>tfw chronic loneliness is driving you to suicide
Tfw chronic loneliness is driving you to suicide
Stream it
>not accumulating mass by lifting weights
>not accumulating friends by pursuing hobbies
>not accumulating chainlink and securing his future during the next Industrial Revolution
well what the fuck have you been doing this whole time?
Get good.
>just go out and make new frens user
how the fuck do u do that without coming across as the weird guy there by himself
Just go outside faggot
>hey whats good bros
>you wanna play some darts
Find a hobby that is shared by equally autistic losers to start. Magic the Gathering and Warhammer 40k are fun. Dungeons & Dragons. At the same time, lift, and work on skills like firearms training, gardening, wilderness survival. Join a gun club, join a communal garden, etc.
If u are scared of being seen as weird just find the people that are as "weird" as you and friend them.
Have you tried shitposting?
This. Download MTGA/Read on D&D and play it on tabletop sim. Then, head to your local gamestore. Those places are dens of autism and loneliness. If you simply head there every couple weeks and begin learning to play from people, getting better at the game etc. In no time you will probably have made at least a couple close acquaintances, and you go from there.
>buy switch + extra gc controllers
>ey bros lets smash ;)
>200 hours of friday night smash ultimate later, you've got yourself a social life
that's fukin ez
please hang in there user. use that energy to change what you want changed. at my lowest i talked to a couchjew for a few months for free at my local health department. id probably be dead by now if i hadn't.
how to into D&D?
bee yourself
First, find a playgroup. Get a couple more buddies and ask their DM if he's available to do a test run. Then whenever he can, he'll do a newbie campaign for you and your buddies, something that won't take longer than 3-4 sittings. Before the first session, there'll be a "session 0" there, DM will give you a quick rundown and let you know how the character creation works, what actions you can take per day etc. If you wanna get a headstart, simply begin reading the 5E D&D Manual. Jews of the Coast sells them forl ike 50 bucks, but you can easily find the PDF online.
>Read on D&D
>Then, head to your local gamestore. Those places are dens of autism and loneliness. If you simply head there every couple weeks and begin learning to play from people, getting better at the game etc. In no time you will probably have made at least a couple close acquaintances, and you go from there.
Game stores usually have regularly scheduled game nights. There also might be posters for private games, or you might be invited to private games if you make friends on the public night. D&D is a lot of fun, and being an autist isn't a problem with tabletop RPG's.
FuckFuck you for showint me that disgusting image.please amend your ways
You’re only lonely if you don’t like the person you are with, which means you don’t like yourself.
thanks, lads.
Exactly. Maybe get a dart board and train up for a week or two, hit the bar and see if you can join a game. Everyone would respect even if you were playing alone, some might want to join in.
Even if you hate darts, just do it. You'll like it when you're eventually good at it. The secret about picking up a hobby as an adult is to just get a skill. No hobby seems too interesting at the beginning, but it should get you some respect out of it and break the monotony. You need to do a new task or else you'll just waste your life beating off and living in front of a screen.
the secret is to do something mildly uncomfortable, but commit to it for at least a couple or few goes
Same boat as you op. Super lonely, however not suicidal. If I am going to go out, I am going out like a chad, with a bang in minecraft.
I did this a while ago with dancing. I never gave a fuck about it, and did fine until 28 without ever doing it. Zero interest ever. I was very bored one day and randomly searched up 3 15 minute dancing tutorials and just followed along. Those 45 minutes of noob practice changed my outlook for 3 days after. I am not good now, but a few hours of that was infinitely more rewarding than fucking around on the internet with potential to become a more interesting person.
and incelled
honestly how did men become such incels
feminism i suppose, you'd all be married with children by now worrying about paying a mortgage.
honestly no amount of outside advice or persuasion will help you, people could tell you to goto the gym, get hobbies but you will find excuses....so whats the point
well, I'm still lonely AF, and not a NEET anymore, but at least I have a job now...
anyway, I guess I could help you goys:
the key is to force yourself to go out. find a job that involves talking to people, or sell stuff through facebook, or go to the gym or something, anything. just do it, don't overthink ir
don't do nerdy shit because you'll surround yourself by people that are as sad as you are.