internet all day.

He's actually being a bigger fag than he already is by telling me, because he knows I don't have that much spare money to invest in things.

hahahahahahahahaha fucking kys you ungrateful faggot you are a terrible friend I hope he never gives you advice again.

People who come from rich families, as I’m assuming he does since he lives rent free in LA as well as your head, usually know something dumbass wagecucks like you don’t. He probably had a cousin in tech or something

Im not buying link you retarded fucking idiots, it's gone up like 3x in the past few weeks.

Give me something else.

Envy is not a good look.

>since he lives rent free in LA as well as your head

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Buy chainlink now get the fuck off our board poorfag

Again with the stubbornness. This is a personality defect in you. Are you 5 years old?

Link is actually one of the few good crypto projects.

Holy fuck no wonder your so poor. I’m sorry but it’s over for you, you’re just too retarded and will forever be a retarded poorfag.

>Tfw you ask for help and it's not good enough

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your first step should be to stop being a retard and calling people more succesful than you "retarded faggots" and "douches"
you know nothing. you are like a little baby. learn. be rational. don't be emotional. learn. lurk.
now fuck off

You're a complete bitch

>rent free in LA as well as your head
top fucking kek

You're human garbage for hating on his success. Go make your own fortune you smug faggot.

>retarded faggot friend
>richer than you
>gave you an awesome financial advice
Now you're so salty you go shit talk him on Jow Forums
You won't make it.

You're going to be poor the rest of your life if you don't drop this envy. Admit it, he was smarter than you. He risked resources and won. He told you about it and your first response was to be annoyed.

Good luck.

Is he a jew?

with 3k you can buy 3k link which will get you 3 million dollars by 2021

you seem like an insufferable and ungrateful retard but tell me what he's shilling now so I can get in

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see all the people saying "go all in link"? they are like you. people with no vision that missed the crypto hype because they thought it was a scam everytime they heard about it from news / friends. now they see others getting rich and they want to get some of it too, but its too late. so they try desperately to get on the ground floor of something as if there were infinite opportunities, but there are not. you had bitcoin and you had ethereum. you had 10 years to invest in crypto. for some to be rich, others have to be poor. its that simple.
remember this everytime you see a link shill, because you are talking to desperate people who are simply desperate to stop being poor failures

It's not "risking" anything when your parents just support you. They paid for his college, his car, his apartment (which he owns). He doesn't know fucking shit about money or responsibility.

He asked ME to risk it, actually. I actually have something to lose.

I know but I won't tell you idiots. He's lost money before so it's not like a sure fire thing.

2nd this, I told many friends about crypto for years with some being interested only in the last month, they had their chance to be financially free from slaving.


"Link is actually one of the few good crypto projects"


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you're a complete fucking bitch lmfao
imagine being this jealous, stupid, and whiney. Please listen to the memeing anons and lose all your money in shitlink lmfao

You are on a board that tells you about Fantom for the last fucking 3 months and Im guessing you haven't researched it.

The reason you are poor is you are stupid.

The strong had offspring, thereby grants it ownership of strong goods. Only it survives. Enjoy pain. Let that mold you. Congratulate the good fortune of others. Become a masochist. He may be retarded, but you don't have to be. Pffffffttttttt.

And this, frens, is why you don’t tell anyone about your crypto gains.

Die poor you insufferable faggot

Yes, OP is a good example why you never let a "friend" know about your business. They'll find a way to hold it against you, seethe, and it'll boil over into an inevitable confrontation. JEJK'D!

The friend may be highly irritating though, so I won't judge so assuredly. It would be obnoxious. I don't blame, OP.

fundamentally and unironically the correct answer is link.

but if you don't want to go that route, i guess you can try buying nkn and holding until it moons (june = mainnet).

This has to be bait

Why? You are envious ape. Op's friend even gave him advice to buy, so he is really good dude who tried to make his friend rich too.

You might be the fucking retarded faggot user. Quit crying about how your friends are finding success and you aren't.

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stfu faggot larping as someone with morals won't make you any less of a retarded faggot

have sex

I wish I would have had the opportunity to buy crypto back then

t. zoomer newfag all in link

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Currently going through what your 'douche' friend went through. Kill yourself, you sound like a cynical cunt who has never does good things for others

even if a golden opportunity fell to your lap you wouldn't take it because you're projecting your own shitty character to others

>there's no way he would give me genuinely good or well-meaning advice for no reason, who even does that?

>NORMAL PEOPLE don't have seventy thousand dollars to throw at some bullshit.
Get your shit together. Anyone over 26 should be able to put together 70k. That's 4 years of saving/investing 15k/yr from post-college salary.

And you didn't risk shit. Cry some more. He at least risked his pride.

rich getting richer since 10000 BC

Anything but culling the elite is a joke, literally 90% of the wealth in their hands

I managed to save 40k over 4 years in the military, then invested in bitcoin. No excuses faggot

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>everybody slaves away in US or CH
95% of people in the West won't have 70k at 26

Never mind in the rest of the world..

Because for the most part they don't have their shit together.

Now go be a communist parasite somewhere else.

This has got to be some quality bait. People on biz are often rude, manipulative, or greedy. But you are by far the most miserable cunt we've had in months. I sincerely hope you die poor.

He's right though, most people are stupid. I was going to ask what that has to do with communism but...

LOL. This kid didn't risk SHIT. Not even pride.

His parents own a couple of fucking dry cleaning stores and sold them for a ton of money because the land they were on became sort of valuable. It's bullshit making money on top of bullshit making money. I fucking hate chinks.

Not everybody can serve the ZOG and get a fat paycheck, consider yourself a lucky goy.

The stories of deployed goys whose gfs/wives got dicked down on massive scale don't really even it out either.


