Blogpost delayed

>blogpost delayed
>mainnet coming this week (maybe)
>scuttlebut about partnerships with;
>Commonwealth Bank Australia
>suspected (confirmed?) manipulation of market by whales and/or sergey

i earn nothing at my wagecuck employment cave
ive had strong hands for a year now.
whats a marine to do?

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sell, it's going down to 50c by next week

You ask this question and have the audacity to call yourself a marine. Buy rope.

ive heard this so many times during each pump
yet my ROI is net positive

are we done HODLin stinky?

yeh - i guess im having a crisis of faith.
im just scared frens - something seems amiss - especially after whalekillers threads today

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Who cares about a couple extra days after waiting for 2 years you brainlet. Mainnet is done, they're just ironing out some unimportant features. Samsung larp is absolutely mongoloid tier, only retards fall for it. CBA is legit, it's from the SDL CEO, they're just interested in providing their open banking data to their nodes, it's not about the bond thing (as far as we know). Who gives a shit about the fud, it's mostly just bored linkies trolling for fun and weak hands who fomod at the top getting shook out.

this is what i wanted to hear.
thank you sir.

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then sell you weak handed faggot

This, OP is having womanly feelings like a bride just just before the wedding.

the lowest its going is 95 cents, you greedy accumulating parasite trying to mislead linklets out of a couple hundred links.

Eat a bag of deep fried foreskin, Shillomo.

you're right.
you don't disembark onto the beaches of normandy thinking about the what ifs.

thank you for slappin my shit and squaring this away

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>especially after whalekillers threads today
link to thread pls

True marines don’t question it and just move on with life or continue to wait. Things get harder before it gets easier

bitch, hold. They're trying to shake weak handed fuck nuggets out.

Which is fine by me, i just grew my stack by 20% swining between 1.34 and 1.03.

Cope:the Jow Forums novela

i swung .06btc to link at 1.11

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Fantastic show

I understand it's tough to wade through the psychological gaslighting nolinkers and discord trannies spew out everyday but you need to understand you hold the golden ticket, just fucking wait and don't be an idiot and sell your stack when it's $10.

1k EOY
its what keep me going

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look back on this post at the end of june and you won't be wearing a mask anymore.

>But Link is different.... It will be the shitcoin that delivers
Holy fucking deliusion

okay kid, explain yourself

how is link NOT a winner

legitimately - explain your position in terms of relevancy to alts, btc and the current bsv situation

otherwise, shills get the short drop and sudden stop

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posts like these prove objectively you're a subhuman nigger, we don't care about your low IQ go flaunt it somewhere else troglodyte

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