Lost money on matic and tfuel bc i suck

I gave up on matic and tfuel, had gains in both but didn't sell for profit and got rekt. Need 50% gain to get my money back, pls help for real I need this back. Not enough BNB for harmony token sale.

Attached: bigweld.jpg (300x168, 6K)

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>Stop getting shilled by Jow Forums fags and their shitcoins
>HODL stable coin during next bull run

You did this to yourself user

Yeah i definitely did. I'm an idiot. Was holding vechain since jan 2018, but wanted to get some short term gains to accumulate more, since vechain sells off their coins every quarter for funding.

I'm honestly surprised a pump and dump group hasn't taken advantage of vechain yet, that'd be awesome.

Both BYD (2nd largest electric car manufacturer) and BMW are building dapps with vechain. DNVGL is a major worldwide consulting business that is implementing vechain for their consulting clients. Further, Deloitte global cto is on their advisory board and a PWC director is as well.

San Marino government ICO launching in June.
A major PWC client will be announcing their usage of the vechain network in June as well, not a partnership, but a company who is actually using it.

I just want some moonbois to get ahold of it and pump that bitch. Short term price has been absolute shit because the foundation sell offs.

Switched my position into 50% xrp and 50% eth, it'll be slow gains from here on out til I get my money back I guess, but I don't see vechain going up anytime soon unless some whales can pump it.

>BMW are building dapps with vechain.

Attached: 1534239217904.png (606x571, 68K)

Yeah I was concerned about that as well. But that was a year ago. This is a video from the vechain summit and 11:37 shows BMW talking about what they did with it. Not a guarantee that they will ultimately pick vechain as their platform, but still some exposure for sure since they have a working product.


>Lost money on matic
lol how? Matic was shilled hard @ ~ 50 sats!

I got greedy and put more in after making gains because im a fucking bitch.


>not buying TRUE for 61% cheaper than other exchanges
>Doesn't know how to use real decentralized IDEXs
> Not shorting OKeX
No wonder you're poor

unironically scored some gud arbitraging. based

Unironically this OP. Dropped a hard eth. When we break a dollar it goes 10x

nice gem user desu
just need to catch a good run and you will break even or more

Buy a lowcap shitcoin

Holding 12.5k already

but buying lowcap shitcoins put me in this situation, if i buy in on one again i absolutely cant get rekt.

All you need is one 10x which is possible in this market

wish i knew about this a week ago but still good arbitrage though

> Not enough BNB for harmony token sale
stay poor then faggot

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Any suggestions?

fucking retard, maybe someone would fall for it if true was an erc-20 token atleast. can't believe you put all this effort into samefagging with 5 different IPs when even low iQ newfags wouldn't fall for this. let me guess, you sold literally zero of your erc-20 tokens yet?

Think it's legit unironically

look at the orderbook
stay poor pajeet

Attached: wierd.png (128x128, 28K)

go buy matic ranjesh

harmony is going to dump lmao you really are a brainlet

CZ will pump it to maintain status quo of ieo scam. It will dump short term but will at least 5x in the coming few months. Binance business model relies on these bullshit succeeding and they have to sustain the hype.

you're seriously mad because i called out your low iQ scam? come on man, even a toddler notices that. TRUE isn't even an erc-20 token kek


we're early

you fell for marketing tricks. vechain is a scam.

>holding vechain in 2018
lmao fucking retard imagine believing think Reddit shills and holding vechain for a fucking year

why the fuck don't people understand how to set trailing stop losses? You people deserve to lose everything.

its a casino

KYS and livestream for likes. Monetize your channel and get paid