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All in bitcoin 100x times short on bitmex.

We going to 2k before 100k

Same user, it's because they're lazy. I mean don't get me wrong I'm a lazy fuck too but I think for normal people thinking is just as difficult as going to the gym which is why they have neither specific knowledge nor a good physique. I'm no chad but at least I can buy crypto.

>If you have your shit together you win, it's that simple.
Said some retard on some imageboard

Some people are just meant to be poor

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>I want to go to Japan and Italy and shit too.

What about Germany, it was Japan, Italy and Germany against the Jews.

Actually if u arent a retard its pretty simple. I shilled butcoin to my platoon and multiple joes are on their way to 6 figures.

>I'm no chad but at least I can buy crypto
same here fren

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let go of your hate. LOVE and GRATITUDE are the only way to make it

Platoon lmao, ZOGBOTS not only killing each other but now also getting rich.

He even tells you, "its simple", as in every 90IQ can do it.

I wish I had a douchelord friend who knew about BTC in 2017.

Wow, great discussion we're having here. Thanks for letting me know that you're all literally retarded and poor.

>I have 3k saved up
>you're all literally retarded and poor.

This is either really good bait or you have no idea what you're in store for. It's okay I didn't either, but unlike you I decided to learn

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Just put it in a savings account OP. Reading your posts, it's your best chance at making it.

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yes OP do this it's the best advice you can get don't buy LINK it's a scam

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Anyone who pumps that blog post outside of a partnership w google is a complete fucking brainlet and should neck themselves asap

Are u communist?
There always will be hierarchy and inequality, and that's good. Your friend is richer than u because he has rich parents who gave him better genetics. And u are poor because u are shit tier envious peasantcuck. Be happy that u live in this century, in middle ages u would've been starving.

I swear I've seen this thread before, except that it was arguing in favor of banning inheritance because the OP was salty that his friend inherited money and invested it in Bitcoin.

I started with with less than 6k worth of Bitcoin back in 2015 and turned it into 1.2m at the peak of the bull market. I still have 800k+ left because I studied trading and learned how to limit further losses.
I spent none of my parent's money on Bitcoin; all the capitaI invested was acquired through my own work.

good luck with that when they're the one with the power, you fucking retard

Were just killin dunecoons might as well get rich while we do it. Im sure you were just too redpilled to join and its not that you a fat cunt or a fuckin pussy or something.

Bullish for LINK

I have two questions for you if you will entertain them.

1) What resources can I use to effectively learn to become a good trader in crypto?

2) Do you believe there is still opportunity to "make it" in crypto? I personally believe there is but mine is the perspective of someone who's been in it for

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Asians have a significantly higher IQ - that enabled him to recognize an opportunity to become rich, while you didn't.
Sorry you have bad RNG, whitey

So much this

If you don't have the money to invest in "bullshit" then just do something else
You'll probably lose money in this space it's volatile and requires patience

1) What resources can I use to effectively learn to become a good trader in crypto?
Start with John J. Murphy - Technical Analysis Of The Financial Markets

Keep in mind that regardless of how much reading, you'll get JUSTed from time to time
Emotions affect how you perceive price action/chart patterns/indicators
You will be wrong a lot, which may scare you into not entering when the odds are in your favor

2) Do you believe there is still opportunity to "make it" in crypto?
Yes, as long as human greed exists

Thank you user, I will put this knowledge to good use

Ok, so some fucking gooks who buy some laundry mats in a nigger infested area that gets gentrified by over privileged white hipster millennial nerds who's parents also pay for everything deserve to become multi-millionaires because the niggers got priced out?


And now this fucking faggot is traveling the world. He deserves NONE OF IT.

Dont daytrade you retard
Buy Link, its literally your last chance, even if it goes to zero.

Already feel bad that i told my friends about link, now they meme me, only one guy bought 200€ worth of, while i am literally all in. Sucks to know they will turn into tards like you

post a hand pic, I'll bet it's brown

OP my story is I won 20k gambling and put it all into bitcoin in 2015
I only cashed out 300k in 2017 but bought back in at 6k
Peak was 3.2m sitting at 1.4m now
I still refuse to spend money on frivolous shit or cash out
I've spent over 1000 hours studying this stuff
You're never going to make it like me

The chad coiner artist, the virgin jealous nocoiner

I am already all in on LINK. I would have bought more but banks aren't open on weekends where I live. I envy you oldfags, I didn't truly learn about link until a month or so ago. (My own fault, I admit. But better late than never)

But if LINK does moon I'll have to do something with my wagecuck fiat, might as well gamble it since I'm not selling my link until 1K

>Never bought low.
>Wants to get in now that everything's pumped.
Welcome to biz. You'll fit right in.

Buy the SNTVT dip.

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>born poor
>believes the whole world owes him
Read "The Subtle Art of Not Giving A F*ck". You're entitled and arrogant, and I normally wouldn't help people like you. But you're so full of anger and hatred that I actually feel sorry for you. Get better user

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dunecoons today, brothers by the millions less than a hundred years ago

Makes no difference to the circumcised zogbot, what matters he got rich off bitcoin.

Gotta be a real special scum to be born poor in the US and have to enlist to make ends meet.

sounds like youre the faggot

>all of the faggots in here defending OP's "friend"

This "friend" sounds like a massive cunt. Its one thing to celebrate your successes but its another thing to rub it in the face of people who aren't such.

I can't even fathom if I would have joined the service and put that money into bitcoin in 2010 after I graduated

I found out about bitcoin from marijauna sites describing how to buy it online so it probably would have never happened anyways

You really are going to fucking poor your entire life.

Legit just quit trying, you've already nailed the coffin shut.

There is no comeback for you - it's literally too late.

Your brain is a defective piece of machinery - please destroy.