Any former doomers here?

I think im over the worst of it but my time in the doldrums has left me pretty broke.
How did you move on with your Jow Forums goals post doomer?

I'm 29, I do have a (low paid) job as a place to start at least, no capital and currently nocoiner.
I've worked out about $4-5,000 would turn my life around and is my initial goal I'd like to get to at some point in the next 12 months but about half would get me on my way (I HAVE to get a car to get paid more, I want to fix some niggling medical problems that have lingered for a while (2 ingrowing toenails that keep coming back, bad wisdom tooth, weird rash on my leg that wont piss off), spending a vacation home reconnecting with family cross country eventually).

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Other urls found in this thread:

do 5g psylocibin cubensis, go vegan and start fasting+working out


Once a doomer always a doomer

reminder you can make 90k delivering bread

Ive already started working out and cleaning up my diet, I've even quit smoking (3 weeks now).
Havent had a mushroom trip in 10 years, whats that supposed to do?
How much money will it make me?

checked. zoomer doomer reporting in

Is that a drugs thing?

surely bloomers exist

Bull market return has cured my doomerism

Lol this image is me, except I have considered retirement as a Buddhist monk or being a hobo that lives in the woods.

Thank god I psycho-analyzed myself out of doomerdom in my early 20s

Anons, if you want to know how to time travel, its easy. Just fuck around. Before you know it, you will be 30, then, 35, then 40, and you'll have NOTHING. And because of cynical doomer attitudes that are so common on Jow Forums, you may be thinking, "oh fuck it, who cares, im a neet, neet master-race I don't care"

Oh, you will care. If you think its bad, it going to be a LOT worse. And there wont be any easy out for you, if that is the delusion you have been tossing around in your head. Get a grip on yourself now while you still have time, I would say under 25. 25 is a cross-roads. It will get exponentially harder the older you get. Ive watched it happen, and its not pretty.

>being this fucking based

>once lasted 3 days on nofap
>not "scoffs at nofap then goes 2 weeks without jacking it because masturbation just wasn't on his mind"


I've been there. Just put your head down, sock away as much as possible, talk people up to sniff out any opportunities to jump up your earning potential.

A lot of minor surgical problems like ingrown toenails can be treated at home. jug of hydrogen peroxide and a certain file and proper clippers,

Go to a dentist that will allow you to pay in installments. Taking on debt for health maintenance is the only kid of debt that is unquestionably worth it


Terrible advice. Don't be a faggot and go vegan, or you'll have a huge head and a tiny, frail body. Pic related

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similar boat here.

can we have some inspirational stories please, larps welcome

28, just finished med school last week and start residency next month.

28k Link stack from fall 2017 like 10k xlm and 6kBAT and nothing else.

250k in debt for undergrad and med school combined and will only be making 55-65k the next 5 years before I finally get a proper attending physician salary.

At this point it's still a waiting game for me. Im guaranteed a good salary by my mid-thirties but man I already hate dealing with patients. They are literally all retarded and my soul is destroyed by the long hours and inane work I do barely related to medicine.

Either way worst is over. Will be living with parents during first intern year before moving for the last 4 of residency to save money. No longer smoke, but still drink whiskey almost every not though not enough to get drunk. Still spend way too much goddamn time on this shitty website and online in general instead of sleeping

>fasting+working out
pls don't do this at the same time

holy shit 28 and just finished uni, wtf

Shit, I am 30 and have a really low paid job with half of my salary paid for mortgage. I am going through divorce soon if we won't work shit out and at least I will have a half of it all.

How do I get out of poorfaggotry without falling for cryptomeme? No need to write a detailed walkthrough either, just throw some ideas at me, anons. I am also willing to take it slow and steady, since I don't want to fucking lose my sleep checking some graphs every 5 minutes before I finally go insane and kms.

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med school is different in the US, you do uni first then go to med school which is another 4 years, so 8 years in total. Plus I took a gap yea to teach English in japan for a year and an extra year in med school doing research. If you do everything straight through with zero extra degrees or research you can finish med school by age 26 here.

But yeah, 28, and $250k in debt sucks shit.

live frugally, buy only old cars, save a shit load of money in boring index funds and use a very small percentage of that and buy some bitcoin and chainlink for suicide insurance

Also with all the extra time you have by not going out to save money, learn some cool skills, like coding, web design or anything that you can use for a better, higher paying jobs thats more rewarding

fucking looser nerd

>I would say under 25. 25 is a cross-roads.
Not OP, but ironically this is true for me because I won't be able to use my parents family health insurance anymore. I basically have to get myself financially stable enough to just afford my own health care.

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Learn how to work your money and shift your focus towards building capital.

And in the darkened underpass
I thought oh God my chance has come at last
But a strange fear gripped me and I just couldn't ask

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